About Our People

Rand Michael (Counseling) and his wife, Phyllis, were honored with the Human Rights Award at the Oregon Counseling Association’s annual banquet in Eugene Oct. 18. Each year, the association presents the award to members who have demonstrated an exemplary level of professional and personal commitment in the areas of human rights and the advancement of human dignity. The Michaels oversee TELOS international, an organization that provides culturally sensitive, holistic mental health services to under-served people and communities by offering training, counseling, and related mental health resources.

Brent Wilson (Computer and Information Sciences) published a paper, “Wanted: Trained Security Specialists,” in the Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges (Volume 24, Issue 2, 2008) and also presented the paper at the Northwest Conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges at Southern Oregon University Oct. 11. He also was an invited panelist at the same conference on the topic “The Content and Role of the Computer Graphics Course in the Liberal Arts.”

Carol Namburi (Counseling) and Nate McIntyre (Admissions) were chosen as the university’s employees of the month.

Bruce Strom (School of Professional Studies) wrote a column, “What you need to market a small business,” for the Oct. 22 issue of the Idaho Press-Tribune.

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