Paul Marshall speaks on ‘Understanding radical Islam’ March 11

Paul Marshall, author of more than 20 books on religion and politics, will give a lecture titled “Understanding Radical Islam” at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 11, in Hoover 105 on the Newberg campus.

Marshall is considered an expert on religious freedom and international politics, religion and politics, the Christian understanding of politics, and Islam and human rights.

In addition to the public lecture, Marshall will speak on “The Worldwide Church in the New Millennium” in Monday’s 10:40 a.m. chapel service in Bauman Auditorium. He also will speak that afternoon at 4:40 and 7 p.m. in a senior capstone class in Hoover 105 as part of a class lecture series titled “Liberal Arts: Critical Issues.”

Marshall is the author of more than 20 books on religion and politics, including Radical Islam’s Rules: The Worldwide Spread of Extreme Sharia Law (2005), The Rise of Hindu Extremism (2003), God and the Constitution (2002), The Talibanization of Nigeria (2002), Massacre at the Millennium (2001), and the best-selling, award-winning survey of religious persecution worldwide Their Blood Cries Out (1997).

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