Don’t forget to apply by Wednesday to be a 2023-24 ARC consultant

Sunday, March 12th, 2023

Do you like showing others ways to be a more effective and efficient student? Do your friends always come to you to look over their papers before they turn them in? Do you have a GPA above 3.0?

If you answered yes to these questions, you might have a future as an ARC consultant in the Academic Resource Center. We are interested in students from any major, not just English!

Applications for the 2023-24 academic year are due by Wednesday, March 15. See the ARC Consultant Application Process & Job Description for application instructions and the position description. Contact Rick Muthiah at if you have questions.

Make plans to come to FCA tonight in the FoxHole

Sunday, March 12th, 2023

Join us each Monday at 8:30 p.m. in the FoxHole for George Fox’s FCA huddle! All are welcome, whether you’re an athlete or not. Bring a friend while you’re at it.

We are a student-led group passionate about pursuing Jesus and bringing him to our teams and campus. Gatherings typically involve a message and discussion/study groups. This semester we are going through a series on Romans and would love to see you there!

Bonus: Chapel credit and snacks will be available! Contact Alvin Lai at with any questions.

Hadlock announces spring break hours

Sunday, March 12th, 2023

The Hadlock Student Center will have modified hours over spring break. These will be:

  • Saturday, March 25: Closed
  • Sunday, March 26: Closed
  • Monday – Friday, March 27-31: 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, April 1: Closed
  • Sunday, April 2: 2-8 p.m. (normal hours resume)

If you are considering renting equipment from the rental center, you will need to arrange pick-up and drop-off during these hours. If you have questions, reach out to AJ Heil at

Scholar presents on Lewis’s ‘The Abolition of Man’ tonight in Hoover 103

Sunday, March 12th, 2023

The Apologetics Initiative and the C. S. Lewis Initiative invite you to a special presentation by Dr. Paul Lorenzini’s, “C.S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man Eighty Years Later: An Engineer’s Perspective,” at 5 p.m. tonight (Monday) in Hoover 103.

Eighty years ago, Lewis published his most highly regarded book, The Abolition of Man, in which he critiques the secularization of Western cultures and warns that, unchecked, the consequences for modern humanity are significant and destructive.

By comparing Lewis’s projections with modern cultural critiques, Dr. Lorenzini asks how a revived view of Lewis’s analysis might inform a modern apologetic. All are welcome to join us for this thought-provoking presentation.

Please reach out to Emma Rieth at with any questions.

Participants needed for dissertation research study

Sunday, March 12th, 2023

We are conducting a research study in connection with a doctoral education program. The purpose of the study is to examine the impacts of nature exposure on the perceived relationship satisfaction in adults with ADHD symptoms.

We are looking for participants who are 18 years or older, are currently in a romantic relationship, have ADHD symptoms whether diagnosed or not, are willing to commit to 120 minutes of outdoor activity for four weeks, and have access to an email address.

If interested, please reach out to Chloe Sohl for more information at

Come hear Duke Divinity School professor present ‘The Old Testament is Dying’ lecture Thursday

Sunday, March 12th, 2023

The Old Testament constitutes the majority of the Christian Bible and provides much of the language of Christian faith. However, many churches tend to neglect this crucial part of Scripture. What should be done about it?

Dr. Brent Strawn will address the very question in a lecture, “The Old Testament is Dying and What You Can (and Should) Do About It,” at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 16, in Canyon Commons. Strawn is professor of Old Testament at Duke Divinity School and holds a secondary appointment at the Duke University School of Law in Durham, North Carolina.

Strawn is author of the book The Old Testament is Dying: A Diagnosis and Recommended Treatment, in which he details a number of ways the Old Testament is showing signs of decay, demise and imminent death in the church. He criticizes current misunderstandings that contribute to its neglect and offers ways to revitalize its use in the church. His words are a reminder of the Old Testament’s important role in Christian faith and practice.

For more information about this event, contact Carly Reumann at

Micro-Sustainability Monday: Plastic Use

Sunday, March 12th, 2023

Did you know the only two types of plastics recyclable in the U.S. per the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) are PET and HDPE?

“Recyclable” means that a “substantial majority” of U.S. residents (60%-plus) are near a recycling facility and that the collected product could be used in a new item. To make sure you caught that, 60% of consumers are near a recycling center, but that doesn’t mean 60% of plastic is recycled.

In the U.S., only 20.9% of PET plastics and 10.3% of HDPE plastics are actually recycled. A majority of the remaining plastics are incinerated (15.8%) and landfilled (75.5%). It might just be me, but a Wall-E earth isn’t appetizing. To have a reduction in plastics, we as consumers will need to reduce our plastic use and substitute other materials like paper and cardboard.

– Michael Echtle (

Interested in acting? Having fun on stage? Audition for second-stage plays Monday

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

Have you been dying to do something creative and fun? Been looking for an opportunity to do some acting? Experience scene work with a smaller cast size? Do we have the opportunity for you!

You, yes you, are invited to audition for second-stage play auditions this Monday March 13. Auditionees will be considered for either Act of Living by Robert Scott, directed by Abigail Torres, or Variations on a Theme by Ed Monk, directed by Matt Edwards.

Sign up for a five-minute time slot between 8:30 and 11 p.m. at this this link! Information regarding rehearsal times will be available at auditions. Please arrive five minutes early to fill out a rehearsal form.

If auditioning, please prepare a 90-second monologue (does not have to be memorized) or arrive early and we can give you a monologue to read from! We would love to have you; no prior experience is required!

Questions? Contact Sophia Komarek at

Bruin Community Pantry announces spring break hours

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

The Bruin Community Pantry will be open the following hours during spring break (March 27-31).

  • Monday: 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday: 12:30 to 3 p.m.
  • Wednesday: 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
  • Thursday: 3 to 5 p.m.
  • Friday: Closed

Visit the Bruin Community Pantry website to learn more, and please contact Jere Witherspoon at if you have any questions.

Make plans to attend PT’s Africa banquet and auction fundraiser April 8

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

Need a break before finals? Reserve your tickets now to the Africa banquet and silent auction event hosted by the university’s doctor of physical therapy program! Come for a night of food, fun, and fantastic auction items. The big event begins at 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 8, in Canyon Commons.

Restaurants, dance studios, wineries and restaurants have all donated items and services totaling thousands of dollars to be auctioned off! Add your bid and you can walk away with some amazing prizes.

Proceeds from ticket sales and auction items will go to sending doctoral of physical therapy students to Uganda to evaluate and treat underserved populations! To reserve your tickets visit this page or email Zoralei Dayley at

P.S. We are still taking donations for auction items if you have something you would like to donate!

Veterans: Work-study job is now open in the student accounts office

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

Are you a veteran looking for an on-campus work-study job? The student accounts office has an immediate opening to work with both student veterans and the university veteran certifying officials. The position is paid for by the VA. We will be happy to provide more information to interested students.

Please email your resume and/or questions to Amanda Kaskie at

Check out this week’s Lent reflection, compliments of George Fox Digital

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

In partnership with George Fox Digital, film professor Alexander Chung is creating a series of video Lent reflections on repentance and suffering. They will be hosted on the George Fox Digital YouTube channel and released each Friday morning through Good Friday.

For this week’s video, out now, visit this link. For the YouTube playlist with all reflections, go here. You can subscribe to the GFD YouTube channel now to see all updates, and watch The Daily Bruin each Friday for links to the Lent content.

If you have not yet chosen a Lent reflection practice, make this your weekly devotion each Friday!

Are you a veteran who will be graduating? Pick up your honor cord for commencement

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

Are you a veteran who will be graduating this spring and wearing regalia at commencement? If so, please stop by the student accounts office in the Stevens Center and connect with a veterans team member so they can give you red, white, and blue honor cord to wear.

Questions? Please contact us at

Make Friday @ Fox visitors feel ‘known’ today

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

Today marks another Friday @ Fox visit day. Prospective students will participate in a campus tour, visit classes, eat lunch on campus, and tour academic departments of interest. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions is asking students and employees to help make visitors feel the Be Known promise during their time on campus today.

A few things to note:

  • Plan to park in areas outside of the Stevens lot if possible to ensure enough spaces for visitors.
  • There will be tours rotating through campus and residence areas at 9 a.m., 10 a.m., 1 p.m., and 2 p.m.
  • Consider offering a helping hand if visitors need directions or have questions about George Fox.

Reach out to Miranda Davidson at with any questions about Friday @ Fox.

Look out for the College of PT’s weekly videos on running a 5K

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

Have you ever thought about running a 5K, but just didn’t know where to start? Each week, the College of Physical Therapy’s Twitter, @GFUDPT, will be posting short videos with tips to either help you run your first 5K or to help you run your best 5K.

New videos will be up each week to help you prepare for our annual Run for Africa fundraiser on Saturday, May 6.

Reach out to Jason Brumitt at if you have any questions.

Health tip: Avoid getting less sleep with switch to daylight saving time

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

This Sunday, March 12, is the start of daylight saving time. Most individuals get about 40 minutes to one hour less sleep during the first several days after it begins. As a result, the probability of an injury increases by three out of 100 individuals. Vehicle injuries are the most common.

Here are some tips to make the transition to daylight saving time a little easier. If you have any questions, reach out to our environmental health and safety specialist, Kim Knoernschild, at

Maker Hub’s ‘Tool Tip Friday’: Serger

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

Is that small sewing kit your parents sent you to college with not cutting in anymore? Have no fear, the Maker Hub has multiple machines to solve your sewing needs, including the Janome Serger.

The Janome Serger performs a type of stitch known as the overlock stitch, a type of stitching that sews over the edge of one or more pieces of fabric. Sergers also have the ability to cut off the excess edge as it is fed through the machine. This type of stitching is useful for edging, hemming, and seaming. This process will create a clean edge of your fabric that will not fray.

The Janome MyLock 634D allows you to easily switch from overlock stitching to rolled hemming without needing to change the needle plate. Some of the key features include a tension release device, easily accessible lower looper guides, a changeable thread guide, an easily retractable upper knife, adjustable foot pressure, and more. Check out this video to see how it works. For more information, check out the Maker Hub’s Wiki Page.

The Maker Hub exists as a resource and creative outlet for the entire George Fox community (yes, including non-engineers!). We are looking for student aces. A student ace is simply an expert on a piece of equipment who helps train other students on the usage of that equipment and gains extra privileges within the Maker Hub.

Please email if you would like to get connected or have any questions.

Join the fun of fencing this afternoon in Hadlock

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

Have you ever wanted to partake in a friendly physical altercation, but do it safely? Do we have the club for you!

Join the Fencing Club today (Friday) from 5 to 6 p.m. in Hadlock’s large fitness studio. Both students and employees are welcome!

No equipment? No problem! Everything you’ll need is provided by the Fencing Club (while supplies last).
No experience? No problem! Even if you’ve never held a sword before we’ll bring you up to speed. We do recommend you bring athletic clothes/shoes and a water bottle.

The teaching this week will be on binding and winding. The game will be an extra spooky one, “Vampire.”

If you have any questions, Mark Berglin is just an email away at

Support students at Code Jam event this Sunday

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

If you are a friend, mentor, mentee, professor or classmate of a participating Code Jam student, come to EHS 102 between 2 and 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 12, to support and celebrate them!

We have a network of alumni who are coming to volunteer with us throughout the weekend and a number of participating students to celebrate.

Code Jam 3.0 is a premier hackathon, a weekend-long event where students work collaboratively on a team to build a tech-related project in 30 hours. It encourages students to turn solutions-oriented and/or creative ideas into real-life, practical projects while working in a welcoming and supportive atmosphere.

For more information, email Harry Zhu at

Survey: Cleat Protector

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

Please take one minute to take this survey for a marketing project proposed by Marketing 260 students. It is in regards to a cleat protector product.

Thanks for your feedback! Contact Morgan Maxfield at with any questions.

Disclaimer: These surveys are student generated and are not to be associated with any official research conducted by faculty and staff at George Fox University. Any views or opinions presented in these surveys are solely those of the students and do not represent those of George Fox University. The distribution of these surveys is a service provided to George Fox University students as they prepare their research required by the curriculum. Students are required to have department approval. Any questions about these surveys should be directed to the students associated with the survey in question.