Textbook annex closed during move May 13-15

Monday, May 6th, 2013

The textbook annex for the BlueZone Store will be closed Monday through Wednesday, May 13-15. We will be moving textbooks to our new annex location at 1109 E. Hancock St.

Our main store will be open during the move. If you need to purchase textbooks, please use our website at gfubookstore.com.

Two commencement ceremonies scheduled on Newberg campus Saturday

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013

The university will host two commencement ceremonies this Saturday, May 4. This year, the ceremony for graduate, seminary and adult degree programs is scheduled for 10 a.m., while the undergraduate ceremony is set for 3 p.m. Both will take place in Miller Gymnasium in the Wheeler Sports Center. A live streaming of the undergraduate ceremony will be shown in Bauman Auditorium.

John Davis, a business and real estate attorney who also serves as a state representative (District 26) in the Oregon State House of Representatives, will speak in both ceremonies. Audience seating begins an hour before each ceremony.

Commencement can be viewed live at this link 15 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony.

Also on Saturday, undergraduate department receptions are scheduled at 1 p.m.

For a complete guide to commencement events, visit this page.

Federal Perkins Loan Exit Counseling is available

Monday, April 29th, 2013

Federal Perkins Loan Borrowers: If you are graduating, transferring, dropping below half-time status, taking a leave of absence, or withdrawing from George Fox, please make sure you have completed your Exit Counseling before leaving campus.

Exit Counseling is available online or in person. Contact Vicki Tschan in Student Financial Services at 503-554-2239 or vtschan@georgefox.edu if you need to arrange a Perkins loan exit.

Best wishes on finals this week!

Say thanks to someone who made a difference

Sunday, April 28th, 2013

Is there someone at George Fox who has made a difference in your academic career? Someone who ignited a spark to make you want to learn or attend class or who has acted as a role model? Take a moment to write an e-mail, e-card, or traditional “thank you” card to that professor, classmate, supervisor, or other influential person. Try to be specific as you describe how this person has contributed to your life.

Portland Center students can stop by the Information Desk to write a note. Of course, one can make or buy one’s own card.

Textbook Annex will be moving in May

Friday, April 26th, 2013

The BlueZone Store Textbook Annex will be moving from its current location in the basement of the library to the Beals House, 1109 E. Hancock St. The move will take place May 13-15, and the new textbook annex will be open for business on Thursday, May 16.

For further information and a map to the new annex, please visit our Facebook page. Make sure you “like” our page when you’re there!

Leadership Institute for Group Discernment returns May 20-23

Thursday, April 25th, 2013

The fourth annual Leadership Institute for Group Discernment will be held at Tilikum Center for Retreats and Outdoor Ministries May 20-23. The event is designed to help church leaders lead in consensus- and discernment-oriented ways.

A limited number of scholarships are available for George Fox students (saving $300) and faculty/staff (saving $150). Contact Jan Wood at this link for more information.

The seminar can also be taken for academic credit (graduate or undergraduate for 1-4 hours, RELI 285 or 485; PSTD 585. Contact Paul Anderson for more details or if you have questions.

Farewell reception for Bonnie Jerke is today in Stevens Center

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

After 33 years of service, Bonnie Jerke (Career Services) is retiring. We are planning to celebrate her accomplishments and contributions today (Thursday) from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the Duke Atrium of the Stevens Center. We’d love to have you come and celebrate Bonnie’s many years of leadership and service to the students and alumni of George Fox.

If you are unable to attend, I’m sure Bonnie would appreciate an e-mail, card, or call, but we’d love for you to be able to attend this event. No need to R.S.V.P.

If you have any questions, please contact Sidney Tafflinger at 503-554-2330.

Hope to see you!

Live stream available for Clint Baldwin’s talk at genocide awareness event

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

In an effort to raise awareness of the violence facing women and children in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Clint Baldwin (Center for Peace and Justice/Center for Global Studies) will be speaking at the Genocide Awareness and Prevention event scheduled at Portland State University on Thursday, April 25. He will speak from noon to 1 p.m.

Admission is free or you can watch the live web-stream at this link.

Questions? Contact Tyler Amy (tamy@georgefox.edu)

Say thanks to someone who made a difference

Monday, April 22nd, 2013

Is there someone at George Fox who has made a difference in your academic career? Someone who ignited a spark to make you want to learn or attend class or who has acted as a role model? Take a moment to write an e-mail, e-card, or traditional “thank you” card to that professor, classmate, supervisor, or other influential person. Try to be specific as you describe how this person has contributed to your life.

Portland Center students can stop by the Information Desk to write a note. Of course, one can make or buy one’s own card.

Richard N. Muthiah, PhD

Retirement celebration for Bonnie Jerke scheduled for April 25

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

After 33 years of service, Bonnie Jerke (Career Services) is retiring and we are planning to celebrate her accomplishments and contributions on Thursday, April 25, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the Duke Atrium of the Stevens Center. We’d love to have you come and celebrate Bonnie’s many years of leadership and service to the students and alumni of George Fox.

If you are unable to attend, I’m sure Bonnie would appreciate an e-mail, card, or call, but we’d love for you to be able to attend this event. No need to R.S.V.P.

If you have any questions, please contact Sidney Tafflinger at 503-554-2330.

Hope to see you next Thursday!

Financial literacy presentation is Wednesday in Hoover 105

Monday, April 15th, 2013

During the fall of 2012, George Fox students were surveyed to measure their financial literacy. Results from our analysis suggest that while a number of factors determine financial literacy, the strongest predictor is the respondent’s race. We believe that George Fox could greatly improve students’ ability to manage their finances through targeted educational programs.

On Wednesday, April 17, we invite you to join us as we discuss our findings from 10:30 to 11:40 a.m. in Hoover 105. Taking part in the presentation will be Nate Peach from our School of Business and Drew Van der Werff, a senior finance student.

The presentation, titled “Enrolled to Succeed or Ignored to Fail?,” will be based on the article “Determinants of the Financial Literacy of Undergraduate Students: A Survey-Based Analysis” by Peach, Ryan Halley and Van der Werff.

Questions? Contact Kelly Borror at kborror@georgefox.edu.

Native American art class offered during summer term

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013

Need undergraduate credits? Native American Art and Culture is being offered online during summer term (June 1-July 26). Register now!

Learn more by contacting Mark Terry at mterry@georgefox.edu.

Financial literacy survey discussed on April 17

Tuesday, April 9th, 2013

During the fall of 2012, George Fox students were surveyed to measure their financial literacy. Results from our analysis suggest that while a number of factors determine financial literacy, the strongest predictor is the respondent’s race. We believe that George Fox could greatly improve students’ ability to manage their finances through targeted educational programs.

On Wednesday, April 17, we invite you to join us as we discuss our findings from 10:30 to 11:40 a.m. in Hoover 105. Taking part in the presentation will be Nate Peach from our School of Business and Drew Van der Werff, a senior finance student.

The presentation, titled “Enrolled to Succeed or Ignored to Fail?,” will be based on the article “Determinants of the Financial Literacy of Undergraduate Students: A Survey-Based Analysis” by Peach, Ryan Halley and Van der Werff.

Questions? Contact Kelly Borror at kborror@georgefox.edu.

Film ‘God Loves Uganda’ shown on campus Thursday

Monday, April 8th, 2013

This Thursday, April 11, at 7 p.m., the George Fox community is welcome to a special advance screening of a controversial new film documentary that looks at the influence of American evangelicals on the society and politics of Uganda, one of Africa’s poorest nations.

God Loves Uganda premiered two months ago at the prestigious Sundance Festival and is currently being shown at different film festivals across the country. It won’t be shown in the general public for several months, but it has been seen at Biola University and Fuller Seminary. Our campus showing will be in Hoover 105.

The trailer for the film can be viewed here.

The movie is free – as are the locally made delicious cupcakes and refreshments – and is relatively short (83 minutes long). Afterwards, there will be a talk-back session featuring Steve Sherwood, Abigail Rine and Michael MacLeod.

This film addresses controversial topics regarding the interplay of Christian evangelism, questions of sexual morality (particularly homosexuality), colonialism and politics. It presents its case strongly and, in some cases, includes intense language and graphic imagery. The sponsors of the film recognize some of this may be unsettling to watch, but believe the film raises important issues for a Christian community like George Fox to consider and discuss.

If you have any questions, please contact Michael MacLeod, director of international studies, at mmacleod@georgefox.edu or 503-554-2675.

Celebrity brand manager speaks at Portland Center April 19

Thursday, April 4th, 2013

Make plans now to attend the School of Business’ Spring Speaker Series event, featuring Fortune 500 and celebrity brand manager Pinky Gonzales, on Friday, April 19, from 7:30 to 9 a.m. at the Portland Center. There is no charge to attend.

Gonzales will outline the art and science of personal branding with social media and more. Attendees will learn how to land their next job, attract new business, and communicate more professionally with contacts and customers alike. The title of his presentation is “Strong Words: Career Advancement through Personal Storytelling.”

R.S.V.P. by Tuesday, April 12, on this page.

About Gonzales
After dropping out of high school twice and finding a way to land and lose nearly two dozen jobs before his 21st birthday, he seemed to be on track to crash and burn both personally and professionally.

Yet, by age 30, he was a partner in a multi-million-dollar digital services agency with clients including Kanye West, Beyoncé, Bon Jovi, Keith Urban, Robert Plant and Kevin Bacon, and Fortune 500 companies including Hershey’s, General Motors and Kingsford Charcoal.

Questions? Contact Darla Norgren at dnorgren@georgefox.edu or visit the above webpage. The event will include coffee and tea.

Become an Optimal Job candidate

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

Are you ready to beat the odds in your professional job search? We have a way to spruce up those job-search skills through Optimal Resume on MyGFU/Career Services.

You can build a resume, cover letter, interviewing, eportfolio, website, and articulate skills one competency at a time, or you can join us in the 10-Step program to become an Optimal Job candidate. The program is set up for you in BruinCareers/MyGFU, but don’t hesitate to ask us about it.

Here’s a quote worth thinking about: “Your job skills will not get you a job … but your job-search skills will.”
– Job Search Strategies, Bud Clarkson

Thank you,
Bonnie Jerke (Career Services)
careers@georgefox.edu, careers.georgefox.edu, 503-554-2330

Ushers needed for spring play ‘Enchanted April’

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

I’m house manager for the theatre department’s production of Enchanted April, and I’m looking for some ushers!

If you come help out with the show, you get to see the show for free in return! After duties are done, you just chill and watch the show, or if you’re posted on door duty I’ll give you a ticket for you to come back on another showtime.

Performances are:

  • Thursday, April 11 (7:30 p.m.)
  • Friday, April 12 (7:30 p.m.)
  • Saturday, April 13 (7:30 p.m.)
  • Sunday, April 14 (2 p.m.)
  • Thursday, April 18 (7:30 p.m.)
  • Friday, April 19 (7:30 p.m.)
  • Saturday, April 20 (7:30 p.m.)
  • Sunday, April 21 (2 p.m.)

Arrival times for ushers will be about one and a half hours before showtime (or less). So I would need you to arrive at 6 p.m. on evening shows and 12:30 p.m. for matinees.

Send me and e-mail letting me know which date(s) you would like to usher for!

Much obliged,
Michelle (mcroce12@georgefox.edu)

Don’t forget to attend Grad Night tonight

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013

Drop in to celebrate your achievements at our open house event, scheduled from 4 to 7:30 p.m. today (Wednesday) in Room 155 at the Portland Center! You can meet with student accounts, registrar and alumni representatives, pick up your regalia, enter to win door prizes, and enjoy light refreshments.

A representative from Jostens will also be on site with rings and announcements.

If you are unable to attend Grad Night, please talk to your program administrator or administrative assistant for instructions on obtaining your regalia and necessary information.

Have rental books? You can return them anytime

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013

If you have rental books from the BlueZone Store or another Neebo store, you are welcome to return it to the Textbook Annex at any time before Friday, May 3. Skip the end-of-semester rush and bring it in now.

Portland students may send books through the campus courier by taking them to the front counter at the Portland Center (address to Box #6229).

Questions? Contact Sandy Gidding at sgidding@georgefox.edu.

Workshops cover how to plan, design and build a rain garden

Monday, April 1st, 2013

Do you want to learn how to build rain gardens to improve streams in your community? In a series of upcoming workshops, you will locate, design and construct a rain garden on the George Fox University campus at Newberg.

Plan & Design a Rain Garden: April 3, 5:30-9 p.m.

Design a rain garden based on native soil and the surrounding infrastructure. Breakout groups will visit the project site and work together for the design.

Build a Rain Garden: April 20, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Build a rain garden from a final design. We’ll finish construction, amend soil, plant the rain garden, and discuss maintenance. Shovels and gloves will be provided. Dress appropriately for the weather.

Info for both classes:

  • Cost: $15/class
  • Location: George Fox University, Student Union Building, Cap & Gown Room
  • For more info and to register, visit this link.

Questions?: Contact Maria Cahill at greengirl@greengirlpdx.com or 503-334-8634.

Brought to you by the City of Newberg, George Fox University, Oregon State University Sea Grant Extension and Green Girl Land Development Solutions.