Information on springtime pests

These beautiful spring days mean that bugs are starting to wake up and forage for food. The insects you will notice first are ants and box elder beetles.

To prevent ants from invading your space, be sure to clean up any food sources. If possible, keep shelved food inside a sealed container or sealed bag to avoid attracting ants. Wipe down surfaces after preparing food and take out your garbage frequently.

Box elder beetles will also start wandering in from hidden cracks. Because these beetles smell really bad, vacuum them up and dispose of the vacuum contents immediately into a garbage bag and take to a garbage bin outside. Any cleaning solution can be applied to the area where the beetles were hanging out to get rid of the smell.

Keeping areas clean and eliminating food sources will help, but remember that insects will naturally start exploring this time of year. For more about insects, please see the Plant Services webpage. Questions? Contact Dixie Downey at

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