Survey: Food Insecurity Affecting College Students

Sunday, March 11th, 2018

When people think of a typical college student, they think “sleep-deprived,” “overworked” and “stretched thin.” The old stereotype of college students surviving on minute-ramen noodles and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches can, however, be a real problem in college.

College hunger is a nationwide problem that affects about 20 percent of college students. Some students are struggling to have enough money for food even with jobs on campus. Research also shows that college student hunger can impact students from all socioeconomic backgrounds.

The student life department, in conjunction with Bon Appetit and other departments on campus, would like to understand the food needs of students at George Fox.

Please help us in determining the level of need by completing this short, confidential and anonymous survey. Note that there are also a couple local resources that are listed at the end of this survey.

Food Survey

If you would like to speak to someone about this survey, please contact Jere Witherspoon in the Office of Student Life ( or 503-554-2316).

Former VP at Wells Fargo, Jeff Grubb, speaks on being ethical in business on March 15

Thursday, March 8th, 2018

The importance of being ethical in the business world will be discussed at a special George Fox-hosted lecture presented by Jeff Grubb, a former vice president at Wells Fargo, on Thursday, March 15. Grubb’s free presentation, “A Christian in the Business World: Ethical Decisions in Challenging Times,” begins at 7 p.m. in Hoover 105.

Grubb has been a trustee at the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust since 2010. He retired from corporate life in 2017 after 35 years in financial services working for Progressive Insurance, U.S. Bank, U.S. Trust and Wells Fargo. He has also served on the advisory board of several private companies.

The lecture is being presented by George Fox’s Office of the President and College of Business. It is the latest installment of the university’s Reiten Lecture Executive in Residence Series.

Questions? Contact Missy Terry at

Turnitin services will be temporarily unavailable on Saturday, March 17

Thursday, March 8th, 2018

Turnitin services will be temporarily unavailable during a scheduled maintenance update on Saturday, March 17, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

In Assignments with Turnitin enabled, students will be unable to submit during this maintenance window, so be sure to submit before or after the window. All other FoxTALE services will operate as usual.

We apologize for any inconvenience. Contact the Service Desk with any questions: 503-554-2569 or

Portland Writing Center is hiring

Thursday, March 8th, 2018

The Portland Writing Center is seeking a new writing consultant who is enthusiastic about helping fellow graduate and adult degree students understand the components of effective writing. Portland Writing Center consultants are current degree-completion and graduate students who work four to eight hours per week meeting with students in face-to-face or online sessions at the Portland Writing Center.

Writing consultant duties include helping students with the following: (1) thinking through ideas for a writing assignment; (2) considering writing choices with regard to audience, focus, purpose, cohesion, and organization; (3) developing ideas with specific evidence; (4) improving research strategies; (5) applying proper documentation and formatting; and (6) understanding basic grammar and mechanics.

Click here for a consultant job description, and click here for a consultant application. A review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

For more information, contact Jennie Harrop, Portland Writing Center director, at 503-554-6024 or

Finance Department’s ‘After Hours Drop Box’ Clarification

Wednesday, March 7th, 2018

The Finance Department would like to follow-up on last month’s announcement that a drop box is now available by clarifying that the drop box is for AFTER HOURS ITEMS ONLY. As a reminder, we have renamed the drop box; it is now called the “After Hours Drop Box.”

Please do not drop items in the box during our regular business hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please call or email Michelle Conrad at ext. 2160 or with any questions.

We sure appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

– The Finance Department

Honor cords available to veterans for commencement

Tuesday, March 6th, 2018

The Veterans United Association is sponsoring honor cords for our graduating veterans. If you are a veteran graduating or walking in the spring semester of 2018 and are interested in wearing a cord at commencement to honor you as a veteran, please email the veterans office for an application.

Applications are due soon, so please respond today at

Due Dates
Traditional undergraduates: Thursday, March 15 (prior to Exodus)
Graduates/ADP students: Friday, March 23 (prior to Grad Night)

Contact Sherri Moore ( for more information.

Thursday lecture featuring Donald Drakeman has been canceled

Monday, March 5th, 2018

The William Penn Honors Program regrets to inform the university community that the Thursday, March 8, lecture featuring guest Donald Drakeman has been canceled. Unfortunately, Drakeman had to cancel to tend to his wife, who is ill. The lecture has not been rescheduled at this time.

If you have questions, please contact Jocelyn Stein at

Importance of being ethical in business is topic of lecture March 15

Monday, March 5th, 2018

The importance of being ethical in the business world will be discussed at a special George Fox-hosted lecture presented by Jeff Grubb, a former vice president at Wells Fargo, on Thursday, March 15. Grubb’s free presentation, “A Christian in the Business World: Ethical Decisions in Challenging Times,” begins at 7 p.m. in Hoover 105.

Grubb has been a trustee at the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust since 2010. He retired from corporate life in 2017 after 35 years in financial services working for Progressive Insurance, U.S. Bank, U.S. Trust and Wells Fargo. He has also served on the advisory board of several private companies.

The lecture is being presented by George Fox’s Office of the President and College of Business. It is the latest installment of the university’s Reiten Lecture Executive in Residence Series.

Questions? Contact Missy Terry at

Reminder: Brumitt speaks tonight at Spring Faculty Lecture

Monday, March 5th, 2018

All are invited to the 2018 Spring Faculty Lecture tonight (Tuesday) at 6 p.m. in Hoover 105. Our featured speaker, and recipient of the 2016-17 Faculty Achievement Award for Graduate Research and Scholarship, is Jason Brumitt, assistant professor of physical therapy.

Brumitt’s lecture, “Can Preseason Performance and Fitness Testing Identify Athletes at Risk for Injury?,” will focus on a recent trend in sports science research to identify athletes at risk for injury based on measures of preseason fitness. His research has entailed collecting measures of preseason fitness and functional performance in collegiate athletes to identify associations between sport readiness and future injury.

Come early, between 5 and 6 p.m., and check out the work of our Richter Student Scholars and Steinfeldt Peace Scholars at a symposium in the Hoover lobby. George Fox students will present their research and peace projects in a conversational poster format.

Both events are sponsored by the Faculty Development Committee. Refreshments will be served.

Contact Laurie Fair ( for more information.

Notre Dame professor speaks on ‘The Humanities and the Future of Medicine’ Thursday

Sunday, March 4th, 2018

The William Penn Honors Program invites you to come hear Donald L. Drakeman, a distinguished research professor in the Constitutional Studies Program at Notre Dame, a fellow in health management at Cambridge University, and a venture partner with Advent Venture Partners.

He will be speaking on the Newberg campus at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 8, in the Edwards-Holman Science Center. The topic of his presentation is “Death Sentence for the Life Sciences? The Humanities and the Future of Medicine.”

Drakeman is the cofounder of two biotechnology companies that have created new treatments for cancer. His most recent book is Why We Need the Humanities: Life Science, Law and the Common Good.

For more information, contact Jocelyn Stein at

Libraries seek Student Advisory Group applicants

Sunday, March 4th, 2018

Want to engage with library faculty to thoughtfully provide feedback on the library experience? Want to build your resumé by playing a role in a collaborative group environment? We would love to connect with you! Consider applying for the Libraries Student Advisory Group.

What is the Libraries’ Student Advisory Group?
A group of students who, at library faculty request, will gather to provide input and discuss various issues concerning the libraries – anything from social media use to the design of our instruction programs and website. When the library faculty have questions about the student experience, the advisory group members will be our go-to resource!

Who is eligible?
Students who use the Portland Center Library or Murdock Learning Resource Center are eligible to apply. Meetings will be held in person in Newberg and accessible via Zoom for online/distance student group members.

Apply today at this link!

Contact Sarah Stevenson ( for more information.

Princeton professor and biotech engineer Donald Drakeman visits Thursday

Sunday, March 4th, 2018

The William Penn Honors Program invites you to hear biotech entrepreneur Donald Drakeman this Thursday, March 8, at 7:30 p.m. in the Edwards-Holman Science Center. The lecture is free and open to all.

Drakeman is a distinguished research professor in the Constitutional Studies Program at Princeton University and a venture partner with Advent Venture Partners. He has cofounded two highly successful biotechnology companies that have created new treatments for cancer.

He will be speaking on the intersection between the sometimes polarizing fields of the humanities and the life sciences in a lecture entitled, “Death Sentence for the Life Sciences? The Humanities and the Future of Medicine.”

If you have questions, please contact Jocelyn Stein at

Free Speed Networking event open to all on March 15

Sunday, March 4th, 2018

Looking for an ideal networking opportunity? Join us for a free special event, Speed Networking, from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, March 15, in the Chehalem Cultural Center ballroom (415 E. Sheridan St., in Newberg). Although admission is free, you still need to register.

Bring your business cards! Students, alumni and professionals will have opportunities to create connections and learn about a variety of fields at this speed and social networking event. Business-appropriate attire is recommended. Appetizers and water will be served.

The event is sponsored by the university’s MBA programs and the Business Leadership Society. Faculty, please tell your students about this!

To register, and for more information on networking tips and business attire, visit this link.

Questions? Contact Allie Duncan at

Survey: Food Insecurity Affecting College Students

Sunday, March 4th, 2018

When people think of a typical college student, they think “sleep-deprived,” “overworked” and “stretched thin.” The old stereotype of college students surviving on minute-ramen noodles and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches can, however, be a real problem in college.

College hunger is a nationwide problem that affects about 20 percent of college students. Some students are struggling to have enough money for food even with jobs on campus. Research also shows that college student hunger can impact students from all socioeconomic backgrounds.

The student life department, in conjunction with Bon Appetit and other departments on campus, would like to understand the food needs of students at George Fox.

Please help us in determining the level of need by completing this short, confidential and anonymous survey. Note that there are also a couple local resources that are listed at the end of this survey.

Food Survey

If you would like to speak to someone about this survey, please contact Jere Witherspoon in the Office of Student Life ( or 503-554-2316).

Brumitt presents his research at Spring Faculty Lecture tomorrow night

Sunday, March 4th, 2018

All are invited to the 2018 Spring Faculty Lecture tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6 p.m. in Hoover 105. Our featured speaker, and recipient of the 2016-17 Faculty Achievement Award for Graduate Research and Scholarship, is Jason Brumitt, assistant professor of physical therapy.

Brumitt’s lecture, “Can Preseason Performance and Fitness Testing Identify Athletes at Risk for Injury?,” will focus on a recent trend in sports science research to identify athletes at risk for injury based on measures of preseason fitness. His research has entailed collecting measures of preseason fitness and functional performance in collegiate athletes to identify associations between sport readiness and future injury.

Come early, between 5 and 6 p.m., and check out the work of our Richter Student Scholars and Steinfeldt Peace Scholars at a symposium in the Hoover lobby. George Fox students will present their research and peace projects in a conversational poster format.

Both events are sponsored by the Faculty Development Committee. Refreshments will be served.

Contact Laurie Fair ( for more information.

Make plans to attend next week’s Spring Faculty Lecture

Thursday, March 1st, 2018

All are invited to the 2018 Spring Faculty Lecture this Tuesday, March 6, at 6 p.m. in Hoover 105. Our featured speaker, and recipient of the 2016-17 Faculty Achievement Award for Graduate Research and Scholarship, is Jason Brumitt, assistant professor of physical therapy.

Brumitt’s lecture, “Can Preseason Performance and Fitness Testing Identify Athletes at Risk for Injury?,” will focus on a recent trend in sports science research to identify athletes at risk for injury based on measures of preseason fitness. His research has entailed collecting measures of preseason fitness and functional performance in collegiate athletes to identify associations between sport readiness and future injury.

Come early, between 5 and 6 p.m., and check out the work of our Richter Student Scholars and Steinfeldt Peace Scholars at a symposium in the Hoover lobby. George Fox students will present their research and peace projects in a conversational poster format.

Both events are sponsored by the Faculty Development Committee. Refreshments will be served.

Contact Laurie Fair ( for more information.

Housing rental available immediately

Wednesday, February 28th, 2018

University Housing has a temporary rental available for graduate students or staff members looking for a short-term housing solution. It’s a two-bedroom, two-bath house near the Newberg campus available immediately through the end of July.

Please contact University Housing for more details:

PT’s Brumitt presents on his research at Spring Faculty Lecture next week

Tuesday, February 27th, 2018

All are invited to the 2018 Spring Faculty Lecture on Tuesday, March 6, at 6 p.m. in Hoover 105. Our featured speaker, and recipient of the 2016-17 Faculty Achievement Award for Graduate Research and Scholarship, is Jason Brumitt, assistant professor of physical therapy.

Brumitt’s lecture, “Can Preseason Performance and Fitness Testing Identify Athletes at Risk for Injury?,” will focus on a recent trend in sports science research to identify athletes at risk for injury based on measures of preseason fitness. His research has entailed collecting measures of preseason fitness and functional performance in collegiate athletes to identify associations between sport readiness and future injury.

Come early, between 5 and 6 p.m., and check out the work of our Richter Student Scholars and Steinfeldt Peace Scholars at a symposium in the Hoover lobby. George Fox students will present their research and peace projects in a conversational poster format.

Both events are sponsored by the Faculty Development Committee. Refreshments will be served.

Contact Laurie Fair ( for more information.

Honor cords available for veterans at commencement

Tuesday, February 27th, 2018

The Veterans United Association is sponsoring honor cords for our graduating veterans. If you are a veteran graduating or walking in the spring semester of 2018 and are interested in wearing a cord at commencement to honor you as a veteran, please email the veterans office for an application.

Applications are due soon, so please respond today at

Due Dates
Traditional undergraduates: Thursday, March 15 (prior to Exodus)
Graduates/ADP students: Friday, March 23 (prior to Grad Night)

Contact Sherri Moore ( for more information.

Purchase a TV in last five years? Fill out our survey on how it went

Tuesday, February 27th, 2018

We are a group of MBA students seeking people who have purchased a flat screen TV in the past five years. We want to research a little bit about the buying process and to understand why people bought a flat screen.

Please fill out our survey by clicking the link below.

TV Survey 

Thank you! If you have any questions, please contact Brandon Nguyen at

These surveys are student generated and are not to be associated with any official research conducted by faculty and staff at George Fox University. Any views or opinions presented in these surveys are solely those of the students and do not represent those of George Fox University. The distribution of these surveys is a service provided to George Fox University students as they prepare their research required by the curriculum. Students are required to have department approval. Any questions about these surveys should be directed to the students associated with the survey in question.