Donate coins and cans to nursing’s service trip

Monday, January 27th, 2020

The university’s nursing service trip to Africa is hosting a can and coin drive from 6 to 8 p.m. this Monday, Feb. 3, so if you’re having a Super Bowl viewing party, save your empty cans!

Just leave any empty soda cans and/or loose change in the lobby of your dorm with a note, “For the nursing serve trip,” or in a bag on your porch. We will come by to pick them up!

Funds collected will support a trip to Kenya to provide medical care to people in the Lugulu Mission Hospital and surrounding rural communities. Any and all donations are appreciated.

If you are a faculty or employee and aren’t on campus in the evening, please contact Hannah Thom at or 406-591-1311 to arrange for a student to come by your office during the day to pick up your cans and/or coins.

Questions? Contact Hannah Thom at

Have asthma? Participate in research study

Monday, January 27th, 2020

A research study is being performed to determine asthma’s effects on the body and how to create exercise programs that best benefit those suffering from asthma. Participants will complete a short exercise test on a treadmill.

If you would like to help, follow this link. Questions? Contact Kelsey Kammerzell at

Friday’s Asian American Leadership Forum has new location

Monday, January 27th, 2020

The Asian American Leadership Forum scheduled for this Friday, Jan. 31, has changed its location to the Stevens atrium at 7 p.m. Jenny Elsey, Insil Kang, Tony Huynh, Loveleen Brar and Satoshi Seth will grapple with questions about the Asian American experience, with Q&A afterward.

Direct any questions to Rachel Leong at

Come to research seminar on algebraic topology

Monday, January 27th, 2020

Join us as a mathematics faculty candidate presents her research topic on topology and its applications. This event will be today (Tuesday) at 3 p.m. in EHS 125.

Algebraic topology is a field of mathematics that describes and characterizes spaces by assigning algebraic invariants to each space, something that will not change if one deforms the space (e.g. by stretching or shrinking) without tearing or cutting. Building on a minimal knowledge of linear algebra, we will discuss applications of algebraic topology in the form of topological data analysis and see some examples of applications in image processing and neuroscience.

Questions? Contact Adina McConaughey (

Make plans to attend Dalton Lecture tonight

Sunday, January 26th, 2020

The university’s Department of Biology and Chemistry invites you to join us for the 10th annual Dalton Lecture at 7:30 p.m. tonight (Monday) in Bauman Auditorium. Admission is free.

The presentation, titled “The True Story of Science and Faith,” will be delivered by Ian Hutchinson, a professor of nuclear science and engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He will discuss how the widely presumed “warfare myth” that science and religion are at odds is a distortion of both science and faith.

In truth, Hutchinson argues, their relationship is a complex story that ultimately leads to the affirmation that God is revealed both in the “Book of His Word” (the Bible) and the “Book of His Works” (nature).

The lecture is one of two Hutchinson will present on campus. He will also speak at 3 p.m. today on “Star Power! Scientific Frontiers of Fusion Energy” in Bauman Auditorium.

More information is available on the Dalton Lecture Series webpage. Questions? Call Vetta Berokoff at 503-554-2710.

Asian American Heritage Week begins today

Sunday, January 26th, 2020

Join the Fusion Asian American Club and celebrate Asian American Heritage Week this week!

We are putting on a series of fun and educational events about Asian America from Jan. 27-31. Here is the schedule:

  • Monday, Jan. 27: History Art Installation
  • Tuesday, Jan. 28: Information Table on Quad, noon to 3 p.m.
  • Wednesday, Jan. 29: Game Night in IRC, 7 p.m.
  • Thursday, Jan. 30: Movie Night/Discussion (The Farewell) in IRC, 7 p.m.
  • Friday, Jan. 31: Asian American Leadership Forum in Canyon Commons, 7 p.m.

Email or Fusion President Rachel Leong with any questions or follow @gfu.fusion for updates.

Please avoid dumping trash in recycling bins

Sunday, January 26th, 2020

Have you noticed the bright sunny-yellow lids on the bins in the outside enclosures? Those are our recycling bins. Please avoid dumping garbage in the recycling bins because it contaminates the entire bin.

What can be recycled? So many things! And it’s a commingled service, so recyclables can be mixed together. Check out the full list of recyclable materials here.

Recycling not only reduces the use of raw resources, it also reduces what is taken to landfills and saves the university money in garbage fees. Thank you for making a positive impact on our world!

Questions? Contact Dixie Downey at

PA program in need of health care partners for clerkships

Sunday, January 26th, 2020

We are excited to expand our medical education programs with the launch of a physician assistant (PA) program in 2021. Currently, we are seeking health care partners to do PA clerkships for our students, which need to be identified by March to meet national program accreditation requirements. You have a chance to be a part of this wonderful initiative!

If you would like more information, or if you know of physicians, PAs, or NPs who might be willing to take student clerkships, reach out to our PA team at

PAs offer valuable and versatile medical skills and serve in a wide variety of roles, from primary care to emergency medicine to behavioral health. Our PA program will give students critical hands-on training through clerkships at hospitals and clinics across Oregon and beyond.   

Celebrate Jim Steele at retirement reception Feb. 6

Sunday, January 26th, 2020

The MBA program invites the George Fox community to attend MBA professor Jim Steele’s retirement reception on Thursday, Feb. 6. Please join us to celebrate Jim’s teaching legacy and amazing contribution to the MBA programs.

The reception will be from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in the Portland Center Room 155 and lobby area. Light refreshments and a celebration cake will be served.

If you will be attending, please RSVP here. Questions? Contact Allie Duncan at

Check out this week’s home games

Sunday, January 26th, 2020

Check out this week’s George Fox athletics home games:

  • Women’s basketball vs. Linfield College – Friday, Jan. 31, 6 p.m., Wheeler Sports Center
  • Men’s basketball vs. Linfield College – Friday, Jan. 31, 8 p.m., Wheeler Sports Center
  • Baseball vs. St. Martin’s University – Saturday, Feb. 1, 11 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., Morse Athletic Fields

Questions? Visit the athletics website.

Bruin Community Pantry announces spring hours

Sunday, January 26th, 2020

The Bruin Community Pantry‘s food bank is now open. All George Fox community members have access to the pantry, located in Roberts Center 110.

Please note that the entry to the food bank during the kitchen remodel will be through the student lounge. Check out the hours below:

  • Mondays: 8 to 10 a.m., 1 to 2:30 p.m., 4 to 5 p.m.
  • Tuesdays: 9:30 a.m. to noon, 4 to 5 p.m.
  • Wednesdays: 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.
  • Thursdays: 2 to 5 p.m.
  • Fridays: Noon to 2:30 p.m.

For more information, contact the student life office at

Award-winning Hollywood producer speaks on campus

Sunday, January 26th, 2020

All are invited to see award-winning Hollywood producer Nancy de los Santos-Reza present and discuss her new HBO documentary, The Bronze Screen: 100 Years of the Latino Image in Hollywood, at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 18, in Hoover 105.

De los Santos-Reza’s film provides an overview of how Latinos have been portrayed in Hollywood in each decade of the twentieth century. The screening will be followed by a question-and-answer time with de los Santos-Reza.

To learn more, contact Debbie Berhó at 503-554-2644.

Learn more about Disability Services

Sunday, January 26th, 2020

The Disability Services Office is here to help you get the most out of your education. We have worked with students living with learning disabilities, ADHD, mobility limitations, chronic illness, mental health concerns, autism spectrum, PTSD, and others.

Click here or come to our office in Lemmons 9 to learn more. Questions? Contact Andrea Byerley at

Gather for ‘An Evening of Jazz’ tomorrow

Thursday, January 23rd, 2020

The university community is invited to Bauman Auditorium for “An Evening of Jazz” featuring vocalist and bassist Katie Thiroux at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow (Saturday).

Thiroux will perform with the university’s jazz ensemble and faculty jazz quintet. She is a graduate of the Berklee College of Music and has performed with jazz luminaries Geri Allen, Terell Stafford, Ken Peplowski, Jeff Hamilton, Tierney Sutton, and many more.

Students and employees are entitled to one complimentary ticket. Additional tickets can be purchased at

In addition to the concert, Thiroux is doing a master class today (Friday) from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in Ross 208. School-age students who come (elementary, middle schoolers and high schoolers) can get a voucher for a free ticket to the concert.

Questions? Contact Nathanael Ankeny at

Stop by the Closet Project launch today

Thursday, January 23rd, 2020

The Closet Project will be open for shopping today (Friday). All items will be sold for $1 apiece and 100 percent of the funds go to the Bruin Community Pantry. Stop by the FoxHole between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. and bring cash!

There is professional, semi-professional and casual attire, as well as shoes, jackets, dresses and accessories. Follow us on Instagram @the_bruin_store for more details and to get a sneak peek of the inventory!

Questions? Contact Paige Jacobs at

Sign parking waiver by Sunday

Thursday, January 23rd, 2020

Graduate students and commuters: Just a reminder that if you are not bringing a vehicle to campus for the spring semester, you must sign the parking waiver form by the add/drop date of Sunday, Jan. 26, in order to have your permit fee waived.

Questions? Call Campus Public Safety at 503-554-2090 or email Elrike Shaw at

Order ‘George Fox Night’ Blazer tickets now

Thursday, January 23rd, 2020

The university has secured group-rate tickets to a Portland Trail Blazers game, and you are invited!

Join in on “George Fox Night at the Moda Center” when the Blazers take on the Memphis Grizzlies on Thursday, March 12. This is a great opportunity to share a fun night with friends, family and fellow George Fox Bruins.

Ticket prices start at $19 apiece. All participants will receive special savings and a chance to shoot a free throw after the game. Visit this link and use the promo code “GFU.” The order deadline is Friday, Feb. 7.

Questions? Contact Nichole Drew at

Swing by the Closet Project launch tomorrow

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2020

The Closet Project will be open for shopping tomorrow (Friday). All items will be sold at $1 per piece and 100 percent of the funds go to the Bruin Community Pantry. Stop by the FoxHole between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. and bring cash!

There is professional, semi-professional and casual attire, as well as shoes, jackets, dresses and accessories. Follow us on Instagram @the_bruin_store for more details and to get a sneak peek of the inventory!

Questions? Contact Paige Jacobs at

Collect your water bottle from lost and found

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2020

Thirsty? We might have your lost water bottle in the Campus Public Safety office.

The current selection of water bottles and mugs that we are getting ready to donate are pictured on the CPS Facebook page. Do you see one that belongs to you? Please come see us at the CPS office as soon as possible to collect your water bottle!

Questions? Contact Campus Public Safety at 503-554-2090 or email Elrike Shaw at

Come to workshop on new APA edition

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2020

Join the Academic Resource Center for an APA workshop today (Thursday) from 10:50 to 11:50 a.m. in Hoover 105. Learn the details of the updated seventh edition APA style, including formatting, citations, references, writing style and more.

Questions? Contact Julia James at