Make note of these refund tips

Tuesday, August 18th, 2020

With the start of a new academic year, here are some refund tips to be aware of …

Refund Tip #1: Have you granted “Financial Aid Permission?”
If you have not completed a “Financial Aid T4 Permission Form,” please understand that federal funds cannot pay course fees and fines without your permission. This may result in an unpaid charge and a credit balance at the same time. When that happens, we have to audit the account to be sure the refund is valid. That takes time and slows down refunds significantly.

To grant “permission,” please sign into and go to your task tile or follow the steps at this link. The federal rule is that you complete this before your financial aid disburses. If your loans have already disbursed for the semester, you will need to complete two steps:

  1. Complete the form, and
  2. Email this week to authorize us to pre-date the effective date of your permission form.

Refund Tip #2: Session Start Dates Impact Refund Timing
If your first session this fall begins after Aug. 24, your aid disbursement will be delayed until at least 10 days prior to session start, resulting in a refund delay. Please do everything else you can to help us expedite your refunds (Click link and scroll down to “Refunds.”)

Refund Tip #3: Participation in Student Account Direct Deposit is now Mandatory!
If you have not signed up for Student Account Direct Deposit (DD), you must do so immediately. (Employment and Student Accounts DD enrollments are two entirely separate processes.) Please sign into and go to your task tile to complete this requirement. Failure to do so this week will result in refund delays.

Contact with any questions.

Alumni business directory will be unveiled this fall

Sunday, August 16th, 2020

This fall, the Office of Alumni Relations is creating an alumni-owned business directory to promote and support Bruin businesses in the area (West Coast).

The directory will be listed on the alumni website, included in all communications, and highlighted on social media. The purpose is to keep alumni-owned businesses in front of the broader alumni community so together we can support each other through this COVID-19 pandemic.

Please refer alumni-owned businesses by filling out this form, or share this link with business owners. Please share this opportunity with as many alumni as you can. Together we Stand Tall!


Contact Sara Reamy with any questions you may have ( or ext. 2118).

FoxTALE unavailable from 6 a.m. to noon tomorrow

Sunday, August 16th, 2020

FoxTALE will be unavailable tomorrow (Tuesday, Aug. 18), from 6 a.m. to noon (Pacific Time) for scheduled maintenance and upgrade. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Questions? Email or call 503-554-2569.

Be sure to complete Hadlock waiver form

Sunday, August 16th, 2020

As we approach the new academic year, all guests of the Hadlock Student Center must resign the waiver for the 2020-21 academic year.

Please take a few moments to carefully read and complete the new waiver, which can be found in your MyGeorgeFox account. Once logged in, click on “Student Resources,” then “University Forms” and then “Hadlock Waiver 2020” to access the form. Carefully read and click “I agree” at the bottom.

At this time we are actively planning to reopen sometime later this month and will post additional information in the coming weeks regarding updated policies and guidelines. We look forward to seeing you back in Hadlock this fall and helping you “find your fit.”

Questions? Contact

FoxTALE upgrade scheduled Aug. 18

Thursday, August 13th, 2020

FoxTALE will be unavailable Tuesday, Aug. 18, from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Pacific Time) for scheduled maintenance and upgrade. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Questions? Email or call 503-554-2569.

All invited to suicide prevention event Saturday

Wednesday, August 12th, 2020

George Fox faculty and students are invited to take part in a virtual interprofessional continuing medical education event addressing suicide prevention this Saturday, Aug. 15. It will take place over Zoom from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The event, hosted by the Interprofessional Primary Care Institute, is free to students and staff. It will feature experts from a variety of healthcare professions to discuss how interprofessional teams in school-based health centers and primary care clinics can work closely together to prevent adolescent suicide in our communities.

After rates of adolescent suicide in the U.S. stabilized from 2000 to 2007, suicide rates for ages 10 to 24 increased from 2007 (6.8 per 100,000 persons) to 2017 (10.6). While suicides increased across this age group, suicide rates most sharply increased for ages 10 to 14, nearly tripling from 2007 (0.9) to 2017 (2.5).

These increasing rates of adolescent suicide highlight the importance of prevention and intervention in schools, primary care and other community-based settings.

To learn more, contact Tammy O’Doherty (

Title IX course required of students this year

Tuesday, August 11th, 2020

In May 2020, the U.S. Department of Education released new regulations governing campus sexual assault under Title IX, the law prohibiting sex discrimination at federally funded institutions. You can find these updates on our Title IX website.

These changes have been reflected in the course that we offer through EverFi: Sexual Assault Prevention for:

  • Graduate students (including DPS)
  • Undergraduate students
  • Student-athletes

Implemented in 2013, the Campus Save Act requires colleges and universities to provide primary prevention and awareness programs regarding sexual misconduct and related offenses to their campus community.

This year, all students will be required to complete this new course. You should be sent an invitation email from the student life office with all the information you need. Please read the welcome letter carefully so that you understand what is expected of you, and if you have any concerns, what your options are.

If you don’t see it in your in-box, please check your spam folder. If you do NOT receive an email by Aug. 31, 2020, please email Jere Witherspoon at If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jere.

FoxTALE upgrade scheduled Aug. 18

Wednesday, August 5th, 2020

FoxTALE will be unavailable Tuesday, Aug. 18, from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Pacific Time) for scheduled maintenance and upgrade. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Questions? Email or call 503-554-2569.

Join in suicide prevention event on Aug. 15

Wednesday, August 5th, 2020

George Fox faculty and students are invited to take part in a virtual interprofessional continuing medical education event addressing suicide prevention on Saturday, Aug. 15. It will take place over Zoom from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The event, hosted by the Interprofessional Primary Care Institute, is free to students and staff. It will feature experts from a variety of healthcare professions to discuss how interprofessional teams in school-based health centers and primary care clinics can work closely together to prevent adolescent suicide in our communities.

After rates of adolescent suicide in the U.S. stabilized from 2000 to 2007, suicide rates for ages 10 to 24 increased from 2007 (6.8 per 100,000 persons) to 2017 (10.6). While suicides increased across this age group, suicide rates most sharply increased for ages 10 to 14, nearly tripling from 2007 (0.9) to 2017 (2.5).

These increasing rates of adolescent suicide highlight the importance of prevention and intervention in schools, primary care and other community-based settings.

To learn more, contact Tammy O’Doherty (

Virtual event open to aspiring behavioral health clinicians

Tuesday, August 4th, 2020

Interested in learning more about working as a behavioral health clinician? Join us for a special continuing education event focused on developing new skills for behavioral health learners using the Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) model.

The course “Professional Solutions: Behavioral Health Clinician Essentials” will be held virtually the week of Aug. 10-14, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. There is no cost to participate for George Fox faculty or students. The event is hosted by the Interprofessional Primary Care Institute.

Research shows that clinics that implement the BCBH model are better equipped to deliver biopsychosocial-cultural care to the people they serve. The PCBH model is an evolution of psychotherapy that matches the fast pace of primary care by adding a behavioral health clinician (BHC) team member who works in a focused and accessible way.

BHCs in primary care are licensed psychologists, clinical social workers, professional counselors, and marriage and family therapists. This event will feature an interprofessional team that includes experts in the PCBH model, primary care clinicians, nurses and others who are invested in the success of BHCs in primary care.

To learn more, contact Tammy O’Doherty (

Suicide prevention event set for Aug. 15

Wednesday, July 29th, 2020

George Fox faculty and students are invited to take part in a virtual interprofessional continuing medical education event addressing suicide prevention on Saturday, Aug. 15. It will take place over Zoom from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The event, hosted by the Interprofessional Primary Care Institute, is free to students and staff. It will feature experts from a variety of healthcare professions to discuss how interprofessional teams in school-based health centers and primary care clinics can work closely together to prevent adolescent suicide in our communities.

After rates of adolescent suicide in the U.S. stabilized from 2000 to 2007, suicide rates for ages 10 to 24 increased from 2007 (6.8 per 100,000 persons) to 2017 (10.6). While suicides increased across this age group, suicide rates most sharply increased for ages 10 to 14, nearly tripling from 2007 (0.9) to 2017 (2.5).

These increasing rates of adolescent suicide highlight the importance of prevention and intervention in schools, primary care and other community-based settings.

To learn more, contact Tammy O’Doherty (

Virtual event open to aspiring behavioral health clinicians

Tuesday, July 28th, 2020

Interested in learning more about working as a behavioral health clinician? Join us for a special continuing education event focused on developing new skills for behavioral health learners using the Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) model.

The course “Professional Solutions: Behavioral Health Clinician Essentials” will be held virtually the week of Aug. 10-14, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. There is no cost to participate for George Fox faculty or students. The event is hosted by the Interprofessional Primary Care Institute.

Research shows that clinics that implement the BCBH model are better equipped to deliver biopsychosocial-cultural care to the people they serve. The PCBH model is an evolution of psychotherapy that matches the fast pace of primary care by adding a behavioral health clinician (BHC) team member who works in a focused and accessible way.

BHCs in primary care are licensed psychologists, clinical social workers, professional counselors, and marriage and family therapists. This event will feature an interprofessional team that includes experts in the PCBH model, primary care clinicians, nurses and others who are invested in the success of BHCs in primary care.

To learn more, contact Tammy O’Doherty (

Student life office moves to Hadlock Student Center

Thursday, July 23rd, 2020

The student life office is excited to announce its move to the Hadlock Student Center, 1400 E. Sherman St. 

Entrance to the offices will be through the side door closest to the parking lot of Sherman Street.

Suicide prevention event open to students and employees Aug. 15

Thursday, July 23rd, 2020

George Fox faculty and students are invited to take part in a virtual interprofessional continuing medical education event addressing suicide prevention on Saturday, Aug. 15. It will take place over Zoom from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The event is free to students and staff. It will feature experts from a variety of healthcare professions to discuss how interprofessional teams in school-based health centers and primary care clinics can work closely together to prevent adolescent suicide in our communities.

After rates of adolescent suicide in the U.S. stabilized from 2000 to 2007, suicide rates for ages 10 to 24 increased from 2007 (6.8 per 100,000 persons) to 2017 (10.6). While suicides increased across this age group, suicide rates most sharply increased for ages 10 to 14, nearly tripling from 2007 (0.9) to 2017 (2.5).

These increasing rates of adolescent suicide highlight the importance of prevention and intervention in schools, primary care and other community-based settings.

To learn more, contact Tammy O’Doherty (

Virtual event open to aspiring behavioral health clinicians

Monday, July 20th, 2020

Interested in learning more about working as a behavioral health clinician? Join us for a special continuing education event focused on developing new skills for behavioral health learners using the Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) model.

The course “Professional Solutions: Behavioral Health Clinician Essentials” will be held virtually the week of Aug. 10-14, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. There is no cost to participate for George Fox faculty or students.

Research shows that clinics that implement the BCBH model are better equipped to deliver biopsychosocial-cultural care to the people they serve. The PCBH model is an evolution of psychotherapy that matches the fast pace of primary care by adding a behavioral health clinician (BHC) team member who works in a focused and accessible way.

BHCs in primary care are licensed psychologists, clinical social workers, professional counselors, and marriage and family therapists. This event will feature an interprofessional team that includes experts in the PCBH model, primary care clinicians, nurses and others who are invested in the success of BHCs in primary care.

To learn more, contact Tammy O’Doherty (

Volunteer to lead a Zoom or hybrid Life Group this fall

Wednesday, July 15th, 2020

As a key strategy for soul care of undergraduates during the pandemic, the Office for Spiritual Life is looking for 30 Life Group leaders for our nine-week fall Life Groups series (the weeks of Sept. 7 through Nov. 6).

Life Groups are small groups of undergraduate students who meet together for prayer, Bible study and fellowship. Groups meet weekly for 60 to 90 minutes. This fall, all of our groups will be either Zoom groups or hybrid groups. (Hybrid groups will meet primarily via Zoom, but may occasionally meet outdoors as the weather, state and university regulations, and participant comfort permit.)

Throughout the pandemic, Life Groups through the Office for Spiritual Life will also be chapel credit-eligible in order to encourage students to engage in high-quality spiritual formation experiences that are participatory and offer ongoing community.

We welcome our employees, alumni, family members of George Fox employees and students, and members of our wonderful local churches to consider leading a group. Groups may also be co-led with an upperclassman student if the leader desires.

For more information and to sign up, visit this webpage or contact the Office for Spiritual Life at

Virtual event open to aspiring behavioral health clinicians

Wednesday, July 15th, 2020

Interested in learning more about working as a behavioral health clinician? Join us for a special continuing education event focused on developing new skills for behavioral health learners using the Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) model.

The course “Professional Solutions: Behavioral Health Clinician Essentials” will be held virtually the week of Aug. 10-14, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. There is no cost to participate for George Fox faculty or students.

Research shows that clinics that implement the BCBH model are better equipped to deliver biopsychosocial-cultural care to the people they serve. The PCBH model is an evolution of psychotherapy that matches the fast pace of primary care by adding a behavioral health clinician (BHC) team member who works in a focused and accessible way.

BHCs in primary care are licensed psychologists, clinical social workers, professional counselors, and marriage and family therapists. This event will feature an interprofessional team that includes experts in the PCBH model, primary care clinicians, nurses and others who are invested in the success of BHCs in primary care.

To learn more, contact Tammy O’Doherty (

New Title IX regulations soon go into effect

Sunday, July 12th, 2020

The Department of Education recently released the final regulations for implementing protections of equal access to education under Title IX of the Higher Education Act of 1972. As federal laws, these regulations govern how institutions are required to respond to sexual assault and other forms of sexual harassment. These regulations are effective as of Aug. 14, 2020.

These regulations are significant, and we are carefully reviewing them over the coming weeks to determine what adjustments we need to make to our current policies and/or our processes for addressing reports of sexual assault and harassment.

The state of Oregon also has relevant legislation, and we need to consider how the federal and state regulations interact with one another. We will be certain to inform our community of any changes we need to make as a result of these new laws.

We recognize that many members of our community have been deeply impacted by sexual assault. It is important that you know that our commitment to preventing sexual assault, supporting those who report experiencing harm, and conducting fair, transparent and safe grievance processes for all parties continues to be a top priority for us. We remain steadfastly focused on continuing to build a supportive, safe and welcoming environment where everyone can learn, work and thrive.  

If you have experienced sexual harassment or sexual assault, you are encouraged to connect to the resources at our institution or elsewhere that can best support you. Much of this information is on our website at We also have added a new video resource specific to George Fox on our Title IX website’s home page that addresses some common questions.

Our Title IX team’s contact information is on the Title IX website under â€œstaff.” Please contact the Office of Student Life ( if you have any questions or concerns.

Last call to register for free HICP virtual event

Sunday, July 12th, 2020

The university’s employees and students are invited to attend a free virtual event that will discuss the topic of High-Impact Chronic Pain (HICP) on Saturday, July 18, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

HICP affects 11 to 20 million U.S. adults and interferes with work or other daily activities most days or every day. People with HICP often suffer from iatrogenic harms, including (but not limited to) prescription-induced opiate use disorders.

In this session, we will hear from experts representing a variety of professions to discuss the healthcare experiences of people with HICP and the evidence on what works to reduce iatrogenic harms and promote health. You don’t want to miss this interactive virtual event intended to strengthen the primary care workforce. 

Students and employees can attend for free, but you must register ASAP at this link. Please contact Tammy O’Doherty ( with any questions.

Sign up to be a Zoom or hybrid Life Group leader this fall

Sunday, July 12th, 2020

As a key strategy for soul care of undergraduates during the pandemic, the Office for Spiritual Life is looking for 30 Life Group leaders for our nine-week fall Life Groups series (the weeks of Sept. 7 through Nov. 6).

Life Groups are small groups of undergraduate students who meet together for prayer, Bible study and fellowship. Groups meet weekly for 60 to 90 minutes. This fall, all of our groups will be either Zoom groups or hybrid groups. (Hybrid groups will meet primarily via Zoom, but may occasionally meet outdoors as the weather, state and university regulations, and participant comfort permit.)

Throughout the pandemic, Life Groups through the Office for Spiritual Life will also be chapel credit-eligible in order to encourage students to engage in high-quality spiritual formation experiences that are participatory and offer ongoing community.

We welcome our employees, alumni, family members of George Fox employees and students, and members of our wonderful local churches to consider leading a group. Groups may also be co-led with an upperclassman student if the leader desires.

For more information and to sign up, visit this webpage or contact the Office for Spiritual Life at