Graduate Fair scheduled on Newberg campus next week

Thursday, October 14th, 2010

Career Services is pleased to announce the program for this year’s Graduate Fair:

Wednesday, Oct. 20
“Getting into Grad School Workshop”*
6:30p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Stevens 109

Thursday, Oct. 21
George Fox Graduate Program Fair
9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Hoover Atrium

*Registration for the workshop is available on MyGFU, under Career Services-Bruin Careers. There is no registration required for the fair.

Career Services hosts Graduate School Emphasis Week Oct. 18-22

Monday, October 11th, 2010

Career Services will host a Graduate School Emphasis Week Oct. 18-22. The week will include a “Getting Into Graduate School” presentation from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 20, in Stevens 109; a George Fox graduate schools fair from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 21, in the Hoover lobby; packets of information for students; and a discussion blog on Career Services’ website.

Registration for the Oct. 20 presentation is available on Bruin Careers and is limited to the first 40 people.

Career Services offers free resource to learn more about working overseas

Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

Interested in living or working overseas, but not sure how to do it? The Big Guide can help. The Office of Career Services has a subscription to this great interactive website that allows you to access its abundant resources for free.

Visit and find the link under “News and Updates” to activate your free account. Once registered, you can network with others interested in living or working abroad, both inside and outside of George Fox, and can access numerous videos and text resources to help you prepare for your upcoming adventure.

If you have any questions, contact Career Services at ext. 2330, via e-mail at, or in person at our new location on the first floor of the Stevens Center.

Newberg campus closed Friday for mid-semester holiday

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

The Newberg campus will be closed Friday, Oct. 8, for the mid-semester holiday. All offices, the Bruin Bookstore and the library will be closed.

University’s Behavioral Health Clinic offers free parenting class

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

The George Fox Behavioral Health Clinic is offering a free eight-week parenting class for parents of ages 1-18. Build better relationships with your kids and get better behavior, too! Snacks provided. Sorry, no childcare is provided.

Sessions last from 5:30 to 7 p.m. each Monday from Monday, Oct. 11, through Monday, Nov. 29. Classes meet in the new Behavioral Health Clinic building next to the Villa Academic Complex on Villa Road in Newberg.

Questions? Contact Joel Gregor at

Opt-out option available for e-mail conversation view

Monday, October 4th, 2010

Gmail has announced the option of turning off the conversation view in your e-mail. Tired of related e-mails being “stacked” into one message? Simply click on “Settings” in the upper-right corner, then the “General” tab. The sixth option on the list will turn off conversations and let every e-mail you receive remain independent in your in-box.

University hosts national Conference on Faith and History

Thursday, September 30th, 2010

Next week, the university will host the biennial meeting of the Conference on Faith and History (CFH) Oct. 6-9. The theme of this year’s conference is “The Search for Peace, Justice and Equality.” Approximately 170 attendees will be presenting more than 150 papers on a variety of historical subjects.

For location, content and cost information, visit the university’s history webpage, the society’s web page or contact Caitlin Corning.

University hosts immigration conference this Friday and Saturday

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

The Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends and the university’s Center for Peace and Justice would like to invite all students, faculty and staff to this weekend’s conference: “Christians and Immigration in a Land of Contradictions: A Call to Biblical Action.”

On Friday and Saturday, join with other concerned Christians as we educate ourselves about immigration in the United States. Together, we will examine details of immigration law and history, hearing firsthand stories about the immigrant experience and be inspired by fellow Christians working to share the love of Christ with our immigrant brothers and sisters. Although there is no charge for those from George Fox, participants are asked to register online at this link.

For a detailed schedule of events, please see our page on the university’s website.

Questions? E-mail

We hope to see you this weekend.

George Fox Center for Peace and Justice

Tickets still available for Thursday’s piano concert featuring Valentina Lisitsa

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

Tickets are still available for this Thursday’s concert featuring internationally acclaimed pianist Valentina Lisitsa in Bauman Auditorium. The performance begins at 7:30 p.m.

Lisitsa will play a selection of Chopin and Liszt pieces in celebration of their 200th birthdays (Chopin was born in 1810 and Liszt in 1811). She is making the appearance to benefit the Friends of Music program, the main resource fund for the university’s Bösendorfer concert series.

Tickets are only $5 for all university students and employees (get your ticket at the box office). To learn more about Lisitsa, visit Don’t miss seeing this gifted pianist perform!

Book Sale in the Portland Center Library

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010

We have a new batch of books out now for sale. Come take a look!

$2 for hardback; $1 for paperback;

Volume discount -> more than 10 books = half price ($1 hardbacks; $0.50 paperbacks!)

Portland Center Library hours:

Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Seminary hosts author Scot McKnight for Sept. 29 seminar

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

George Fox Evangelical Seminary will host author Scot McKnight for a one-day seminar, “In the Beginning was the Gospel,” from 9 a.m. to noon Wednesday, Sept. 29, in Room 155 at the Portland Center. The event is part of the seminary’s Ministry in Contemporary Culture series.

McKnight, author of The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read the Bible, will discuss “the many differences between how we ‘evangelize’ and how the apostles evangelized.” He poses such questions as “Do we need to re-examine the meaning of ‘gospel’?”, “Did Jesus preach the gospel or were the apostles the first to preach the gospel?”, and “How important is the cross to the gospel?”

Admission is $20 for employees and students. An optional deli lunch will be available on site for $10. To register online or learn more about McKnight, visit

9/11 rememberance scheduled at Bilal Mosque Sunday

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

The Center for Peace and Justice is sponsoring a visit to the community open house at Bilal Masjid Mosque in Beaverton this Sunday, Sept. 12, in remembrance of the events of 9/11/2001. We will be leaving from the Stevens Center parking lot at 10:30 a.m.

We are coming alongside one of our senior students, Lindley King, who originally voiced the idea of a George Fox visit after hearing the president of the Bilal Mosque speak at Senior Capstone on Monday. Please R.S.V.P. to if you are interested in coming with us. Let us know if you are able to drive and take other students who will need rides or if you are someone who will need a ride.

The Center for Peace and Justice and the Center for Global Studies

No U.S. Mail service on Monday

Friday, September 3rd, 2010

There will be no U.S. Mail service (no incoming or outgoing) on Monday, Sept. 6. Carriers such as UPS and FedEx are also closed and will make no deliveries.

No courier service to Portland or Salem this Monday

Friday, September 3rd, 2010

There will be no courier service to Portland or Salem on Monday, Sept. 6. We will deliver to both Salem and Portland centers on Tuesday, Sept. 7.

IT offers online video guides to university’s Gmail system

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010

IT is offering video quick guides for using George Fox Google Mail. In addition to printable documentation, we now have short video clips that show you how to get the most out of your e-mail.

These videos get you started with the basics and then some. Watch them on the IT website. More advanced content is coming soon.

Having trouble paying online?

Friday, August 27th, 2010

To pay online, you may need to “enable cookies.” To do this in Safari, point your cursor to “Safari” (top left side of the menu bar). Then select “preferences” and “security” and last choose to “accept cookies always.” For other applications, contact the help desk for assistance. 503-554-2569.

Looking for a Job? Try BruinCareers

Thursday, August 26th, 2010

Looking for a job or internship?  Check out BruinCareers, a new online career center and job posting system. BruinCareers will allow you to:
• Search and apply for positions directly through the system
• Create job search agents to alert them when new positions matching their criteria enter the system
• Sign up for Career Services events

Click on “BruinCareers” under Career Services Resources in “mygfu” to create an account. (On-campus jobs are still located in JobConnect, also in mygfu.) Questions? Contact Career Services, 1st floor of Stevens, or x2330.


Wednesday, August 25th, 2010

Don’t forget to turn in your August timesheets to your supervisor at the end of your shift. Remember that summer employment ends on August 29th.  Be sure your name is typed or printed legibly at the top, it is complete and accurate, and you have signed it.  Payday is on Wednesday, September 15th.  Thank you!
– Human Resources

You can now pay your school bill directly from your student service center!

Wednesday, August 25th, 2010

To pay your bill online, simply go to your student center and remain on the student center tab. Then scroll down to “Account Inquiry“ and from there, “Make a Payment”. You can choose to pay directly from your savings or checking account and no fees are charged! If you want to pay by credit card, however, there is a 2.75% convenience fee. Questions? Please email Thanks!

Missing your fall bill or expecting an updated one?

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

Students who registered after fall bills were printed and mailed in July or who are expecting an updated bill will need to access their student account charges through their student service center. Everything you need…account transactions, pending aid and payment due dates are all accessible online. And now, you can even pay online and give permissions to others to pay online! (See yesterday’s E-nnouncement.)