About Our People

Brent Weaver’s (Performing Arts) Advent cantata for chorus, organ, winds and percussion was performed at Central Congregational Church of Atlanta Dec. 14 in honor of its retiring choral director. The church commissioned the work in 2001 through a grant from the American Composers Forum.

Jim Steele’s (Management) article “360 Degree Feedback Enhances Executive Education” was featured in Revolve: Centering on 360s, a newsletter for organizational development professionals. Steele also recently traveled to Phoenix for a working session as a member of the examination forms review committee for the Human Resources Certification Institute.

Joel Perez (Student Life) presented “Tools in the Cultural Competency” to all the faculty and staff at Northwest University in Kirkland, Wash., on Jan. 7.

Paul Anderson’s (Religious Studies) article, “The Light of Christ Leads Followers in the Process of Individual and Corporate Discernment,” was published in the Friends’ Voice in December, and his interpretation of Revelation 17:1-14 was published in the January issue of Interpretation. Also, Paul presented “The Mission of the Christ-Centered Quaker College” at the Quaker Theological Discussion Group in Boston in November, and there he also participated in a review of the book Psychological Insights into the Bible, in the Psychology and Biblical Studies Section of the national Society of Biblical Literature meetings. At those meetings his book, The Fourth Gospel and the Quest for Jesus, was reviewed in a major session of the John, Jesus, and History Group, and he responded to the reviews. Paul’s books will be featured at the Search for Meaning: Pacific Northwest Spirituality and Theology Book Festival, hosted by Seattle University in February.

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