‘Islam and the West’ series continues this Monday night

All are welcome to the second Liberal Arts and Critical Issues presentation this Monday, Sept. 5, when Gulzar Ahmed, co-founder of the Islamic Society of Greater Portland and past president of the American Muslim Alliance, speaks in Hoover 105. The same presentation will be made from 5 to 6 p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Ahmed is co-chair of the Interfaith Council of Greater Portland and a board member of the Institute for Christian-Muslim Understanding. He speaks at various churches, schools and organizations on the subjects of Islam, interfaith relations, and the importance of promoting understanding and cooperation between various faiths. The evening’s original speaker, Wajdi Said, was unable to speak.

The theme for this semester’s LACI series is “Islam and the West.” For more information, contact Laurie Fair at lfair@georgefox.edu.

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