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Bruce Strom (School of Professional Studies) wrote a column, “Some tips for weathering this economic storm,” for the Oct. 8 issue of the Idaho Press-Tribune.

Kevin T. Jones (Communication Arts) published “The Persuasive Function of the Visual Ideograph: The Case of Baby Samuel” in Visual Impact: The Power of Visual Persuasion, a new book published by Hampton Press. The chapter explores the role of an iconic photograph in shaping cultural ideology. In particular, Jones’ chapter examines the photograph taken of a fetus in utero during surgery and how right-to-life proponents have used the photograph to promote their agenda. Former George Fox professor Michael Graves contributed a chapter to the book as well.

Reid Kisling (Registrar) had a book chapter, “Character and Spiritual Formation,” published in Foundations of Spiritual Formation: A Community Approach to Becoming like Christ (Kregel Publications). His hope is that the text can be used as a spiritual formation textbook for college and seminary students.

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