George Fox students gather to stand in solidarity Tuesday

You are invited to stand in support of our black students at George Fox and the black community across our nation. Concerned students and the Office of Intercultural Life are organizing a demonstration on Tuesday, Dec. 2, in light of the shooting deaths of an unarmed black teen, Michael Brown, in Ferguson, Mo., and numerous other black men and boys around the country. Meet on the Centennial Tower lawn in front of the Student Union Building from 1 to 2 p.m. Students, faculty and staff are invited to wear black on Tuesday in solidarity.

Those who wish to better understand why the situation in Ferguson is so hurtful to the black community and how we can pursue racial reconciliation are encouraged to contact Donna Barber, director of intercultural life, or Rebecca Hernandez, associate vice president of intercultural engagement. There are also several student clubs and organizations that have much to offer in this important area.

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