Learn about new international travel policy for employees

This past year a new policy was instituted for all international travel by employees of the university. Any trip funded by the university must register with the Center for Study Abroad. Thus the following George Fox International Travel Policy has been approved:

Students and employees traveling through one of George Fox University’s international travel opportunities are required to register with the George Fox Center for Study Abroad and complete all forms, protocols and procedures, abide by all policies, and comply with all deadlines outlined in the International Travel Policies and Procedures Manual. Failure to do so may result in the group or student’s suspension from travel through the university, including withholding of funding and institutional support.

This policy is for all faculty and staff, whether they are traveling with students or traveling alone. The goal of this policy is to ensure that all travelers are covered by the university’s insurance and protected as much as possible from liability. The Center for Study Abroad will act as a central location that tracks where George Fox-sponsored trips are traveling in case of emergency. If there are any issues in that part of the world (unrest, terrorism, natural disaster) or with a student on a trip (illness, accident, etc.), travelers can communicate with our office on how to best handle the situation

If you are going to travel internationally on university business (e.g. recruitment trips, partnership development trips, athletic trips, conferences, etc.), please contact Lynn Scott, assistant director of Study Abroad, at lscott@georgefox.edu, and she can help you with the details. We ask that you contact her as soon as possible, at least one month before you travel for personal travel and at least three months before you travel with a group. For forms and information, please visit our website.

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