Listen now to George Fox Talks!

We need to talk. About serious things, political things, theological things, and leadership things. About our bodies and our health. About poetry and death. About God. And so we’re going to talk about it, together, as people of Christian faith, in our new podcast and YouTube video series. It’s called George Fox Talks.

Every week on Tuesday we’ll be releasing engaging content from our own George Fox community. All episodes will be full audio (podcast) and in full video (YouTube) format, with shorter clips from the conversations also released on YouTube.

Our new trailer is available now, as well as the first full episode, with physical therapy professor Daniel Kang talking with Dr. Kevin Sellars about a timely topic: resilience and recovery through physical trauma. Upcoming episodes this month will feature conversations about faith and science, leadership, and reading difficult texts.

Where will you find all of this?

Here’s how you can help us:

  1. Would you please review the podcast on Apple? This helps the show get noticed by recommendation within streaming services.
  2. Would you please subscribe to our YouTube channel? Getting to 100 subscribers will mean that we can unlock custom channel features.
  3. Most of all: Give the material a look/listen, and let us know what you think!

Questions? Contact Brian Doak, VP of George Fox Digital, at

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