Estate planning resources available for university employees

Over the past couple of years, many faculty and staff have asked me how to get their estate planning affairs in order. It’s been a joy to connect with so many people on this most important endeavor.

I thought it might be helpful to provide everyone a list of resources that can help you in this often complicated area of your life. If you click the links below, they will provide you with downloadable forms that contain several helpful pieces of information.

As followers of Christ we have an obligation to be sure our affairs are in order — thinking deeply about the people and places that mean the most to us. In order to have a complete estate plan, everyone needs to consider developing the following things:

  • A will or living trust
  • Durable power of attorney (for finance)
  • Advanced healthcare directive
  • Disposition of tangible property sheet(s)
  • Expression of last wishes

Again, to help get you started, click on the links above. I’m here to assist as well, so please let me know if/how I can serve you best!

Working Together,

K. Gene Christian, Estate and Gift Planning Services
George Fox University
503-936-5350/Direct Line

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