Support sociology seniors at Wednesday’s research poster presentation event

Please join the Department of Sociology for our senior research poster presentation this Wednesday, April 27, from noon to 2 p.m. in the EHS Atrium. You can join any time during that time frame. Enjoy light refreshments while browsing research posters that interest you.

Following is the list of presentations:

  • Aubrey Baker & Abbie Sol: “The Imposter Phenomenon Among Undergraduate Students at George Fox University”
  • Madison Burch & Amber Jewell: “The Effects of Early Education on College Success Among Undergraduate Students at George Fox University”
  • Matasina Childress, Camille Fievez & Bethany Schmidt: “Marriage Attitudes Among Undergraduate Students at George Fox University”
  • Dayven Hayes, Jayce Lien & Audrey Wojnarowisch: “Juvenile Justice: Comparing Differences in Social Support Strategies Among Youth Intervention Programs”
  • Ash Lingbloom: “Identity Development of Queer Students in the Religious Climate of George Fox University”
  • Krista Mulkey & Victoria Prieto: “The Effects of Political Climate on Art Museum Exhibits”
  • Tyler Neissl & Matthew Phillip: “How Does GFU Impact the Christian Faith Among Student-Athletes?”
  • Nancy Romero: “Diversity in Higher Education: Social Media Content Analysis”

Questions? Please contact Young-IL Kim at

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