Book a free appointment with a PT student

Got aches and pains? Need to recover from an injury? Want to improve your balance, strength or endurance? George Fox’s physical therapy students are hosting a free physical therapy clinic for all those interested on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays between May 2 and June 7!

We are looking for people who want services for all kinds of conditions, including but not limited to general aches and pains, chronic pain, orthopedic surgery, balance/falls, pelvic floor, concussion management, sports injuries, neurological events, vestibular, general deconditioning, pediatrics, cardiovascular, and more. The DPT students are eager to serve you!

Please fill out this Google interest form and you will be contacted to be scheduled. The clinic is located in the Medical Sciences Building (448 Werth Blvd.). Thank you!

Please contact Catherine Enger at if you have any questions.

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