Commuters: Parking permits and parking update

It has come to our attention that many commuters are expecting to automatically receive a parking permit because they were charged for it this summer. Unfortunately, the only way to get the permit is to go online and register for it.

The reason for this is that there is no way for us to know if you have moved, changed housing, or brought a different vehicle than the one you had last year. Make sure to include a valid mailing address when ordering. After completing your registration, print out the temporary permit and place it in your vehicle until you receive your sticker.

If you have tried to register but are having trouble, please contact Campus Public Safety. We can look into your registration account to see why you are being denied access.

Also in a separate note, the 99W lot by Steve’s Automotive is no longer leased by George Fox, so please don’t park there to avoid being towed.

Questions? Contact Campus Public Safety at 503-554-2090 or

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