War in Afghanistan discussed tonight; poverty is topic of lecture tomorrow

The university community is invited to a pair of free presentations on campus next week …

Eric Patterson, a leading student of the just war tradition who has worked in academia, the White House, and the U.S. Department of State, will speak on the topic “Was America’s War in Afghanistan a Just War?” at 7 p.m. tonight (Monday) in Hoover 105. Patterson serves in the U.S. Navy Reserve and is currently executive vice president of the Religious Freedom Institute.

Tomorrow night, guest Jennifer Marshall will present a lecture entitled “Freedom to Flourish: Reforming Antipoverty Policy” at 7 p.m. in Hoover 105. Marshall has served as vice president of the Heritage Foundation and is currently a senior visiting fellow in its Institute of Family, Community and Opportunity.  She is widely published and has testified before Congress on several occasions.

Please direct questions to Mark David Hall at mhall@georgefox.edu.

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