Elevator and fire systems testing scheduled tomorrow in Hadlock

Tomorrow (Tuesday), a state-required test of the elevator and fire systems in the Hadlock Student Center will take place.

During the elevator test, the elevator will not be operational. During the fire systems test, the lights will strobe and the horns will sound intermittently for a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of an hour and a half. During the testing, the building will need to be empty, as the fire safety system will be offline.

If you plan to be inside the building that day and wish to be notified when the testing will begin, please contact Plant Services at plantservices@georgefox.edu with your phone number and email, and we can contact you.

Unfortunately, we will only be able to provide a 15-minute advanced notice before you will need to vacate the building. Thank you for your patience as we conduct these vital tests.

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