MLK Day of Service will focus on literacy

It’s time to sign up for MLK Serve Day 2013! I know it seems early, but it is just so we can prepare for the approximately 1,000 volunteers that day. Will you be one of them? Our 2013 MLK Day will have a special focus on literacy.

Did you know that…

  • Only one-third of all students entering high school are proficient in reading
  • Only about 15 percent of African-American students and only 17 percent of Hispanic students are proficient in reading entering high school (NAEP Reading, 2009)

Register here today to be a part of the largest collective movement in the nation on MLK day!

The details:

When: Jan. 21, 2013
Time: Meet in Stevens at 6:30 a.m., where we will bus to Portland together
Why: Promote literacy in accordance to Dr. King’s dream

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