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Ed Higgins’ (English Faculty Emeritus/Writer in Residence) on Feb. 13 published his flash fiction story, “Little Red Riding Hood, The Woodcutter, Grandma, and The Big Bad Wolf: Their Ongoing True Story,” in Fudoki Magazine, a British-based online magazine of myths, legends, fables, fantasy, folklore, and fairytales. He also finished up a five-session online flash fiction writing workshop for Brilliant Flash Fiction, the quarterly online fiction journal for which he serves as assistant editor.

Rhett Luedtke (Theatre) was a featured guest on the “Ethics and Storytelling” panel at the University of Portland during UP’s Ethics Week (Feb. 1-4). Panelists discussed the ethical anchors, professional codes of conduct, civic duties, and faith commitments that guide professional storytelling in contemporary culture.

The university’s theatre department brought home seven regional awards from last week’s Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival, including two national runner-ups. The following students were honored:

  • Allie Schluchter: Costume Design Regional Winner for Passage (national runner-up)
  • Hope Bellinger: Sound Design Regional Winner for Passage (national runner-up); Jane Childs: Stagecraft Institute of Las Vegas Award
  • Johnathan Billington: Light Design Honorable Mention for Silent Sky; Jane Childs: Stagecraft Institute of Las Vegas Award; Design Technology Management: Vector Works Award
  • Elyse Bradford: Cal Arts Summer Acting Scholarship

The regional competition includes schools in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and Hawaii. It is the biggest region in the nation.

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