About Our People

The university recently announced its faculty achievement awards for the 2020-21 academic year. Recipients were Associate Professor of Nursing Lorretta Krautscheid (Undergraduate Research and Scholarship); Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies Melissa Ramos (Graduate Research and Scholarship); Professor of Economics Nate Peach (Undergraduate Teaching); and Associate Professor of Education Keelan LoFaro (Graduate/SPS Teaching). 

The following faculty members have been awarded emeritus honors as they leave the university: Greg Allen (ADP), David Hansen (Computer Science), John Johnson (Mathematics), Carl Lloyd (ADP), Matt Meyer (Cinematic Arts), Mark Weinert (History), Kathy Weiss (Biology) and Kenn Willson (Music).

Danielle Pappas (Counseling) has been appointed to the editorial board of the Psychology in the Schools journal, a flagship peer-reviewed publication for the school psychology profession. 

Jenny Bruxvoort and Kate Wimer (Library), with Amanda Matthysse of Calvin University, presented a breakout session, “Escape Reality: Reaching Your Students with Virtual Instruction and Fun,” at the LOEX 49th National Conference in May. In addition to discussing ways that librarians can transition their training in instructional design to building online and hybrid programming that is fun and educational, their presentation also offered a practical overview of the Mysteries of Murdock virtual program they ran last fall with ARC Coordinator Julia James.

Ed Higgins (English Faculty Emeritus/Writer in Residence) published his piece “Genesis Serpent’s Skin Found” in the May 20 issue of the United Kingdom’s Fudoki Magazine, an online magazine of myths, legends, fables, fantasy, folklore and fairytales.

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