Danielle Warner speaks in Academic Convocation Chapel this morning

Monday, August 27th, 2018

Join us this morning (Tuesday) for the Academic Convocation Chapel in Bauman Auditorium. Danielle Warner, the 2017-18 Undergraduate Teacher of the Year, will be speaking.

See you at 10:50 a.m.!

Do you love to sing? Join Master Chorus this fall

Monday, August 27th, 2018

Do you sing? Did you sing? Do you want to sing? Come join the Master Chorus in Ross 208 on Thursday nights between 7 and 8:30 p.m. this fall to sing Mozart’s Missa Brevis in C major. We start Aug. 30 and end on Nov. 1 with the performance!

That’s 10 weeks, or 15 hours total, to bring this piece to life and sing with wonderful people! Questions? Email Danielle Warner at dwarner@georgefox.edu.

Join colleagues at all-employee lunch this afternoon

Monday, August 27th, 2018

Join us for our first all-employee lunch of the semester today (Tuesday) in Canyon Commons 101-103. Lunch is at noon, and the cost is only $3.

Mark your calendars for future all-employee lunches on the following Tuesdays during the 2018-19 academic year:

  • Sept. 25
  • Oct. 30
  • Nov. 27
  • Dec. 11
  • Jan. 29
  • Feb. 26
  • March 19
  • April 30

HHP department has moved to new location

Monday, August 27th, 2018

Looking for the Department of Health and Human Performance? The department’s offices have been moved out of the Wheeler Sports Center and into the basement of the Northwest Yearly Meeting building at 200 N. Meridian St. (corner of Meridian and 99W).

New payroll timekeeping takes effect on Sept. 1

Monday, August 27th, 2018

Starting Sept. 1, all permanent and student employees will be using electronic time sheets.

Benefits include:

  • No paper forms or signatures needed
  • One place to log and review your time sheets
  • Single point for review and management of time sheets
  • Increased accuracy and efficiency

Watch your email for more information and instructions.

FoxHole reservation form now available

Sunday, August 26th, 2018

Commuter Life has created a new form to manage reserving the FoxHole lounge. This is a highly utilized space, which is awesome! We want to provide the best customer service, and this form helps us manage reservations. Please use this easy form to reserve this space.

When reserving, keep in mind that the kitchen area is cleaned by the Commuter Life student leader team. Please be sure to clean the kitchen after using it. Additionally, all coffee and food supplies in the FoxHole are purchased by Commuter Life for commuter events. Please bring all paper products and items needed for your event. Enjoy the FoxHole this year!

If you have questions, ask Kristi Welker, director of Commuter Life, by emailing kwelker@georgefox.edu or calling ext. 2308.

FoxTALE Reminders for Start of Semester

Sunday, August 26th, 2018

FoxTALE was recently upgraded, and you will see some changes when you first log into FoxTALE to see your list of courses. The default homepage is your dashboard and shows a course overview page listing your course sites in either a “timeline” view or “courses” view. The courses view shows your courses divided in three tabs: In Progress, Future and Past. Courses are listed here according to start dates and end dates. Organization of Courses (video, 1:19)

Because not all courses have the same start date, you may need to adjust your course start or end date. To learn more, view the guide FoxTALE Course Overview.

Use your new, empty course sites as the sites in which you will teach. You may import content from another course site. See the instructions here for importing.

You may need to add sections to your course home page: Manage Course Sections

All course sites are initially created hidden from student view. When you are ready, you can make your course site visible to your enrolled students. Here is a guide on how to make your course visible: FoxTALE Making Courses Visible to Students.

Remember that all students enrolled in your class in MyGFU will automatically be enrolled in your FoxTALE course site. As students add and drop your course in MyGFU, they will be added or removed automatically from your FoxTALE site.

Metacourses may be used in special cases where you want to use one FoxTALE site for multiple sections of the same class. If you would like to use a metacourse, contact the Service Desk for assistance with setting them up.

Visit the FoxTALE for Faculty webpage for guides and resources.

Questions? Email servicedesk@georgefox.edu or call 503-554-2569.

– Your Educational Technology Team

Academic Resource Center: Help your students get off to a strong start

Sunday, August 26th, 2018

The Academic Resource Center (ARC) is here to help students with writing, study skills, test-taking strategies, time management and more. Here’s what you can do to help your students get off to a strong start:

  • In all your syllabi, include the standard ARC description provided by Rick Muthiah
  • Talk about the ARC during your classes:
    – Before major papers are due
    – Recommend academic coaching as a way to get support with accountability, time management, study skills and more
  • Consider requiring a visit to the ARC for one of your papers. If you are requiring a visit, please email Maddie Lowen (mlowen@georgefox.edu) to make sure the ARC schedule and consultants are prepared to meet your students’ needs.

If you have any questions, contact Maddie Lowen (mlowen@georgefox.edu).

Mail Services extends hours of service this week

Sunday, August 26th, 2018

This week only, Mail Services will have extended hours (7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.). Our regular hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. will return Monday, Sept. 3.

If you have any questions, please contact Richard Silver at rsilver@georgefox.edu.

Like getting good deals? Be sure to use your Bruin Card

Sunday, August 26th, 2018

Do you like getting good deals? Discounts on cool stuff? Good news: The Bruin Card, a multi-use discount card you can use at 15 local businesses, will be available in both a digital and hard-copy format.

  • Want it digitally? You can find it by going to igfu.georgefox.edu on your mobile device, clicking on MyGFU, then clicking “Bruin Discounts.” The digital format is live and available to use now!
  • Want a hard copy? Returning students and employees on the Newberg campus will receive the Bruin Card in campus mailboxes by mid-September. New students will receive them in their LIBA 100/285 or HNRS 150 class.

And here’s more good news: You can use the card as many times as you’d like until it expires on Aug. 31, 2019! So, not only will you be getting great savings on your purchases, you’ll be supporting local businesses. Just show your card or the digital offer on your mobile device when you make your purchases.

Don’t have a campus box? Pick up a card at the Information Desk on the first floor of the Stevens Center after Sept. 16.

Join English, theatre faculty members and students at tonight’s kickoff event

Sunday, August 26th, 2018

The Department of English and Theatre invites the community to our semester kickoff! Join us from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. tonight (Monday) in Wood-Mar Auditorium.

We’ll have free food! You’ll also get the opportunity to meet our English and theatre faculty members, as well as our new student writers, actors, poets, technicians, scholars and designers.

We’ll also have information on the 2018-19 theatre season, and you can get the latest news from our two honor societies, Alpha Psi Omega (theatre) and Sigma Tau Delta (English).

See you there! Questions? Contact Kathy Harris (kharris@georgefox.edu).

Portion of Carlton Way will be closed tomorrow

Sunday, August 26th, 2018

A portion of Carlton Way will be closed on Tuesday, Aug. 28, from 8 a.m. until noon. The area closed will be from the Klages Center main entrance (off Carlton Way) to the engineering loading dock area (south of the entrance). No traffic will be permitted through this area, as they will be operating large cranes.

Thank you for your patience.
– Plant Services

Mail Services is open today

Friday, August 24th, 2018

Mail Services will be open today (Saturday) from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Student services offices open this morning in Stevens Center

Friday, August 24th, 2018

Student services offices located in the Stevens Center will be open this morning (Saturday) from 9 a.m. to noon. This includes student accounts, financial aid, the IDEA Center, the registrar’s office, student life and the IT Service Desk.

Do you love to sing? Join Master Chorus this fall

Thursday, August 23rd, 2018

Do you sing? Did you sing? Do you want to sing? Come join the Master Chorus in Ross 208 on Thursday nights between 7 and 8:30 p.m. this fall to sing Mozart’s Missa Brevis in C major. We start Aug. 30 and end on Nov. 1 with the performance!

That’s 10 weeks, or 15 hours total, to bring this piece to life and sing with wonderful people! Questions? Email Danielle Warner at dwarner@georgefox.edu.

Student services offices open tomorrow morning

Thursday, August 23rd, 2018

Student services offices located in the Stevens Center will be open tomorrow morning (Saturday) from 9 a.m. to noon. This includes student accounts, financial aid, the IDEA Center, the registrar’s office, student life and the IT Service Desk.

Portion of Carlton Way will be closed on Tuesday

Thursday, August 23rd, 2018

A portion of Carlton Way will be closed on Tuesday, Aug. 28, from 8 a.m. until noon. The area closed will be from the Klages Center main entrance (off Carlton Way) to the engineering loading dock area (south of the entrance). No traffic will be permitted through this area, as they will be operating large cranes.

Thank you for your patience.
– Plant Services

Come to football team’s ‘Swim Olympics’ tonight

Thursday, August 23rd, 2018

Come watch the Bruin football team compete in the fifth annual Swim Olympics tonight (Friday) at 7:30 p.m. at the Chehalem Aquatic Center. There is no cost for admission.

The Bruins will compete by position in the following events:

  • Big splash
  • Belly flop
  • Medley relay
  • Synchronized swim

We hope to see you there! Contact Gabe Haberly (ghaberly@georgefox.edu) with any questions.

Important Welcome Weekend Information for Employees

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2018

Welcome Weekend begins today! With all the new students and their families, we’re expecting more than 2,000 guests on campus Thursday, Aug. 23, and Friday, Aug. 24. Here are a few important details for employees.

Welcoming our Guests
While this may seem obvious, please greet and welcome our guests, ask if they need help, walk them to the Information Tent in front of Stevens if they have a question you can’t answer, and help us make this a special time for our new students and their families.

The complete schedule for Welcome Weekend can be found at welcome.georgefox.edu. There are two schedules: students, and families and guests. Changes in this year’s events include a late night trip to Target instead of Fred Meyer and “The Main Event” living area competition in place of the hoedown.

On Thursday and Friday, we need employees to park in the 99 lot.

Employees who signed up to be volunteers will receive one complimentary meal ticket to be used at lunch or dinner. Other employees desiring to eat on campus can pay as they enter the meal lines.

Attire & Name Tags
If you have a George Fox polo or dress shirt, please wear it on Thursday and Friday, as well as your name tag.

Please call the Welcome Weekend office at ext. 2308 or the Office of Student Life at ext. 2310.

Thank you for being an integral part of welcoming our new students and their families to the George Fox family!

Bruin Community Pantry now available as a resource

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2018

The Office of Student Life is excited to announce the start of Bruin Community Pantry, an initiative seeking to address the real problem of hunger (“food insecurity”) on campus. It’s our goal to help meet the needs of community members who, for one reason or another, do not have access to enough healthy food.

Four different components of Bruin Community Pantry include:

Food Pantry
All George Fox community members have access to the pantry, located in the Roberts Center (Room 110). Community food drives will be held to provide non-perishable items for the pantry, and athletic teams will facilitate food drives during home games.

Contact student life for a list of items non-perishable food and household items needed for the pantry. Donations are now being accepted in the student life office on the third floor of the Stevens Center.

Partnerships with local businesses for “gifts in kind” have been established with Bon Appetit, Newberg’s Grocery Outlet and Ray’s Produce. A variety of pre-packaged foods are available for students, located at hospitality tables in the student life office, spiritual life office, and the Intercultural Resource Center (Moore House). The tables are open during office hours, which are generally 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

The Duke Athletic Center will host a peanut butter and jelly sandwich bar that is available to all George Fox students.

The student life office will arrange for quality leftover food to be stored in a refrigerator in our office. All food donated will be adequately contained and dated. Food not picked up in the appropriate amount of time will be disposed of.

Students participating in this program can sign up by contacting our office. A waiver is required for anyone participating in the Leftovers program.

Partnering with existing local outreach initiatives facilitated by spiritual life, students who want to support their efforts will be connected to their programs.

We live in a society with easy access to processed food. When you eat whole foods, you’re getting food in its natural state. This aspect of our outreach will endeavor to provide cooking classes in various living areas on campus using recipes from “Eat well on $4 a day, Good and Cheap.”

For more information, visit this link or contact Jere Witherspoon in the student life office (jwitherspoon@georgefox.edu or 503-554-2312).