Be sure to check out art show now on exhibit at Portland Center

Thursday, January 18th, 2018

You are invited to view a series of artwork pieces on display in the Portland Center library based on the book Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates. Between the World and Me is a personal, searing and visceral account addressing what it means to inhabit an African American body in today’s America.

The art display includes an altered book, a tiny altered book and collaged and painted panels. The display will be available for viewing until Wednesday, Feb. 7.

Contact Jennifer Lichtenberg ( with questions.

Access to Tuition Tax Benefit Statement (1098T) available online

Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

If you have not done so already, it is time for students to indicate via their “Student Service Center” that they want to access their 1098T Tuition Tax Statement online.

Making this selection will give you 24-hour access to a PDF of your tax form as soon as it is ready! From there it can be easily printed, emailed or saved. Please be aware that if you “Grant Consent” a printed copy will no longer be mailed to you.

If you want to file your taxes quickly, have moved or are concerned about mail safely reaching you, we strongly recommend this option. Navigation: MyGFU>Student Center>Account Inquiry>Account Services tab, then choose “Grant Consent.”

Questions? Contact Jenny Getsinger at

Instant library study room booking now available

Monday, January 15th, 2018

Library study rooms are now available for instant booking! Forget to book a room before the day you need it? Not a problem! Look for an open time slot on the online booking calendar, book the room instantly from your mobile device, and walk right in!

If you are in the library and find an open room, be sure to book it before going in to make sure you can keep it!

Book a study room in three simple steps:

  1. Visit the booking calendar to see today’s confirmed bookings and open time slots. Book Murdock Learning Resource Center rooms here and Portland Center library rooms at this link.
  2. Click the boxes for the room and time slots you want (up to four hours).
  3. Scroll, fill out the form and click “Submit my Booking.”

Room Use Policy and FAQs can be viewed on this page. Questions? Email

All welcome to special Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration tonight

Sunday, January 14th, 2018

All are invited to a special Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., celebration at the Chehalem Cultural Center (415 E. Sheridan St., in Newberg) tonight (Monday) to commemorate Dr. King’s life and legacy. The doors open at 5:30 p.m., with the main program beginning at 6 p.m.

Refreshments and resources will be available following the program. Ines Peña, a Newberg High School graduate and local human rights activist, will give a keynote address on the program theme, “Be the Dream.”

Contact Rick Muthiah ( with any questions.

Homeschool Survey

Sunday, January 14th, 2018

Were you homeschooled in high school? Do you know a student who was? If this post sounds familiar, it is! We are your friendly neighborhood homeschoolers who have completed our focus groups and now need your help with our survey.

My partner and I are submitting a research paper to present at the Northwest Communication Association Conference in April. If you or anyone you know was homeschooled (at least a year) during high school, please help us out.

If you pass this along to other former homeschoolers attending college, you will broaden the scope of our survey results, making them more accurate and applicable to our purpose. Please let us utilize your network. We know there are a lot of fantastic homeschoolers out there who will help us succeed!

Homeschool Survey

This survey should take around 20 minutes, and all responses will be anonymous. The survey will be available for roughly one week, so please participate and share as soon as possible.

Thank you for making our project a success, and may your semester be productive and enjoyable!

– Julianne Robinson (

Homeschool Survey

Saturday, January 13th, 2018

Were you homeschooled in high school? Do you know a student who was? If this post sounds familiar, it is! We are your friendly neighborhood homeschoolers who have completed our focus groups and now need your help with our survey.

My partner and I are submitting a research paper to present at the Northwest Communication Association Conference in April. If you or anyone you know was homeschooled (at least a year) during high school, please help us out.

If you pass this along to other former homeschoolers attending college, you will broaden the scope of our survey results, making them more accurate and applicable to our purpose. Please let us utilize your network. We know there are a lot of fantastic homeschoolers out there who will help us succeed!

Homeschool Survey

This survey should take around 20 minutes, and all responses will be anonymous. The survey will be available for roughly one week, so please participate and share as soon as possible.

Thank you for making our project a success, and may your semester be productive and enjoyable!

– Julianne Robinson (

Registration is still open for this Monday’s MLK Day of Service

Friday, January 12th, 2018

Make this Monday’s holiday a day on in service and partnership to the greater Portland community!

Our annual participation in the 2018 MLK Day of Service will take place on Monday, Jan. 15, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Warner Pacific College. Any and all students, staff and faculty are encouraged to register and join in this great community-building event.

Details on the day are available at this link. Registration can be done here.

Transportation to and from George Fox’s Newberg campus will be provided, as will lunch. We will be serving alongside participants from Warner, Concordia University, Portland Community College, Mt. Hood Community College, Portland State University and more!

We are always so proud of how the George Fox community bears witness to Christ and shows up with such great representation at this event every year.

“Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.” (Jesus, in Matthew 20:28)

Homeschool Survey

Friday, January 12th, 2018

Were you homeschooled in high school? Do you know a student who was? If this post sounds familiar, it is! We are your friendly neighborhood homeschoolers who have completed our focus groups and now need your help with our survey.

My partner and I are submitting a research paper to present at the Northwest Communication Association Conference in April. If you or anyone you know was homeschooled (at least a year) during high school, please help us out.

If you pass this along to other former homeschoolers attending college, you will broaden the scope of our survey results, making them more accurate and applicable to our purpose. Please let us utilize your network. We know there are a lot of fantastic homeschoolers out there who will help us succeed!

Homeschool Survey

This survey should take around 20 minutes, and all responses will be anonymous. The survey will be available for roughly one week, so please participate and share as soon as possible.

Thank you for making our project a success, and may your semester be productive and enjoyable!

– Julianne Robinson (

University closes Monday in honor of MLK Day

Thursday, January 11th, 2018

The university’s offices, libraries and bookstores will be closed Monday, Jan. 15, to observe the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Also closed will be the Fitness Center on the Newberg campus.

Join in MLK Day of Service this Monday

Wednesday, January 10th, 2018

Make this Monday’s holiday a day on in service and partnership to the greater Portland community!

Our annual participation in the 2018 MLK Day of Service will take place on Monday, Jan. 15, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Warner Pacific College. Any and all students, staff and faculty are encouraged to register and join in this great community-building event.

Details on the day are available at this link. Registration can be done here.

Transportation to and from George Fox’s Newberg campus will be provided, as will lunch. We will be serving alongside participants from Warner, Concordia University, Portland Community College, Mt. Hood Community College, Portland State University and more!

We are always so proud of how the George Fox community bears witness to Christ and shows up with such great representation at this event every year.

“Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.” (Jesus, in Matthew 20:28)

Join in special celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. this Monday

Wednesday, January 10th, 2018

All are invited to a special Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., celebration at the Chehalem Cultural Center (415 E. Sheridan St., in Newberg) this Monday, Jan. 15, to commemorate Dr. King’s life and legacy. The doors open at 5:30 p.m., with the main program beginning at 6 p.m.

Refreshments and resources will be available following the program. Ines Peña, a Newberg High School graduate and local human rights activist, will give a keynote address on the program theme, “Be the Dream.”

Contact Rick Muthiah ( with any questions.

All invited to join in MLK Day of Service this Monday

Monday, January 8th, 2018

Make this Monday’s holiday a day on in service and partnership to the greater Portland community!

Our annual participation in the 2018 MLK Day of Service will take place on Monday, Jan. 15, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Warner Pacific College. Any and all students, staff and faculty are encouraged to register and join in this great community-building event.

Details on the day are available at this link. Registration can be done here.

Transportation to and from George Fox’s Newberg campus will be provided, as will lunch. We will be serving alongside participants from Warner, Concordia University, Portland Community College, Mt. Hood Community College, Portland State University and more!

We are always so proud of how the George Fox community bears witness to Christ and shows up with such great representation at this event every year.

“Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.” (Jesus, in Matthew 20:28)

Instant library study room booking now available

Sunday, January 7th, 2018

Library study rooms are now available for instant booking! Forget to book a room before the day you need it? Not a problem! Look for an open time slot on the online booking calendar, book the room instantly from your mobile device, and walk right in!

If you are in the library and find an open room, be sure to book it before going in to make sure you can keep it!

Book a study room in three simple steps:

  1. Visit the booking calendar to see today’s confirmed bookings and open time slots. Book Murdock Learning Resource Center rooms here and Portland Center library rooms at this link.
  2. Click the boxes for the room and time slots you want (up to four hours).
  3. Scroll, fill out the form and click “Submit my Booking.”

Room Use Policy and FAQs can be viewed on this page. Questions? Email

Financial Aid Refund Timing

Monday, January 1st, 2018

Are you wondering about the timing of a refund this spring? Assuming your financial aid disburses to your account on Monday, Jan. 1, and assuming none of the top-five concerns are present (see “Info on Spring Semester Refunds” Daily Bruin post), we anticipate initiating direct deposit refunds in the bank system on Thursday, Jan. 4.

You will know when a refund has been initiated in the banking system when you get an email notification from Student Accounts. How fast your bank moves compared to another varies. Most are very quick, but we always tell students to check online with their bank to see the status before they start to spend. If your aid disburses later than Jan. 1, the timing will be pushed out.

We anticipate initiating paper checks on Jan. 10.

Questions? Contact Jenny Getsinger (

Info on Spring Semester Refunds

Monday, January 1st, 2018

If you are expecting a refund of financial aid or payments that are overpaying your account, please be aware that there are five common and mostly preventable reasons why your refund could be delayed.

  1. You are not signed up for student accounts direct deposit.
  2. You owe a balance that your aid has not been authorized to cover.
  3. Due to recent activity or waitlisted classes, your credit balance appears to be in flux.
  4. The credit is not due to a financial aid overpayment. (We don’t refund personal payments unless you let us know you want the funds AND the payment cannot be recent.)
  5. We have reason to believe your financial aid is changing.

Please help us help you get your funds quickly this spring!

  • No. 1 and No. 2 can be resolved through your To-Do List links.
  • No. 3: Please get fully registered today.
  • No. 4: Email if you are expecting a refund that is from a personal payment someone made on your account.
  • No. 5: If you are making a change to your financial aid, typically a loan reduction, please email the amount of the change to so we can refund the funds not impacted by the change.

Contact Jenny Getsinger ( if you have questions.

Financial Aid Refund Timing

Friday, December 29th, 2017

Are you wondering about the timing of a refund this spring? Assuming your financial aid disburses to your account on Monday, Jan. 1, and assuming none of the top-five concerns are present (see “Info on Spring Semester Refunds” Daily Bruin post), we anticipate initiating direct deposit refunds in the bank system on Thursday, Jan. 4.

You will know when a refund has been initiated in the banking system when you get an email notification from Student Accounts. How fast your bank moves compared to another varies. Most are very quick, but we always tell students to check online with their bank to see the status before they start to spend. If your aid disburses later than Jan. 1, the timing will be pushed out.

We anticipate initiating paper checks on Jan. 10.

Questions? Contact Jenny Getsinger (

Info on Spring Semester Refunds

Friday, December 29th, 2017

If you are expecting a refund of financial aid or payments that are overpaying your account, please be aware that there are five common and mostly preventable reasons why your refund could be delayed.

  1. You are not signed up for student accounts direct deposit.
  2. You owe a balance that your aid has not been authorized to cover.
  3. Due to recent activity or waitlisted classes, your credit balance appears to be in flux.
  4. The credit is not due to a financial aid overpayment. (We don’t refund personal payments unless you let us know you want the funds AND the payment cannot be recent.)
  5. We have reason to believe your financial aid is changing.

Please help us help you get your funds quickly this spring!

  • No. 1 and No. 2 can be resolved through your To-Do List links.
  • No. 3: Please get fully registered today.
  • No. 4: Email if you are expecting a refund that is from a personal payment someone made on your account.
  • No. 5: If you are making a change to your financial aid, typically a loan reduction, please email the amount of the change to so we can refund the funds not impacted by the change.

Contact Jenny Getsinger ( if you have questions.

Reminder: FoxTALE upgrade scheduled for Dec. 28

Tuesday, December 26th, 2017

FoxTALE will be upgraded on Thursday, Dec. 28, and be unavailable from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Pacific Time). We apologize for any inconvenience.

Questions? Contact or call 503-554-2569.

Shopping at the Bruin Store? Here are the Christmas break hours

Friday, December 15th, 2017

Below are the Bruin Store hours for commencement and Christmas break …

  • Midyear Commencement (Saturday, Dec. 16): 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 18 to Jan. 5: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Closed Dec. 25-27

It’s never too early to order your textbooks! Rent and purchase your spring textbooks now at In-store pick-up will be available starting Saturday, Dec. 16.

Contact Michael Simmons ( with any questions.

FoxTALE upgrade scheduled for Dec. 28

Thursday, December 14th, 2017

FoxTALE will be upgraded on Thursday, Dec. 28, and be unavailable from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Pacific Time). We apologize for any inconvenience.

Questions? Contact or call 503-554-2569.