Portland Writing Center remains open

Tuesday, March 17th, 2020

The Portland Writing Center remains open this spring, with Zoom, email and phone appointments for graduate and degree completion students.

For more information about the services we provide or to schedule an appointment, visit our website. Questions? Contact Jennie Harrop at jharrop@georgefox.edu.

Libraries post hours for Newberg, Portland Center

Tuesday, March 17th, 2020

Beginning tomorrow (Thursday), the university’s libraries will pivot to fully online; however, the Murdock Library’s 24/7 space will remain open via card access.

If you need to check out a Chromebook or other physical items, please come by today. If you are unable to come today, send an email to circadmin@georgefox.edu to make arrangements to get the items you need.

Due dates for all items are automatically being extended through at least May 1. Updates and more information about services are available on our webpage.

Following is a summary of library hours beginning Thursday:

  • Murdock Library: Closed
  • Murdock Library 24/7 Space: Open to university students/faculty/staff via card access
  • Portland Center Library Service Desk: Closed
  • Portland Center Library Space: Open based on Portland Center hours

Questions? Contact Ryan Ingersoll at ringersoll@georgefox.edu.

Glow for Africa Run is postponed

Tuesday, March 17th, 2020

The School of Physical Therapy’s Glow for Africa 5K Run is postponed. The new date will be announced in the coming weeks.

We apologize for any inconvenience. Questions? Contact Linda Dallof at ldallof@georgefox.edu.

SpiL offers daily readings from John online

Tuesday, March 17th, 2020

Throughout the year, the Office of Spiritual Life has been studying the Gospel of John in Vespers chapel. To continue our study, our office is offering daily readings from the Gospel of John on our social media platforms @gfuspil on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Questions? Contact Stephanie Lopez at slopez@georgefox.edu.

Remaining tax prep sessions have been canceled

Sunday, March 15th, 2020

In light of recent events, the accounting department will be canceling its remaining free tax preparation and e-filing assistance sessions for the George Fox community. The original dates scheduled were March 19, April 4, and April 9.

This decision comes as a result of the fact student volunteers will not be on campus as they take precautions associated with the coronavirus. We apologize for any inconvenience.

If you have questions, contact Seth Sikkema at 503-554-2813.

Library posts hours for coming week

Friday, March 13th, 2020

The Murdock Library will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, and the 24-hour space will remain open when the library is closed.

The Portland Center Library will be open Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from noon to 5 p.m. The hours are subject to change based on student employee availability. Visit the Portland Center Library page for updates.

‘Conflict Resolution and Christian Responsibility’ lecture is canceled

Friday, March 13th, 2020

The public lecture titled “Conflict Resolution and Christian Responsibility: The Case from Rwanda 1994” with David Rawson has been canceled. This event will be rescheduled. Questions? Contact Gloria Doherty at gdoherty@georgefox.edu.

Veterans: Get your honor cords for graduation

Wednesday, March 11th, 2020

Veterans: If you will be graduating in either spring or summer 2020 and would like to wear a red, white and blue honor cord signifying your veteran status at graduation, please complete this form.

The honor cords are sponsored by the Veterans United Association Student Organization. The forms are due by Friday, April 17. Questions? Contact veterans@georgefox.edu.

How to protect yourself against COVID-19

Tuesday, March 10th, 2020

George Fox has no reported cases of coronavirus. Please click the image at right to watch a short video on ways to prevent spread of the illness. More info is also available on our George Fox coronavirus website.

Take survey on being known and win gift card

Tuesday, March 10th, 2020

Tell a group of students gathering data what you do and don’t love about George Fox! Undergraduate and graduate students are being asked to share with a group of admissions interns the things that they think George Fox can improve on, while also sharing with us the ways that you have felt known at George Fox.

As a member of the George Fox community your voice matters, but the only way for change to happen is if we can hear about it. Share whatever you want with us for a chance to win a Chapters gift card! Click here for the survey.

Questions? Contact Joseph Barnes at jbarnes17@georgefox.edu.

Submit nominations for Faculty Achievement Award today

Sunday, March 8th, 2020

Nominations are now being accepted for the 2020 Faculty Achievement Award for Graduate and DPS Teaching. Please review the criteria for the award (below) and consider your nomination. It will aid the committee’s deliberations if you provide specific examples of good teaching practices.

The award will be announced at the appropriate graduate commencement and/or hooding ceremony. A plaque and a $2,500 check will be given to this faculty member.

Criteria for the award:

  • Currently a full-time faculty member at George Fox teaching graduate courses or courses in the Department of Professional Studies
  • Unusually significant and meritorious teaching achievement during the past year
  • Unusual effort devoted to ensuring the quality of the students’ classroom learning experience
  • High scholarly standards for both the rigor and currency of course content, and for the level of student performance with respect to these standards
  • Evidence of the faculty member’s direct impact upon and involvement with students
  • The quality of relevant information and nominations submitted by current and former students, including formal teacher evaluations

Graduate and DPS students may complete this Google nomination form or send an email to Laurie Fair (lfair@georgefox.edu) with the name and a statement regarding this faculty member’s excellence with regard to the above criteria. Nominations are due today (Monday).

‘Conflict Resolution and Christian Hospitality’ lecture set for Saturday

Sunday, March 8th, 2020

The George Fox community is invited to join David Rawson, scholar in residence at George Fox and a former U.S. ambassador, as he speaks on “Conflict Resolution and Christian Hospitality: The Case from Rwanda 1994.” This is a public lecture followed by a light reception and continuing conversation.

The event will be held on Saturday, March 14, at 3 p.m. at St. Matthew Lutheran Church, 10390 S.W. Canyon Road in Beaverton. Questions? Contact Gloria Doherty at gdoherty@georgefox.edu.

Library offers English as a Second Language assistance

Sunday, March 8th, 2020

If you know graduate or degree-completion students in need of ESL assistance, Eleanor Kelly is available in the Portland Center Library on an as-needed basis.

Kelly was previously employed through George Fox’s English Language Institute, and she is now working as a tutor and adjunct instructor in Newberg, Portland and online.

After earning a BS in math from Boston State College and ESL certification from California State University Long Beach, Kelly moved to Tokyo, Japan, where she lived and taught for 29 years. While in Japan, Kelly earned an MEd in curriculum, instruction and technology and TESOL from Temple University.

If you have any questions, Eleanor Kelly can be reached at ekelly@georgefox.edu.

Video provides insight into coronavirus

Wednesday, March 4th, 2020

Concerned about the coronavirus? Click the accompanying image to watch an informative YouTube video that provides insight and instruction on what to do if you or someone you know is ill.

In addition, the university has created this page to outline the university’s response to the coronavirus.

A technical glitch in yesterday’s Daily Bruin prevented the video from properly showing up in the email feed. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Take survey on being known and win gift card

Wednesday, March 4th, 2020

Tell a group of students gathering data what you do and don’t love about George Fox! Undergraduate and graduate students are being asked to share with a group of admissions interns the things that they think George Fox can improve on, while also sharing with us the ways that you have felt known at George Fox.

As a member of the George Fox community your voice matters, but the only way for change to happen is if we can hear about it. Share whatever you want with us for a chance to win a Chapters gift card! Click here for the survey.

Questions? Contact Joseph Barnes at jbarnes17@georgefox.edu.

Submit nominations for Faculty Achievement Award

Wednesday, March 4th, 2020

Nominations are now being accepted for the 2020 Faculty Achievement Award for Graduate and DPS Teaching. Please review the criteria for the award (below) and consider your nomination. It will aid the committee’s deliberations if you provide specific examples of good teaching practices.

The award will be announced at the appropriate graduate commencement and/or hooding ceremony. A plaque and a $2,500 check will be given to this faculty member.

Criteria for the award:

  • Currently a full-time faculty member at George Fox teaching graduate courses or courses in the Department of Professional Studies
  • Unusually significant and meritorious teaching achievement during the past year
  • Unusual effort devoted to ensuring the quality of the students’ classroom learning experience
  • High scholarly standards for both the rigor and currency of course content, and for the level of student performance with respect to these standards
  • Evidence of the faculty member’s direct impact upon and involvement with students
  • The quality of relevant information and nominations submitted by current and former students, including formal teacher evaluations

Graduate and DPS students may complete this Google nomination form or send an email to Laurie Fair (lfair@georgefox.edu) with the name and a statement regarding this faculty member’s excellence with regard to the above criteria. Nominations are due on or before Monday, March 9.

Blazer tickets still available for ‘George Fox Night at the Moda Center’

Wednesday, March 4th, 2020

The university has secured group-rate tickets to a Portland Trail Blazers game, and you are invited!

Join in on “George Fox Night at the Moda Center” when the Blazers take on the Memphis Grizzlies on Thursday, March 12. This is a great opportunity to share a fun night with friends, family and fellow George Fox Bruins.

Ticket prices start at $19 apiece. All participants will receive special savings and a chance to shoot a free throw after the game. Visit this link and use the promo code “GFU.”

Questions? Contact Nichole Drew at ndrew@georgefox.edu.

Concerned about coronavirus?

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020
George Fox Health and Counseling Services will provide updates on coronavirus preparations on the university’s website.

Info about spring commencement available online

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020

Commencement season is fast approaching! If you need information, it is available for traditional undergraduate, adult degree, and graduate program events at this link.

Have a question that is not answered there? Email aao@georgefox.edu.

Sign up for the Glow for Africa 5K/Fun Run

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020

Grab your friends and sign up for the 2020 Glow for Africa 5K and One-Mile Fun Run on Friday, April 3, at 8 p.m.!

The cost is $12 for students and $22 for community members; this includes the guarantee of a T-shirt if you sign up by Monday, March 16. Sign up here.

All proceeds support the School of Physical Therapy medical service trips to Ghana and Uganda this summer. Questions? Contact Kendall Woolf at kwoolf18@georgefox.edu.