Register for Michael Simmons’ ‘Companioning Our Shadow’ course

Tuesday, February 15th, 2022

What emotion often disrupts your life, negatively impacts those closest to you, or keeps you from experiencing intimacy in relationships? Is it paralyzing fear, red-hot anger, or deep sadness? Our emotions offer vitality for life, but we must learn to listen, feel, and befriend them.

This Friday, Feb. 18, join Michael Simmons for an online course, “Companioning Our Shadow: Emotions & Relationships.” Michael will explore practices and tools for encountering Christ in our shadow, and bring wholeness to our emotional life.

Michael is a spiritual director and retreat facilitator, and serves on the Companioning Center leadership team. He is a doctoral student at Portland Seminary, and an ordained elder in the Free Methodist Church.

The course is offered virtually via Zoom from 9 to 11 a.m. The cost is $39, and the Zoom link will be provided. You can register here.

Questions? Contact Simmons at

Join discussion on the ‘virtue of faith’ tomorrow night

Monday, February 14th, 2022

Tomorrow (Wednesday), at 7 p.m. in Hoover 105, the School of Theology has the distinct pleasure of hosting what promises to be a lively and engaging conversation between George Fox professor Phil Smith and Frederick Bauerschmidt, a professor of theology at Loyola University, on the virtue of faith.

Smith and Bauerschmidt will discuss the virtue of faith – what it is and why it matters – from not just their own distinct disciplines, but also by drawing explicitly from their Quaker and Catholic perspectives, respectively.

The night will be informal and geared toward the questions and concerns of those present. We hope to see you there! Chapel credit is available for students.

Contact Sarah Taylor at with any questions.

Portland Writing Center seeks writing consultant

Monday, February 14th, 2022

The Portland Writing Center is seeking a new writing consultant who is enthusiastic about helping fellow graduate and degree-completion students understand the components of effective writing.

PWC consultants are current adult degree-completion and graduate students who work five to eight hours per week meeting with students in Zoom or email sessions through the Portland Writing Center. Writing consultant duties include helping students with the following:

  • Thinking through ideas for a writing assignment
  • Considering writing choices with regard to audience, focus, purpose, cohesion and organization
  • Developing ideas with specific evidence
  • Improving research strategies
  • Applying proper documentation and formatting
  • Understanding basic grammar and mechanics
  • Academic coaching, which is helping students with school/life balance

Click here for a consultant job description, and click here for a consultant application. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

For more information, contact Hannah Jackson, Portland Writing Center director, at

Get Portland Writing Center updates in weekly newsletter

Monday, February 14th, 2022

Calling all graduate students: Check out this week’s newsletter to hear updates about the Portland Writing Center, as well as tips on campus resources!

Email Hannah Lee at if you have any questions.

Sign up for free Zoom conference on interprofessional pediatric practice

Sunday, February 13th, 2022

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recently made recommendations to improve primary care, two of which were to build interprofessional care teams and community-based training programs. We at the university’s Interprofessional Primary Care Institute have decided to do both.

Join us on Zoom on Saturday, Feb. 26, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to explore interprofessionality in pediatric practice. Go to our event page to register or find more information. It is free for George Fox students and employees.

Questions? Contact Tammy O’Doherty at

All invited to annual Physical Therapy Research Symposium on Thursday

Sunday, February 13th, 2022

Please join the College of Physical Therapy for our eighth annual research symposium from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 17, in the Medical Sciences Building (448 Werth Blvd.).

In this symposium, physical therapy doctoral faculty and third-year students will showcase various rehabilitation research topics.

Questions? Please contact Samantha Skaggs at or 503-554-2451.

Join conversation on the ‘virtue of faith’ this Wednesday night

Thursday, February 10th, 2022

This Wednesday, Feb. 16, at 7 p.m. in Hoover 105, the School of Theology has the distinct pleasure of hosting what promises to be a lively and engaging conversation between George Fox professor Phil Smith and Frederick Bauerschmidt, a professor of theology at Loyola University, on the virtue of faith.

Smith and Bauerschmidt will discuss the virtue of faith – what it is and why it matters – from not just their own distinct disciplines, but also by drawing explicitly from their Quaker and Catholic perspectives, respectively.

The night will be informal and geared toward the questions and concerns of those present. We hope to see you there! Chapel credit is available for students.

Contact Sarah Taylor at with any questions.

Portland Writing Center is hiring

Wednesday, February 9th, 2022

The Portland Writing Center is seeking a new writing consultant who is enthusiastic about helping fellow graduate and degree-completion students understand the components of effective writing.

PWC consultants are current adult degree-completion and graduate students who work five to eight hours per week meeting with students in Zoom or email sessions through the Portland Writing Center. Writing consultant duties include helping students with the following:

  • Thinking through ideas for a writing assignment
  • Considering writing choices with regard to audience, focus, purpose, cohesion and organization
  • Developing ideas with specific evidence
  • Improving research strategies
  • Applying proper documentation and formatting
  • Understanding basic grammar and mechanics
  • Academic coaching, which is helping students with school/life balance

Click here for a consultant job description, and click here for a consultant application. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

For more information, contact Hannah Jackson, Portland Writing Center director, at

University closes Friday for mid-semester holiday

Tuesday, February 8th, 2022

The Newberg and Portland campuses will be closed this Friday, Feb. 11, for the mid-semester holiday. All offices and libraries will be closed. Although the Murdock Library will be closed, the 24-hour space will remain open.

The Bruin Store on the Newberg campus also will remain open for its regular business hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Gift card donations for The Contingent are due this week

Tuesday, February 8th, 2022

Recently, the offices of The Contingent, the organization George Fox partners with for Foster Parents Night Out, Every Child Oregon, Act Six, and MyNeighbOR, was broken into and ransacked, resulting in a significant loss of possessions and damaged property.

Among the stolen items were thousands of dollars of gift cards and items that were intended for crisis response for the children and families they serve.

The Office for Spiritual Life would like to invite our campus to serve and encourage this longtime partner by collecting gift cards ($10-$50 to Amazon, Target, Fred Meyer, etc.) so they might continue their important work even while they recover from this major setback.

If you are able, please bring gift cards to the SpiL (Barclay) House or send them through campus mail anytime between now and tomorrow (Thursday).

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at

Thank you!

Get Portland Writing Center weekly updates through newsletter

Sunday, February 6th, 2022

Want to improve your writing? Uncertain of how to make an appointment with an academic coach? The Portland Writing Center has a weekly newsletter!

Check out our latest tips and tricks here.

Come to Stewards of Sustainability Club meeting today

Sunday, February 6th, 2022

Join the Stewards of Sustainability Club today (Monday) for our regular bi-weekly meeting in Lemmons 15 at 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. We will be planning and putting together resources for the rest of our events this semester.

Questions? Contact Sydney Schroeder at

Reminder to pick up your bookstore orders before forfeiture

Thursday, February 3rd, 2022

This is a reminder that uncollected online orders for spring semester are now falling into forfeiture. Any order not picked up within 45 days of being placed become property of the bookstore. Orders placed on or before Dec. 20 are now forfeit.

Questions? Contact Laura King at

Join gift card drive to assist charitable organization recently robbed

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022

On Sunday night, the offices of The Contingent, the organization George Fox partners with for Foster Parents Night Out, Every Child Oregon, Act Six, and MyNeighbOR, was broken into and ransacked, resulting in a significant loss of possessions and damaged property.

Among the stolen items were thousands of dollars of gift cards and items that were intended for crisis response for the children and families they serve.

The Office for Spiritual Life would like to invite our campus to serve and encourage this longtime partner by collecting gift cards ($10-$50 to Amazon, Target, Fred Meyer, etc.) so they might continue their important work even while they recover from this major setback.

If you are able, please bring gift cards to the SpiL (Barclay) House or send them through campus mail anytime between now and Thursday, Feb. 11.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at

Thank you!

Register for virtual course dealing with emotions

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022

What emotions do you struggle with? Is it paralyzing fear, red-hot anger, or deep sadness? Our emotions offer so much vitality for life, but when we are not in right relationship with them, they can cut us off from ourselves, others and God.

On Friday, Feb. 18, join Michael Simmons for an online course, “Companioning Our Shadow: Emotions & Relationships.” Simmons will explore practices and tools for companioning our shadow, particularly surrounding our emotions and how they impact our relationships. This course is a space to invite Christ to meet our hidden parts and deepen the healing process.

The course will be offered via Zoom from 9 to 11 a.m. The cost is $39, and the Zoom link will be provided. You can register here if interested.

Simmons, a doctoral student at Portland Seminary and an ordained elder in the Free Methodist Church, is a spiritual director and retreat facilitator, and he serves on the leadership team with Companioning Center and the board of Deep Water, a local community that provides tools, processes and sacred space for women and men to heal.

Questions? Contact Simmons at

Sign up for Zoom conference on interprofessional pediatric teams

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recently made recommendations to improve primary care, two of which were to build interprofessional care teams and community-based training programs. We at the university’s Interprofessional Primary Care Institute have decided to do both.

Join us on Zoom on Saturday, Feb. 26, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to explore interprofessionality in pediatric practice. Go to our event page to register or find more information. It is free for George Fox students and employees.

Questions? Contact Tammy O’Doherty at

1098-T tuition tax statements are now available

Monday, January 31st, 2022

Student Accounts would like you to know that 1098-T tuition tax statements are now available! Students may download their form by:

  • Logging in to MyGeorgeFox
  • Selecting “Financial Account”
  • Clicking on “Account Services”
  • Selecting “View 1098-T”

Make sure you allow pop-ups in your browser. If you do not see a form available, you did not qualify this year. There are multiple reasons this may happen, but the most common are:

  • Scholarships, grants, or third party payments were in excess of the qualified payments.
  • You did not have qualifying enrollment.

For a FAQ and more information about the 1098-T, including links to IRS guidelines and instructions, please visit our webpage, or email Chris Pulver at

Physical copies were also mailed at the end of January to those who did not sign up for electronic delivery.

Physical therapy program showcases its work at symposium Feb. 17

Monday, January 31st, 2022

Please join the College of Physical Therapy for our eighth annual research symposium from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 17, in the Medical Sciences Building (448 Werth Blvd.).

In this symposium, physical therapy doctoral faculty and third-year students will showcase various rehabilitation research topics.

Questions? Please contact Samantha Skaggs at or 503-554-2451.

Get your tickets to see ‘Godspell’ this week

Sunday, January 30th, 2022

The final shows of George Fox University Theatre’s production of Godspell: 2012 Revised Version are scheduled this week.

Performances in Wood-Mar Auditorium are scheduled as follows:

  • Thursday-Saturday, Feb. 3-5, at 7:30 p.m.
  • Sunday matinee: Feb. 6 at 2 p.m.

You can purchase tickets here or by calling the performing arts box office at 503-554-2670.

All patrons must be masked – there are no exceptions. Our ticketing system will automatically place one empty seat on either side of your ticket purchase to create extra space between you and the patrons next to you. Please choose the gray seats to seat your entire party together with no spaces between you. The system will add the gray/COVID seat after your purchase is complete. We encourage all patrons to be vaccinated to help protect our actors and fellow audience members from COVID-19.

Students may acquire free tickets for Thursday night performances. George Fox faculty and staff are entitled to one free ticket for the run of the show. Both options may be selected when you purchase or select your tickets in our online ticketing system. Please use your George Fox email address when ordering.

For details or assistance, email Kathy Harris at or call 503-554-2670.

Pick up your online orders: Forfeit deadline approaches

Thursday, January 27th, 2022

This is a gentle reminder that online orders carry a forfeiture clause in the fine print: Any online order not picked up after 45 days of the order being placed is considered abandoned and becomes property of the bookstore.

Several orders are already in this category, so please come pick up your books.

Questions? Contact Laura King at