Guest speaker from Amazon shares tonight at Portland Center

Monday, February 26th, 2018

We’re excited to introduce our upcoming event hosted by the George Fox College of Business and the Business Leadership Society!

Join us for …

Designing at Speed
Featuring Ryan Russell, Director of Human-Centered Design at Amazon

Tuesday, Feb. 27, 7 p.m.
Portland Center’s Room 155

Admission is free, but please register. Coffee and dessert will be served.

Ryan is currently the director of human-centered design at Amazon. He is responsible for design and branding across Amazon Operations, including Prime Now, Amazon Flex, Hub by Amazon, Amazon Locker, Transportation, Global Fulfillment and more. His group has studios in Seattle; Sunnyvale, California; Minneapolis, Austin, Texas; and Portland. He loves creating something from nothing and bringing talented people together around a shared vision.

To register, visit this link. Contact Allie Duncan at

University hosts Oregon Academy of Science’s annual meeting on March 3

Monday, February 26th, 2018

George Fox University will serve as host for the 2018 Oregon Academy of Science’s annual meeting this Saturday, March 3. This is a one-day annual meeting for researchers, educators and students statewide to exchange ideas, present current research, and to strengthen professional and personal relationships.

This year, our keynote speaker is Marshall Gannett from the U.S. Geological Survey, who will be speaking on “Hydrology and Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems of Central Oregon.”

OAS encourages participation from a broad range of interests in the natural and social sciences. Attendees from around the state represent anthropology, biology, chemistry, computer science, economics, philosophy/environmental science/ethics, health science, STEM education, geography, geology, mathematics, physics, political science, psychology and sociology. More information can be found at our website on the event.

Faculty and students are welcome to participate in this one-day event. Included are a continental breakfast, poster sessions, oral presentations and lunch.

On-site late registration will be available Saturday morning. The event will begin in the EHS Atrium at 8 a.m. Late registration will be $50 for faculty and $25 for students. Cash or checks only.

More information can be found on the OAS website. If you have any questions, contact John Schmitt, professor of biology and the OAS president, at

PT’s Brumitt presents Spring Faculty Lecture on March 6

Sunday, February 25th, 2018

All are invited to the 2018 Spring Faculty Lecture on Tuesday, March 6, at 6 p.m. in Hoover 105. Our featured speaker, and recipient of the 2016-17 Faculty Achievement Award for Graduate Research and Scholarship, is Jason Brumitt, assistant professor of physical therapy.

Brumitt’s lecture, “Can Preseason Performance and Fitness Testing Identify Athletes at Risk for Injury?,” will focus on a recent trend in sports science research to identify athletes at risk for injury based on measures of preseason fitness. His research has entailed collecting measures of preseason fitness and functional performance in collegiate athletes to identify associations between sport readiness and future injury.

Come early, between 5 and 6 p.m., and check out the work of our Richter Student Scholars and Steinfeldt Peace Scholars at a symposium in the Hoover lobby. George Fox students will present their research and peace projects in a conversational poster format.

Both events are sponsored by the Faculty Development Committee. Refreshments will be served.

Contact Laurie Fair ( for more information.

Early registration for Richard Foster conference ends this week

Sunday, February 25th, 2018

George Fox will serve as host for the final Richard Foster conference: “Empowering Spiritual Transformation in the Local Church: Celebrating 40 Years of Celebration of Discipline.” The event is scheduled for June 10-13. The $40 early registration break expires March 1, and 50 $100 scholarships have been offered to George Fox students, faculty and staff registering before May 1.

You can learn more about the conference here. Contact Paul Anderson ( if you have questions.

Libraries seek Student Advisory Group applicants

Sunday, February 25th, 2018

Want to engage with library faculty to thoughtfully provide feedback on the library experience? Want to build your resumé by playing a role in a collaborative group environment? We would love to connect with you! Consider applying for the Libraries Student Advisory Group.

What is the Libraries’ Student Advisory Group?
A group of students who, at library faculty request, will gather to provide input and discuss various issues concerning the libraries – anything from social media use to the design of our instruction programs and website. When the library faculty have questions about the student experience, the advisory group members will be our go-to resource!

Who is eligible?
Students who use the Portland Center Library or Murdock Learning Resource Center are eligible to apply. Meetings will be held in person in Newberg and accessible via Zoom for online/distance student group members.

Apply today at this link!

Contact Sarah Stevenson ( for more information.

Survey: Food Insecurity Affecting College Students

Friday, February 23rd, 2018

When people think of a typical college student, they think “sleep-deprived,” “overworked” and “stretched thin.” The old stereotype of college students surviving on minute-ramen noodles and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches can, however, be a real problem in college.

College hunger is a nationwide problem that affects about 20 percent of college students. Some students are struggling to have enough money for food even with jobs on campus. Research also shows that college student hunger can impact students from all socioeconomic backgrounds.

The student life department, in conjunction with Bon Appetit and other departments on campus, would like to understand the food needs of students at George Fox.

Please help us in determining the level of need by completing this short, confidential and anonymous survey. Note that there are also a couple local resources that are listed at the end of this survey.

Food Survey

If you would like to speak to someone about this survey, please contact Jere Witherspoon in the Office of Student Life ( or 503-554-2316).

Plan ahead for spring commencement

Thursday, February 22nd, 2018

Spring commencement plans are underway for traditional undergraduate, graduate, and adult degree program students. Have questions? Check out

Survey: Game Consoles

Thursday, February 22nd, 2018

Do you spend your free time playing PUBG or other video games? Then we are looking for you! We are a group of George Fox MBA students exploring the game console industry and the reasons behind purchasing a specific console.

This survey will take about a minute to complete. To participate, click on the link below.

Game Console Survey

Thank you for your feedback!
– David Guild (

These surveys are student generated and are not to be associated with any official research conducted by faculty and staff at George Fox University. Any views or opinions presented in these surveys are solely those of the students and do not represent those of George Fox University. The distribution of these surveys is a service provided to George Fox University students as they prepare their research required by the curriculum. Students are required to have department approval. Any questions about these surveys should be directed to the students associated with the survey in question.

Join today in national Collegiate Day of Prayer

Wednesday, February 21st, 2018

Today (Thursday) is the national Collegiate Day of Prayer. Join the campus pastors for a guided time of prayer for the university between 1 and 2 p.m. in the Prayer Chapel.

Parent and family programs, together with the campus pastors, have put together a prayer liturgy to guide parents, students, and employees in prayer today. You can find it here.

Regardless of how, where, or when you pray, we invite you to join us in interceding for the university on this Collegiate Day of Prayer.

Housing rental available immediately

Wednesday, February 21st, 2018

University Housing has a temporary rental available for graduate students or staff members looking for a short-term housing solution. It’s a two-bedroom, two-bath house near the Newberg campus available immediately through the end of July.

Please contact University Housing for more details:

Princeton professor Donald Drakeman speaks on Newberg campus March 8

Wednesday, February 21st, 2018

The William Penn Honors Program invites you to hear biotech entrepreneur Donald Drakeman on Thursday, March 8, at 7:30 p.m. in the Edwards-Holman Science Center. The lecture is free and open to all.

Drakeman is a distinguished research professor in the Constitutional Studies Program at Princeton University and a venture partner with Advent Venture Partners. He has cofounded two highly successful biotechnology companies that have created new treatments for cancer.

He will be speaking on the intersection between the sometimes polarizing fields of the humanities and the life sciences in a lecture entitled, “Death Sentence for the Life Sciences? The Humanities and the Future of Medicine.”

If you have questions, please contact Jocelyn Stein at

Need a networking opportunity? Come to free Speed Networking event on March 15

Wednesday, February 21st, 2018

Looking for an ideal networking opportunity? Join us for a free special event, Speed Networking, from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, March 15, in the Chehalem Cultural Center ballroom (415 E. Sheridan St., in Newberg). Although admission is free, you still need to register.

Bring your business cards! Students, alumni and professionals will have opportunities to create connections and learn about a variety of fields at this speed and social networking event. Business-appropriate attire is recommended. Appetizers and water will be served.

The event is sponsored by the university’s MBA programs and the Business Leadership Society. Faculty, please tell your students about this!

To register, and for more information on networking tips and business attire, visit this link.

Questions? Contact Allie Duncan at

University of Cambridge professor speaks at Dalton Lecture tonight

Wednesday, February 21st, 2018

The university’s Department of Biology and Chemistry invites you to join us for the eighth annual Dalton Lecture at 6:30 p.m. tonight (Thursday) in Bauman Auditorium.

Dr. Simon Conway Morris, a professor at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of St. John’s College, will speak on the topic of evolutionary palaeobiology along with the question of “Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe?” Admission is free.

More information is available on the Dalton Lecture Series webpage. Questions? Call the Department of Biology and Chemistry at 503-554-2710.

Survey: Game Consoles

Wednesday, February 21st, 2018

Do you spend your free time playing PUBG or other video games? Then we are looking for you! We are a group of George Fox MBA students exploring the game console industry and the reasons behind purchasing a specific console.

This survey will take about a minute to complete. To participate, click on the link below.

Game Console Survey

Thank you for your feedback!
– David Guild (

These surveys are student generated and are not to be associated with any official research conducted by faculty and staff at George Fox University. Any views or opinions presented in these surveys are solely those of the students and do not represent those of George Fox University. The distribution of these surveys is a service provided to George Fox University students as they prepare their research required by the curriculum. Students are required to have department approval. Any questions about these surveys should be directed to the students associated with the survey in question.

Early registration ends soon for Richard Foster conference

Tuesday, February 20th, 2018

George Fox will serve as host for the final Richard Foster conference: “Empowering Spiritual Transformation in the Local Church: Celebrating 40 Years of Celebration of Discipline.” The event is scheduled for June 10-13. The $40 early registration break expires March 1, and 50 $100 scholarships have been offered to George Fox students, faculty and staff registering before May 1.

You can learn more about the conference here. Contact Paul Anderson ( if you have questions.

University community invited to Bob Gilmore’s memorial service Saturday

Tuesday, February 20th, 2018

Bob Gilmore, who began as a professor at George Fox in 1964 and who, in recent years, was known as a Spanish tutor and the man who would sing Happy Birthday to You to employees over the phone, died on Sunday, Feb. 4. A memorial service for Bob will be held on Saturday, Feb. 24, at 11 a.m. at Newberg Friends Church, 307 S. College St.

The university community is invited to attend.

Check out website to get spring commencement info

Tuesday, February 20th, 2018

Spring commencement plans are underway for traditional undergraduate, graduate, and adult degree program students. Have questions? Check out

Amazon’s Ryan Russell speaks at Portland Center on Feb. 27

Monday, February 19th, 2018

We’re excited to introduce our upcoming event hosted by the George Fox College of Business and the Business Leadership Society!

Join us for …

Designing at Speed
Featuring Ryan Russell, Director of Human-Centered Design at Amazon

Tuesday, Feb. 27, 7 p.m.
Portland Center’s Room 155

Admission is free, but please register. Coffee and dessert will be served.

Ryan is currently the director of human-centered design at Amazon. He is responsible for design and branding across Amazon Operations, including Prime Now, Amazon Flex, Hub by Amazon, Amazon Locker, Transportation, Global Fulfillment and more. His group has studios in Seattle; Sunnyvale, California; Minneapolis, Austin, Texas; and Portland. He loves creating something from nothing and bringing talented people together around a shared vision.

To register, visit this link. Contact Allie Duncan at

Survey: Game Consoles

Monday, February 19th, 2018

Do you spend your free time playing PUBG or other video games? Then we are looking for you! We are a group of George Fox MBA students exploring the game console industry and the reasons behind purchasing a specific console.

This survey will take about a minute to complete. To participate, click on the link below.

Game Console Survey

Thank you for your feedback!
– David Guild (

These surveys are student generated and are not to be associated with any official research conducted by faculty and staff at George Fox University. Any views or opinions presented in these surveys are solely those of the students and do not represent those of George Fox University. The distribution of these surveys is a service provided to George Fox University students as they prepare their research required by the curriculum. Students are required to have department approval. Any questions about these surveys should be directed to the students associated with the survey in question.

Plan now for spring commencement

Sunday, February 18th, 2018

Spring commencement plans are underway for traditional undergraduate, graduate, and adult degree program students. Have questions? Check out