Portland Center office will close early on March 6 for presidential inauguration

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

The Portland Center front office will close early (3 p.m.) on Thursday, March 6, so that all front office employees can attend the George Fox presidential inauguration ceremony and dinner that follows.

University hosts annual Woolman Peacemaking Forum March 3-4

Friday, February 29th, 2008

Lisa Schirch, professor of peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University and author of five books on peace, is the featured speaker at the university’s annual John Woolman Peacemaking Forum Monday and Tuesday, March 3-4. The theme for the forum is “Frontiers in Peacebuilding.”

Schirch’s keynote address will be given at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the Hoover Academic Building’s Room 105. Her topic will be “Reframing Security with Conflict Prevention.”

She also will speak at a 10:40 a.m. Monday chapel service in Bauman Auditorium on the topic “Dancing in the Lion’s Jaws: A Pacifist Among the Security Policy Makers.” After the chapel service, a talkback session will be held in the Cap and Gown Room where attendees can engage in discussion with Schirch.

Schirch is the program director of 3D Security Initiative, an organization that aims to make links between community-level peacebuilding work with members of Congress, the State Department, the Department of Defense, USAID, and others that shape U.S. foreign policy.

The Woolman Peacemaking Forum, named for 18th-century American Quaker John Woolman, is sponsored by the the university’s Center for Peace and Justice. Established in 1986, the event is designed to bring leading peacemakers to George Fox University to encourage people to invest their lives and energies in the pursuit of peace.

Transition to Apple-only campus brings changes, new options

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

The Apple-only Computers Across the Curriculum transition is exciting considering the specs on the MacBook that will be given out (visit it.georgefox.edu/cac/2008.html). With this transition, many Apple changes are coming to the university.

Plans are formulating now for a big “Apple on campus” event in early April. But right now we want you to be aware of the iChat service available to anyone with a George Fox account and access to iChat on an Apple computer or a Jabber Client on a PC. Check out the following web page for more information: it.georgefox.edu/cec.html.

– Greg Smith, IT

Bus will take Bruin fans to Tacoma for playoff game

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

With a 76-71 overtime victory over Lewis & Clark Wednesday night, the George Fox women’s basketball team earned a spot in the Northwest Conference’s championship final Friday against the University of Puget Sound.

The Bruins will play at UPS in Tacoma, Wash., at 7 p.m., with the winner getting an automatic bid to the NCAA Division III tournament. For fans who wish to attend, George Fox has reserved a bus that will leave the Wheeler Sports Center parking lot at 2:30 p.m. Friday, returning the same night. The cost is $15 for adults, $10 for students.

If interested in a ride, call or e-mail Patty Findley (Athletics) at ext. 2910 or pfindley@georgefox.edu. Space will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Bookstore hours will temporarily change Feb. 27 to March 5

Monday, February 25th, 2008

Due to limited staffing while attending a conference in Texas, the Portland Center Bookstore hours will be amended as follows:

Wednesday & Thursday, Feb. 27 & 28
9 a. m. to 4 p. m.

Friday, Feb. 29

Monday through Wednesday, March 3-5
9 a. m. to 4 p. m.

For questions about the closure, email John Stewart, Portland Center Bookstore Director

For bookstore needs during those days, email Candy Schlott at schlott@georgefox.edu.

Library seeks your input with survey

Monday, February 25th, 2008

The LibQUAL+â„¢ Library Survey is now available. Please take a moment to fill out the survey about the quality of the George Fox library service. The survey is available any time of the day or night from Feb. 25 through March 19. Participants are eligible to win prizes.

Survey URL: http://survey.libqual.org/index.cfm?ID=629358

Security Services: Hide valuable items left in vehicles

Thursday, February 21st, 2008

As security has monitored the parking lots lately, we have seen many vehicles with items such as laptops, purses, wallets, cell phones, and other items that would be of interest to thieves. Please help deter them by securing these items in other areas out of plain view. Your cooperation is appreciated.

– Security Services

University hosts world-renowned physician Dr. David Barker Feb. 21

Tuesday, February 19th, 2008

George Fox and Providence Newberg Medical Center will host a public health forum featuring Dr. David Barker – a physician and researcher who discovered the relationship between birth weight and the risk of coronary heart disease – from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 21, in Wood-Mar Auditorium.

Barker, a physician and professor of clinical epidemiology at the University of Southampton in England and a professor in the Department of Medicine and the Heart Research Center at Oregon Health and Science University, will speak on “Halting the Epidemic of Diabetes and Heart Disease.”

The forum is free and open to the public. In addition to seating in Wood-Mar Auditorium, a live feed of the presentation will be available in Hoover 105.

Barker, MD, PhD, is internationally renowned for what was named the “Barker Hypothesis” by the British Medical Journal in 1995. In 1989, with University of Southampton colleagues, he showed for the first time that people who had low birth weight are at greater risk of developing coronary heart disease. His theory is now widely accepted in the medical community.

ater studies he conducted showed that low birth weight also is associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and Type 2 diabetes. In all, Barker has published more than 200 papers and written or edited five books about the developmental origins of chronic disease.

His Oregon connection began in 2003, when he joined the faculty at the Heart Research Center at OHSU to study how nutrition and growth before birth and during early childhood alter the development of the heart. He is a research partner with Dr. Kent Thornburg, a member of the George Fox Board of Trustees and a 1967 George Fox graduate. Thornburg helped arrange the forum.

For more information, contact Sharon Pilon (Development) at 503-554-2115, or Mike Antrim, senior public affairs and marketing coordinator at Providence Newberg Medical Center, at 503-537-1699.

Kaleo youth ministry conference returns Feb. 23

Monday, February 18th, 2008

Space is still available for employees and students interested in attending this Saturday’s Kaleo conference, featuring Wes Davis, pastor of Newlife Church in Silverdale, Wash. The event, designed to provide training for those involved with youth ministry, will draw church groups and individuals from throughout the region. It is scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. in Bauman Auditorium.

“Courageous Leadership” is this year’s theme. In addition to Davis, who will speak on “Dare to Lead” and “Dare to Redeem,” breakout sessions led by several guest speakers will cover 16 topics, including “Avoiding burnout,” “Building a team,” “Mentoring young women,” “Prolonged adolescence,” “Postmodern evangelism,” and “Discipling a godly student living in an ungodly home.” Leading worship will be Mike Hohnholz, who leads a Sunday night service at Beaverton Foursquare Church.

The conference is free for George Fox undergraduate students. Employees and George Fox graduate students pay $25 per person. The price includes a lunch.

For more information or to register, visit kaleo.georgefox.edu.

Portland Center Bookstore survey

Monday, February 18th, 2008

The Portland Center Bookstore is looking for ways to better serve the Portland Center community. Attached is a survey regarding the Portland Center Bookstore services and Coffee Cart/Food Services at the Portland Center.

The survey consists of 10 questions and will only take a few short minutes of your time. We would like to have the online surveys completed no later than 5 p.m. on Wed., Feb. 20.

We sincerely appreciate your participation. Your input is invaluable.

Click this link: Bookstore Survey

Please contact John Stewart at ext 6126 if you have any questions about the survey.

Seminary fair draws representatives from across country Feb. 26

Monday, February 18th, 2008

Career Services is teaming up with the religion and Christian ministries departments to host a seminary fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 26, in the Hoover Academic Building on the Newberg campus. Seminaries from across the country will have representatives present. Get information from Asbury, Ashland, Fuller, George Fox Evangelical, Trinity Western, Phillips, North Park, Western, and Truett

Baby boomers needed for counseling survey

Monday, February 18th, 2008

Graduate Department of Counseling students in COUN/MFT 582 Research and Evaluation are working with Michelle J. Cox (Counseling) to investigate baby boomers’ images of God, attachment styles, spiritual transcendence, and emotional well-being.

Student researchers are looking for volunteers born between 1946 and 1964 to complete a 45-minute survey. Anyone willing to participate is asked to contact Michelle via e-mail at mcox@georgefox.edu for more information about the study and when data collection will begin.

Farewell for Jules Glanzer set for Feb. 21

Friday, February 15th, 2008

A farewell reception for Jules Glanzer (Seminary) is scheduled from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 21, in the main lobby of the Portland Center. Jules is leaving to serve as president of his alma mater, Tabor College in Kansas.

Link between abortion, breast cancer discussed Feb. 20

Friday, February 15th, 2008

A bioethics discussion, “Abortion and Breast Cancer, the Missing Link Found,” with Dr. Clem Persaud, PhD, a professor of biotechnology, is scheduled from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 20, in Hoover 105.

Come hear one of the world’s leading biotechnology experts discuss relevant topics of faith and science. Dr. Persaud is a retired professor of biotechnology from Canadore College, Ontario.  He travels extensively leading bioethics discussions on various topics such as stem cells, embryo research, and cloning.

For more information, contact Ryan MacKenzie at rmackenzie04@georgefox.edu.

Have your ID card encoded soon

Thursday, February 14th, 2008

Our North building has gone to a cardlock system to increase preventative security for our staff that works there. Eventually our main south building will also be using cardlock system in the evenings.

To ensure that you can access the building in the evening once the system is up and running, please stop by the front office at your earliest convenience to have your card tested for encoding. If it needs to be encoded, our front office staff will be able to do that for you at that time. The process takes only 2-3 minutes.  

If you have already come by the front office and had your card encoded, please disregard this email.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Optimal Resume – Your best first impression just got better

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

Your job search preparation has never been so convenient and so professional.

Imagine having access to a top-notch resume builder, cover letter builder, interviewing practice, skills assessment, e-portfolio and website builder in one system online and on your own schedule.

Optimal Resume, now offered through Career Services, is certain to give you the professional advantage you need to compete successfully with other candidates in the market. You will be getting a great value with the complete set of tools available in this Career Services resource system along with consultation on demand.

This new system is now an important prerequisite to getting further assistance – the starting point before you request to see us about any of the above job search tools/skills.

Sign up for an account at: http://georgefox.optimalresume.com or go to Bruindata, click on “My Data,” and click on “Optimal Resume”


Undergrads pay a one-time fee of $25 and can use Optimal Resume as long as you are a student at George Fox, plus six months after graduation.

Alumni pay a $29 fee for one year of use.

A 20 percent discount applies for those who are required to use the system in a course.

Your best first impression just got better with Optimal Resume!

Questions? Contact Career Services at 503-554-2330.

Bosendorfer Concert Artist Baruch Meir performs in Bauman Feb. 17

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

Baruch Meir, an associate professor at Arizona State University, will visit George Fox for the second installment of the university’s newly created Bösendorfer Artist Concert Series at 4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 17, in Bauman Auditorium.

Tickets are $10 for adults, $8 for seniors and alumni, and $6 for students and children under 12. Tickets may be purchased at the box office by calling ext. 3844 or by visiting music.georgefox.edu.

In addition to Sunday’s concert, Meir will be offering a public master class to three piano majors – Joseph Forster, Beth Sellers and Becca Couch – at 4 p.m. Friday, Feb. 15, on the Bauman stage. There is no admission fee to attend the master class.

Meir, named a Bösendorfer Concert Artist in 2003, will perform works by Ravel, Chopin, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, and Galuppi on Sunday. He has performed in Austria, England, France, Israel, Portugal, and throughout the United States.

He has presented solo recitals at the Bösendorfer Saal in Vienna, Austria; Murphy Hall in Los Angeles; and at the Toujours Mozart Festival in Salzburg, Austria. He also has presented master classes at the Music Academy in Vienna, the Rubin Academy of Music in Jerusalem, and universities in the U.S.

A native of Israel, Meir is a summa cum laude graduate of the Rubin Academy of Music of Tel Aviv University, where he earned both bachelor and master degrees in piano performance.

Spiritual Emphasis Week at Portland Center Feb. 11-14

Monday, February 11th, 2008

The School of Professional Studies is sponsoring Spiritual Emphasis Week at the Portland Center Feb. 11-14. Each evening from 7:30 to 8 p.m. in the main lobby, there will be music and a brief devotional. Light refreshments will be provided.

This great time of community building and personal reflection is open to all students and employees of George Fox. Please plan on attending these very meaningful times.

For details or questions, contact Mark Ocker at the School of Professional Studies.

Tickets still available for ‘Black Boy’ play Feb. 8-9

Wednesday, February 6th, 2008

Tickets are still available for this Friday and Saturday’s presentation of Black Boy, a one-person play featuring Broadway actor Charles Holt. Performances begin at 7:30 p.m. both nights in Wood-Mar Auditorium.

Holt plays Richard Wright and a host of additional characters in Wynn Handman’s adaption of Wright’s influential 1945 autobiography Black Boy. Holt has been performing Black Boy for the last seven years throughout the United States. More information on the production is available at charlesholtproductions.com.

Employees and students are entitled to one complimentary ticket, available for pick-up at the University Store. Additional tickets are $10 for general admission, $8 for seniors and alumni, and $6 for students and children under 12. Tickets may be purchased at the box office by calling 503-554-3844 or online at theatre.georgefox.edu.

Gorlorwulu speaks on Liberia at peace symposium Feb. 13

Wednesday, February 6th, 2008

Faculty, staff, and students are invited to the February Peace and Justice Symposium session sponsored by the Center for Peace and Justice.

The event is scheduled from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 13, in the Special Collections Room on the second floor of the library on the Newberg campus. Speaker John Gorlorwulu (School of Management), who grew up in Liberia, West Africa, will speak on “Peacebuilding Challenges and Opportunities in Liberia.”

The symposium will explore and celebrate the diversity of approaches for exemplifying Christ’s all-inclusive call to peace and justice in our lives.