Drop by Hoover 103 this afternoon to hear from Senior Thesis artists

Join us this afternoon (Tuesday) for the opening receptions of the Department of Art and Design’s Senior Thesis exhibitions at the Chehalem Cultural Center and the university’s galleries. They will remain on display through Friday, April 26.

Today, don’t miss our gathering in Hoover 103 as artists talk about their work and how it connects across galleries and to wider contemporary cultural contexts. We will have a show opening for these exhibits between 4 and 5 p.m., with a roundtable discussion between the artists in Hoover 103 between 5 and 6 p.m.

There will be refreshments provided outside the venue for guests to grab a snack before listening to our students talk about their work with one another.

With topics ranging from the nature of memory, cultural messaging of horror, and the spiritual practice of working in the dirt, there is a lot to dive into. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to engage with the artists!

The conversations will also be recorded and posted in the gallery; just scan the QR codes on the posters. Let them be an audio guide for you as you visit all three gallery spaces this month!

Feel free to contact Seth Van Der Eems at svandereems@georgefox.edu with any questions.

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