Becoming a teacher?

Friday, September 21st, 2012

Becoming a teacher? Please contact Beth Molzahn in grad admissions to learn your next step toward an Initial Teaching License via the Master of Arts in Teaching program right here at George Fox!

E-mail: or phone: 503-554-2264. Early application date: Oct. 1.

Portland IT cell phone number change

Thursday, September 20th, 2012

Good news! We are changing the IT cell phone service to a more reliable carrier. The cell phone has had bad service this past month and we apologize if you have not been able to get through to it.

The new IT cell phone number is 971-533-8633.

Seminary professor Yinger presents at Faculty Research Forum Friday

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

The university community is invited to a Faculty Research Forum this Friday, Sept. 21, at 10:40 a.m. in Hoover 105 on the Newberg campus.

Kent Yinger, a professor of New Testament at the seminary, will present “Ruminating on the Fruit of the Spirit: Origin and Theological Significance of a Pauline Phrase.” Kent will discuss some of the theological conclusions that have been drawn from Paul’s use of the phrase “the fruit of the Spirit” in Galatians 5:22.

Please join us!

Wondering what happened to your Google docs?

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012

Google Drive is the new home for Google Docs.

Your files are now stored in Google Drive, and you can access them anytime at or by clicking on the word “Drive” in the black Google Toolbar. Just like before, you can upload, edit, share, and create files online. But with Google Drive, you can access your files wherever you are, from any device. And you can work with even more file types by installing Google Drive apps.

Learn more about Google Drive here.

FoxTALE unavailable for two hours on morning of Sept. 24

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

FoxTALE will be unavailable from 6 to 8 a.m. (Pacific Time) on Monday, Sept. 24, for scheduled maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have questions, please contact the IT Service Desk.

Graduate/DPS student life policies posted online

Thursday, September 6th, 2012

Student life policies for graduate and Department of Professional Studies students are now online. Information about policies and reporting for harassment, discrimination, sexual harassment, bias-related incidents, hate crimes and sexual assault can be found online at

Please take a minute to familiarize yourself with the information contained in the policies.

If you have questions, please direct them to

South parking lot closed Friday and Sunday

Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

The Portland Center south building parking lot will be closed for cleaning and repainting on Friday, Sept. 7, and Sunday, Sept. 9.

Please park on the street or in designated George Fox University parking spaces at the north building.

‘Race to 2025’ seeking participants

Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

I am recruiting two more students to be part of a team of four that compete with other universities in “Race to 2025,” an outdoor missions-focused adventure race Oct 12-14.

As a part of Wycliffe Bible Translator’s goal to spread the Word of God to every tribe, tongue and nation by 2025, this weekend adventure race in Montana seeks to inspire the next generation of missions-minded youth. Teams of four participate by informing their community about the global race to 2025, raising $2,000 in donations for current translation projects, and competing in an outdoor adventure race with eternal impact.

If you are interested or have more questions about this opportunity, contact Mary Owen (

Check out the website for “Race to 2025” here.

Tickets still available for Sept. 12 production of ‘Memphis’

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012

Join alumni, parents and friends of George Fox for Broadway Across America’s Memphis. Tickets are available at a group rate of just $43 each. Purchase online at this link, call Alumni & Parent Relations at 503-554-2134, or e-mail

The show will be at the Keller Auditorium in Portland at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 12.

Looking for people with experience in Native American cultures

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012

The Department for Inclusion and Student Leadership Programs would like to invite Native American students and those with experience in Native American cultures to meet with us to discuss how we can best celebrate Native American heritage, particularly during the month of November.

If you are interested in helping our department honor Native American cultures, please contact Drew Miller at

School of Business hosts free financial seminar Sept. 21

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012

The university community is invited to a free presentation, “Financially Alive: Wealth Creation, Social Responsibility, Biblical Values,” scheduled from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Portland Center on Friday, Sept. 21.

The event, the latest installment of the School of Business’ Speaker Series, will feature Chris Meade, director of George Fox’s MBA programs and an assistant professor of management. In his presentation, he addresses the question, “We are living in times of unprecedented change and a shifting of the global economy. Is it possible to not just survive but actually thrive in this new economy?”

Based on Meade’s latest book, Financially Alive: Wealth Creation. Social Responsibility. Biblical Values, the workshop is a mix of ancient wisdom literature, modern MBA business thinking, and 21st-century leadership principles. Meade’s talk on finances comes alive with his use of “white board scribbles” – visual, image-based original whiteboard artwork – throughout his presentation.

Those interested in attending are asked to R.S.V.P. by Sept. 14 by filling out a registration form at this link. More information is also available by calling Darla Norgren at 503-554-6176. The event includes free coffee and tea.

George Fox Sports Hall of Fame event set for Sept. 15

Monday, September 3rd, 2012

You are cordially invited to help George Fox University honor its 17th class of inductees at the 2012 George Fox University Hall of Fame event. The induction ceremony will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 15, in Bauman Auditorium.

Athletes being inducted are:

  • Jon Newkirk (football, track & field, 1962-66)
  • Ryan Munoz (baseball, 1995-99)
  • Rob Wunder (basketball, 1972-74)

Meritorious inductee: Jim Jackson

Team inductee: 1996 Women’s Track & Field

For more information, please contact Mary Monahan at

Interested in getting involved in Christian ministries?

Monday, September 3rd, 2012

Hello George Fox students!

Want to get involved in Christian ministries this year?

I am putting together an e-mail list of everyone who wants to be involved in our student-led ministries serving the homeless in Portland and Salem. If you want to receive e-mails informing you of opportunities throughout the year, or if you want to know more about this ministry, shoot an e-mail over to myself ( or Steven Ching (

If you would like to know more about other ministry opportunities with George Fox’s student-led Christian Services, e-mail Toni Snyder (

I am exited to see how God will impact the communities around us through the George Fox student body.

God bless,
Mary Owen

BlueZone Store, Textbook Annex closed on Serve Day

Friday, August 31st, 2012

The BlueZone Store and the Textbook Annex will be closed on Wednesday, Sept. 5, for Serve Day. We encourage you to participate in Serve Day. We will be open the remainder of the week.

Alumni office offering tickets to Broadway Across America’s ‘Memphis’

Tuesday, August 28th, 2012

Get discounted tickets to Broadway Across America’s performance of Memphis at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 12. All tickets are in one of the middle three sections of the first balcony at the Keller Auditorium and they are $43 each.

Memphis is an award-winning musical about Memphis, Tenn., in the 1950s. It explodes with dancing, humor, emotion and roof-raising rock-n-roll. For more information about the show, click here.

We would love to have you join us for the show! Contact Mary Monahan at 503-554-2134 or to reserve your tickets. We have a limited number available so get your tickets soon!

Kick off new semester with iGFU

Friday, August 24th, 2012

Don’t forget to let help you kickoff the new semester. If you login to the MyGFU area many services will be available to you. Of course “My Class Schedule” might be helpful this first week. And if you see the option “Current Special,” check it out for campus deals. And remember, if you see an icon associated with an iGFU service, tap it to see what it may provide.

FoxTALE has had a change of address

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012

Lost all the sites on your FoxTALE home page? Never fear! Just log onto to access them. We upgraded FoxTALE on Monday, Aug 20. The address now points to a new environment for 2012-13 and beyond.

Your old sites will be available in for a year. Questions? Contact the Service Desk.

Housing needed for guest artist Aaron Strumpel

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

George Fox’s Center for Peace & Justice has invited artist/musician Aaron Strumpel to be part of the in-residence program and act as the artist practitioner in-residence for the fall semester.

We’ve had a last-minute housing cancellation and need to procure a place for Aaron for the semester in order to welcome him to George Fox. We are asking for donated housing if at all possible for the duration of his stay (he is donating his time to the university), but we will also seek to meet minimal overhead costs as needed.

The ideal living situation would be a space with enough privacy where Aaron could practice his music late at night without disturbing neighbors (or those in the house). Please pass this request to friends and family whom you think might be willing to help host this talented and wonderful musician in Newberg.

For more information, please e-mail Clint Baldwin ( or Melanie Newell ( or call 503-554-2686.

Click here to see Aaron’s GFU Center for Peace & Justice in-residence page.

All are invited to ceremony celebrating launch of physical therapy program

Monday, August 20th, 2012

The university community is invited to celebrate the launch of George Fox’s Doctor of Physical Therapy program at a special ceremony from 7:30 to 9 a.m. Monday, Aug. 27, at the Villa Academic Complex.

The event will include a ribbon-cutting ceremony and will allow visitors to tour the physical therapy facility. The program’s first cohort of 32 students will begin classes that morning. If you plan to attend, R.S.V.P to Mary Monahan at or ext. 2134.

20 new computers available at Portland Center Library

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

The Portland Center Information Commons in the library is now set up with new computers. We have 20 HP computers running Windows 7 available for students, staff and faculty.

The hours for the Information Commons area will be:

Monday to Thursday: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. (starting Sept. 8)