Invite younger family members to join virtual webinar on financial literacy

Financial literacy for teens and young adults is crucial, as it equips them with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed financial decisions, setting a foundation for their future financial well-being. Invite your younger family members to join this free webinar provided by our Employee Assistance Program.

Young adults are primed to soak in new information. It’s a great time to guide them to money management techniques that can last a lifetime. Attendees will learn how to manage money effectively, prepare for common upcoming bills, open checking and savings accounts, establish credit (and how to use it wisely), and look at investing options.

This virtual webinar will be available on both Tuesday, April 9, and Friday, April 19, with a morning option at 10:30 a.m. or an evening session at 5:30 p.m. Reserve a seat here.

Questions? Email Aga Kasprzyk at

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