About Our People

Stephanie Matthew, Elizabeth Roark (School of Nursing) and Eloise Hockett (College of Education), coauthored “Christ-Focused Service-Learning: Learning to Receive Ministry in Humility” in the April/June 2019 issue of Journal of Christian Nursing. Since 2015, Eloise, Stephanie and Elizabeth have been collaborating with the nursing and education programs to engage students and faculty in cross-cultural partnership work in Kenya through a service-learning model.

In March, Joe Thouvenel met the requirements to become a Certified Career Services Provider from the National Career Development Association’s credentialing commission. Joe is assistant director of the IDEA Center and a job and internship coach.

Paul Anderson (Christian Studies) was recently interviewed, along with Roy Carlisle (editor of Richard Foster’s Celebration of Discipline), by Carrie Carlisle Palmer and Joshua Lindley on Tablethink, a site dedicated to providing inspirational information, innovative ideas and community connection. Paul also reviewed the last four episodes of the “Jesus: His Life” series for The Bible and Interpretation site: “Jesus: His Life from the Perspectives of Judas and Pilate” and “Jesus: His Life from the Perspectives of Mary Magdalene and the Apostle Peter.”

Jim Weller, who recently retired after working as an adjunct in the Adult Degree Program, is releasing a book, Flying Solo, that is now available for preorder at Barnes & Noble’s website (bn.com). The book tells the story of Chris, who, months before receiving his aeronautical engineering degree in preparation for a career in aviation as an airline pilot, faces tragedy. Every part of his life is changed, including his relationship with the woman he loves. 

The following employees were recognized with shout-outs at last Thursday’s all-employee meeting: John Shaw (IT), commended for helping financial aid troubleshoot its automated disbursement system; Jordan Nelson (Financial Aid), who came up with a creative, automated solution to fix a lot of manual work in PeopleSoft; Andrew Fleming (IT), who responded quickly to assist a coworker to print critical documents; and Mari Ortega (Intercultural Resource Center), who assisted the financial aid office with a Spanish-speaking parent. You can read summaries of all the shout-outs here.

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