Good news: You no longer need to purchase parking permits

Sunday, April 11th, 2021

Campus Public Safety is happy to share some exciting news. Students will no longer need to purchase a parking permit for their vehicle!

As of next school year, your student fees will help cover campus safety expenses such as video camera system upgrades and maintenance, lighting improvements and maintenance, as well as parking lot repairs. These fees will now also cover the cost of parking permits.

We will also be providing First Aid/CPR/AED classes at no cost to students, so keep an eye out for our schedule announcements starting next year.

You will still need to register your vehicle starting this summer, so please pay attention to the emails and Daily Bruin updates that will be coming out.

Questions? Call Campus Public Safety at 503-554-2090 or email Elrike Shaw (

Interested in physical therapy? Attend presentation tomorrow

Sunday, April 11th, 2021

Considering a career in PT? Join the Exercise Science Club for a presentation from Megan Bos about the DPT program at Fox tomorrow (Tuesday) at 7 p.m. in Roberts 117.

Megan will be talking about the admissions process and answering any questions you might have. Snacks will be provided!

Questions? Contact Karlie Stewart (

Interested in marketing? Apply to work as an intern this summer

Sunday, April 11th, 2021

We’re thrilled to offer undergraduate students an opportunity to participate in a centralized internship program with the university’s marketing communications office.

Students will spend the majority of time working closely with the digital ads manager and content directors to support online advertising initiatives and more! For the summer, this is a full-time position that will carry over into the 2021-22 school year. During school, it is a 10-hour-a-week opportunity and is not offered for credit.

Please apply here. Accepting applications until Tuesday, April 20. Interviews and offers will be made prior to finals week.

Questions? Contact Missy Downs (

Survey: Class of 2021 Reflection Feature

Sunday, April 11th, 2021

We are looking for graduating seniors to fill out this survey for an article in The Crescent that reflects on your years at Fox.

Questions? Contact Anika Perry (

Interested in theatre? Sign up for new class

Sunday, April 11th, 2021

The theatre program invites all students and employees with an itch for acting to take our new acting class (THEA 205: Acting Studio) next year. The class will be Mondays and Wednesdays from 1 to 2:50 p.m. and is designed for all theatre lovers regardless of experience.

Whether you are interested in learning the fundamentals of acting or sharpening your current acting skill set, this class is designed to take your work as an actor to the next level of excellence.

Students will engage in fun acting games, rigorous training, the performance of scenes, the study of acting theories, and critical analysis of performance throughout the semester. This course is a great stepping stone for all individuals interested in being part of George Fox’s co-curricular theatre program of the future!

We have 16 spots available. Questions? Contact Rhett Luedtke, professor of theatre, at

Have Achilles tendon pain? Check out DPT research study

Sunday, April 11th, 2021

Are you experiencing Achilles tendon pain? Have you ever been diagnosed with Achilles tendinopathy and still having trouble? If so, you may qualify to participate in the Achilles tendon research study conducted by the doctor of physical therapy department.

Research will be conducted on Wednesday, April 14, from 5 to 7 p.m. in Roberts Center’s Room 202.

Please email for more information and sign-up details.

Survey: Stress Mitigation through ‘Joyages’ app

Saturday, April 10th, 2021

Hello Bruins! As a real-world application project for Psychology 485, we are collecting information through this survey about stressors and if the George Fox population would be interested in an app called “Joyages.”

This app has many ways of helping mitigate stress, such as journaling and helpful videos. We would greatly appreciate your feedback to see if it would be helpful campus-wide.

We are looking for feedback from as many students and employees as possible. Thank you!

Questions? Contact Carter Smith (

Disclaimer: These surveys are student generated and are not to be associated with any official research conducted by faculty and staff at George Fox University. Any views or opinions presented in these surveys are solely those of the students and do not represent those of George Fox University. The distribution of these surveys is a service provided to George Fox University students as they prepare their research required by the curriculum. Students are required to have department approval. Any questions about these surveys should be directed to the students associated with the survey in question.

Volunteer to have your flexibility and posture assessed by PT students

Saturday, April 10th, 2021

The School of Physical Therapy is looking for volunteers to have their flexibility and posture assessed as part of the first-year Therapeutic Exercise course this Tuesday, April 13, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in the Roberts Center.

First-year physical therapy students will assess how your joints move and check your posture.

If you would like to volunteer, please contact Samantha Skaggs ( or 503-554-2451).  We look forward to hearing from you!

Last day to sign up for Juniors Abroad

Saturday, April 10th, 2021

To all eligible juniors and sophomores, if you haven’t already, please sign up for your Juniors Abroad trip by tonight (Sunday) at 11:59 p.m.

Questions? Contact Center for Study Abroad (

Send in D&D idea for a chance to win Critical Hit Club’s creativity contest

Friday, April 9th, 2021

Over the course of the next week, the Critical Hit Club will be having a creativity contest. This contest is open to all students and faculty, with dungeon masters judging the competition.

There are two ways you can win:

  • Campaign Setting: From grand maps to simple plot lines, we want to see what creative ideas you have in store for a game world in Dungeons and Dragons
  • Characters: We want to see your cool ideas for characters, from the most dashing swashbuckling Tiefling to the quiet, bookish Elven Scholar

Send your character sheet, character concept, drawings, and other aspects that highlight your ideas for a chance to win! Entries will be accepted through Friday, April 16.

The winners will receive their choice of Gun Metal die set from Easy Roller Dice.

Send submissions to Alex Gonzalez (

Earn your seal of biliteracy for Spanish

Friday, April 9th, 2021

Move your resume to the top of the pile (and maybe get a pay increase) by proving your Spanish proficiency. George Fox administers the test to earn the Oregon Seal of Biliteracy via Spanish classes.

Take the placement exam to find out which class is appropriate for you, then contact Debbie Berho ( to learn more and register.

Listen to art candidate talk Tuesday in Hoover 103

Thursday, April 8th, 2021

All are invited to join us for an art professor candidate research talk by Shin Yeon Jeon from 10 to 10:50 a.m. on Tuesday, April 13, in Hoover 103.

Originally, from Seoul, South Korea, Shin Yeon Jeon received her BFA in Oriental painting from Ewha Womans University, and an MFA in studio art, ceramics, from Towson University in 2007.

Shin Yeon is stylistically influenced by traditional Asian painting and brushwork and particularly interested in the female forms. Through her figurative clay work, Shin Yeon explores the underlying universal aspects of humanity. 

Questions? Contact Adina McConaughey (

PT seeking participants for foot research study

Thursday, April 8th, 2021

The Doctor of Physical Therapy Program is seeking participants for a study that aims to assess how a person’s level of activity relates to characteristics of their foot, such as shape and muscle strength.

Participants will be asked to attend one test session lasting about 45 minutes, during which their foot characteristics will be measured. Participants will then wear a step counter for the next several days and return for their last session to have the step counter data collected.

If you are interested in learning more about the study or would like to participate, please contact Sarah Jones at or call 503-269-2161. We look forward to hearing from you!

Join ping-pong tournament in Hadlock tomorrow

Thursday, April 8th, 2021

Campus Recreation and the Ping-Pong Club are hosting a ping-pong tournament at the Hadlock Student Center tomorrow (Saturday) at 1 p.m.!

This tournament will be played as singles and is open to all students and employees of the George Fox community! The tournament is free and everyone is invited, regardless of skill level or experience.

Please go to this link to register, and contact AJ Heil ( with any questions.

Join in fun of spring market next Friday

Thursday, April 8th, 2021

Join Student Activities, in collaboration with the university’s Department of Art and Design, for a spring market on the quad on Friday, April 16, between 3 and 6 p.m. (please note the time change!).

Support local artists and have fun in the process! The afternoon will be filled with live music from a local band, tables with arts and crafts, lawn games, Italian sodas, and a raffle for those who purchase from our art vendors!

Questions? Contact Student Activities (

Listen to art candidate’s presentation this morning

Thursday, April 8th, 2021

Come listen to Briana Miyoko Stanley’s art candidate research talk this morning (Friday) from 9 to 9:50 a.m. in Lemmons 15.

Miyoko Stanley is a California-based visual artist who specializes in suspended drawing installations. She earned her BA in art from Westmont College and MFA in drawing and painting from California State University, Long Beach.

Her drawings are influenced by natural disasters in places she previously resided, including Santa Barbara, California, and Kaikoura, New Zealand.

Questions? Contact Adina McConaughey (

Don’t forget to nominate your favorite RA

Thursday, April 8th, 2021

The Crescent is featuring the best RAs of the 2020-21 school year! Nominate a fantastic RA by clicking here.

Questions? Bryn Heikes (

Apply to work full time for Plant Services this summer

Thursday, April 8th, 2021

Are you tired of summer jobs that only offer limited work schedules? Are you wishing you had full employment so that you can boost your bank account? Plant Services is here for you!

Plant Services has job postings on Handshake for working with our grounds crew, carpentry crew, and porter services (furniture moving crew). You do not need a work-study award to work over the summer, but you do have to be enrolled in the fall 2021 semester.

Each crew has a limited number of positions available, so apply now if you would like full 40-hour weeks of employment during the entire summer on our beautiful Newberg campus.

Questions? Contact Dixie Downey (

Sign up for a discounted massage from DPT students next week

Thursday, April 8th, 2021

Do you have stress, aches and pains, or just want to feel relaxed? Come by to get a massage from a doctor of physical therapy student and receive free stress management advice!

Our mission is to improve our community’s health by offering discounted massages to students ($15) and employees ($20). We are offering 25-minute massages this Monday, April 12, from 3 to 6:30 p.m. in Roberts Center 204.

We will be taking all the current precautions related to the delivery of healthcare during COVID-19.

All proceeds will help fund our medical service trip to Uganda. Donations are also welcome. You can register here.

Questions? Contact Maryssa Becker (

Survey: BSW Program

Thursday, April 8th, 2021

Hello! My name is Ashley and I am a senior social work major. I am putting together a report on the effectiveness of the social work program and have some questions for BSW students about Competency 10.

Please fill out this short survey about Competency 10 and the BSW program to help me with my research. Thank you!

Questions? Contact Ashley Martin (

Disclaimer: These surveys are student generated and are not to be associated with any official research conducted by faculty and staff at George Fox University. Any views or opinions presented in these surveys are solely those of the students and do not represent those of George Fox University. The distribution of these surveys is a service provided to George Fox University students as they prepare their research required by the curriculum. Students are required to have department approval. Any questions about these surveys should be directed to the students associated with the survey in question.