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Paul Anderson spoke seven times in Canton, Ohio, Sept. 25-28, including a Saturday seminar at Canton Friends Church on “The Purpose of the Fourth Gospel,” presenting a theory of gospel relations at Jackson Friends Church and “Was the Fourth Evangelist a Quaker?” for chapel at Malone University. His essay, “Acts 4:19-20 – An Overlooked First-Century Clue to Johannine Authorship and Luke’s Dependence upon the Johannine Tradition,” was published recently on the Bible and Interpretation website. Also, Paul is representing Evangelical Friends at the Faith and Order meetings of the NCCC at Santa Clara University this month.

In addition, Paul has been asked to contribute an update on the John, Jesus, and History Project for the newsletter of the Society of Biblical Literature, as it will be holding a major joint session with the Historical Jesus Section in November. This event and Anderson’s contributions to a paradigm shift in Jesus studies were recently featured on the “Matters of Faith” website edited by Bill Tammeus, columnist for the National Catholic Reporter.

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