Reminder: University Day of Prayer is this Saturday

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

The George Fox Day of Prayer is Saturday, Oct. 26, from 1 to 5 p.m. on the quad. During homecoming, the Parents Council will have a prayer tent open for anyone to join them in prayer for our campus.

If you have a prayer request to be shared for prayer during this time, please email it to

Join in the fun of Homecoming and Family Weekend

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

Join us for activities during Homecoming and Family Weekend Oct. 25-27! Registration and information will be located in the Stevens Center (Duke) Atrium from noon to 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 25 (the Box Office will be in Stevens Center Friday afternoon as well).

Here is a rundown of events …

Auxiliary Bazaar
Friday, 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. and Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. (EHS and Hoover)

Coronation & Variety Show
Friday, 7:30-9:30 p.m. (Bauman Auditorium) Cost: Free
Enjoy an evening of excellent entertainment from students, alumni and families while also seeing the presentation and crowning of the Homecoming Court.

Faculty Lectures
Saturday, 9:30-10:15 a.m.
Paul Chamberlain, PhD, director of Center for Study Abroad, Professor of Chemistry (Hoover Lecture Hall)
Joseph Clair, Program Director of the William Penn Honors Program, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies (EHS Lecture Hall)

Alumni Awards Celebration Banquet
Saturday, 5-7 p.m. (Klages Dining Hall) Cost: Adult – $15.50, Child 12 & under – $9 (free for children under 3)
Those to be honored are Dale Rinard, ’67 (Heritage Award), Matthew Thomas MDiv ’82 (Seminary Alumnus of the Year), Fred Van Gorkom ’79 (Christian Service Award),  William Schniedewind ’84 (Outstanding Alumnus) and John C. Davis ’05 (Outstanding Recent Alumnus).

Family Bingo
Saturday, 7:30 p.m. (Wheeler Sports Center) Cost: Adult – $9, Non-GFU students and children – $7, GFU Students – Free

Questions? Visit for the complete schedule and for registration information. You may also call Alumni and Parent Relations at 503-554-2134.

Schmitt presents ‘Cancer Wars’ lecture tonight

Monday, October 21st, 2013

Don’t forget to join us for the university’s Fall Faculty Lecture, “Cancer Wars: A New Hope,” presented by Dr. John Schmitt from our biology department, at 5:30 p.m. tonight (Tuesday), in Hoover 105.

Prior to the lecture, George Fox Richter Scholars will present their work in a Richter Scholar Symposium at 4:30 p.m. in the Hoover lobby. The Richter Scholars program enables undergraduate and graduate students to receive funding for independent research projects conducted with a faculty mentor.

For more information on the event or Dr. Schmitt, contact Jane Sweet at 503-554-2710 or visit this page.

University’s Day of Prayer is this Saturday, Oct. 26

Monday, October 21st, 2013

The George Fox Day of Prayer is Saturday, Oct. 26, from 1 to 5 p.m. on the quad. During homecoming, the Parents Council will have a prayer tent open for anyone to join them in prayer for our campus.

If you have a prayer request to be shared for prayer during this time, please email it to

‘Cancer Wars’ lecture presented tomorrow night

Sunday, October 20th, 2013

Don’t forget to join us for the university’s Fall Faculty Lecture, “Cancer Wars: A New Hope,” presented by Dr. John Schmitt from our biology department, at 5:30 p.m. tomorrow (Tuesday), in Hoover 105.

Cancer claims the lives of nearly 8 million people worldwide annually, with breast and prostate cancer deaths totaling more that 500,000 each year. To borrow a metaphor from his favorite movie, Star Wars, Dr. Schmitt has joined the scientific fight against cancer, a.k.a. the “evil Death Star.” His research focuses on the cell, biochemical and molecular events that control, regulate or participate in cancer.

In his lecture, Dr. Schmitt will highlight recent discoveries from his laboratory. Among the questions he will address are “Which hormones promote breast and prostate cancer growth and metastasis?,” “What are CaM Kinases and why are they important?,” What role might Vitamin D play in blocking cancer growth?” and “How do we generate hope for people who are battling cancer?”

Prior to the lecture, George Fox Richter Scholars will present their work in a Richter Scholar Symposium at 4:30 p.m. (please note new time) in the Hoover lobby. The Richter Scholars program enables undergraduate and graduate students to receive funding for independent research projects conducted with a faculty mentor.

For more information on the event or Dr. Schmitt, contact Jane Sweet at 503-554-2710 or visit this page.

Seminary event discusses humanity of Christ

Thursday, October 17th, 2013

You are invited to join us for our seminary’s Ministry in Contemporary Culture event on Saturday, Oct. 26, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Room 155 at the Portland Center. We will explore how the humanity of Jesus Christ impacts how we undertake ministry in the Pacific Northwest.

We are honored to have Northern Seminary professor and respected theologian Cherith Fee Nordling, daughter of theologian Gordon Fee, as our plenary speaker in the morning. The afternoon will feature workshops led by local church, ministry and nonprofit leaders.

For this day-long event, we are partnering with Missio Alliance, a national network of churches, denominations and schools committed to equipping one another for more faithful participation in God’s mission. Missio Alliance represents some of the most leading-edge pastors, practitioners and theologians in the church today.

Three questions and three reasons to participate:

  1. Why does the Humanity of God’s Son matter every day? Cherith will provoke us to think more deeply about Jesus’ humanity and its implications for mission.
  2. What is God doing in our neighborhoods? In the workshops we will discover and engage with local Northwest practitioners and men and women from the George Fox Evangelical Seminary community who are effecting change in their ministry contexts.
  3. How can we better connect? Meet and network with other Northwest people, the seminary community and Missio Alliance leaders.

To learn more and sign up, go to this link.

Two discount codes are now active:

  • GFESSTUDENT – takes $20 off
  • GFESFACULTY – takes $30 off

We are also looking for five or six volunteers. If you are interested, please contact Dee Small at

Alumni with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Africa visit Thursday

Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

This Thursday, Oct 17, the Department of Communication Arts & World Languages is hosting an event, “Sendas para el Futuro,” as part of our fall vocational exploration series.

George Fox alumni Jessica Lebold Kouka and Cara Ediger will speak about their work and ministry with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Africa, their additional training through the Summer Institute of Linguistics, and how their studies of Spanish and French at George Fox prepared them to live and work cross-culturally.

Join us from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in Lemmons 8. All are welcome!

Questions? Contact Debbie Berho at

Biologist speaks at Fall Faculty Lecture Oct. 22

Monday, October 14th, 2013

Make plans to join us for the university’s Fall Faculty Lecture, “Cancer Wars: A New Hope,” presented by Dr. John Schmitt from our biology department, at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22, in Hoover 105.

Cancer claims the lives of nearly 8 million people worldwide annually, with breast and prostate cancer deaths totaling more that 500,000 each year. To borrow a metaphor from his favorite movie, Star Wars, Dr. Schmitt has joined the scientific fight against cancer, a.k.a. the “evil Death Star.” His research focuses on the cell, biochemical and molecular events that control, regulate or participate in cancer.

About the Lecture

In his lecture, Dr. Schmitt will highlight recent discoveries from his laboratory. Among the questions he will address are “Which hormones promote breast and prostate cancer growth and metastasis?,” “What are CaM Kinases and why are they important?,” What role might Vitamin D play in blocking cancer growth?” and “How do we generate hope for people who are battling cancer?”

Prior to the lecture, George Fox Richter Scholars will present their work in a Richter Scholar Symposium at 5 p.m. in the Hoover lobby. The Richter Scholars program enables undergraduate and graduate students to receive funding for independent research projects conducted with a faculty mentor.

For more information on the event or Dr. Schmitt, contact Jane Sweet at 503-554-2710 or visit this page.

Volunteers needed for this Saturday’s ReGeneration Forum in Portland

Monday, October 14th, 2013

We need your help at ReGeneration Forum, a practical day-long gathering for those interested in learning about how God is at work among millennials. Volunteers will receive free admission to the Saturday, Oct. 19, event.

We need your help on one of the following three teams:

  • Set-up: Thursday, Oct. 17, noon-2:30 p.m.
  • During the event: Saturday, Oct. 19, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (check-in table, book-sales table, food-service assistance, and other related guest-care and speaker-care tasks)
  • Tear-down: Saturday, Oct. 19, 5-7 p.m.

In order to volunteer, you must be available to serve at Imago Dei Community (1302 S.E. Ankeny St., Portland), and arrange your own transportation to get there on time.

To sign up or for more information, please contact Sierra S. Neiman at For general information on the event, visit this link.

Do you have a story to share?

Thursday, October 10th, 2013

The Staff Development Committee is looking for student and staff volunteers. Are you a student who was helped by a staff member and it made a difference in your day, semester or life? Are you a staff member who has helped a student and was blessed because of the connection? We would love to capture your story on video so your story can be shared with our staff.

If you are interested, please call or e-mail Tyler Robertson at or 503-554-2578 by Monday, Oct. 14.

Newberg campus closes Friday for mid-semester holiday

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

The Newberg campus will be closed Friday, Oct. 11, for the mid-semester holiday. All offices, the BlueZone Store, Mail Services, and the library will be closed.

IT offers Techtips site for assistance

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

Subscribe to Techtips where IT posts updates, hints and tips relevant to George Fox-supported software, including Microsoft Office, Windows 7, Google Apps, Keynote and Powerpoint, Apple OS, iOS features and more related to George Fox systems.

Subscribe to this group and receive posts by e-mail. You can also look up previous tips posted on the Group site when you subscribe. Click on this link to subscribe or paste this URL in your web browser and click “Join Group” to subscribe:!forum/techtips. It requires your George Fox sign-in.

Join us for fall drama ‘The House of Bernarda Alba’

Monday, October 7th, 2013

The university’s theatre department invites you to join us for our fall drama, The House of Bernarda Alba (la Casa de Bernarda Alba), by Federico Garcia Lorca. Shows are scheduled in Wood-Mar Auditorium Oct. 24-26 and Oct. 31 through Nov. 2 at 7:30 p.m. The final show is a matinee, at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 3.

Synopsis: Immediately following her husband’s death, Bernarda Alba orders her five daughters to observe an eight-year mourning period in which none of them will leave the house. The young women do their best to obey their mother, but when the handsome Pepe el Romano arrives on the scene the young women’s desire to honor their mother’s tradition is set against their yearning for freedom. Originally written as a critique of the rise of fascism in 1936, The House of Bernarda Alba addresses themes of repression and the fear of change. Michelle Seaton is directing.

University employees receive one complimentary ticket to any of the shows; students may attend either of the Thursday performances for free. Additional tickets are available for purchase at

Dr. John Schmitt presents cancer research at Fall Faculty Lecture & Symposium Oct. 22

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

Make plans to join us for the university’s Fall Faculty Lecture, “Cancer Wars: A New Hope,” presented by Dr. John Schmitt from our biology department, at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22, in Hoover 105.

Cancer claims the lives of nearly 8 million people worldwide annually, with breast and prostate cancer deaths totaling more that 500,000 each year. To borrow a metaphor from his favorite movie, Star Wars, Dr. Schmitt has joined the scientific fight against cancer, a.k.a. the “evil Death Star.” His research focuses on the cell, biochemical and molecular events that control, regulate or participate in cancer.

About the Lecture

In his lecture, Dr. Schmitt will highlight recent discoveries from his laboratory. Among the questions he will address are “Which hormones promote breast and prostate cancer growth and metastasis?,” “What are CaM Kinases and why are they important?,” What role might Vitamin D play in blocking cancer growth?” and “How do we generate hope for people who are battling cancer?”

Prior to the lecture, George Fox Richter Scholars will present their work in a Richter Scholar Symposium at 5 p.m. in the Hoover lobby. The Richter Scholars program enables undergraduate and graduate students to receive funding for independent research projects conducted with a faculty mentor.

About Dr. Schmitt

Schmitt, awarded the Holman Professor of Biology at George Fox in 2012, holds a PhD in cell and developmental biology from Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU). A committed mentor and scholar, he has received numerous research grants, produced nearly 50 publications, and holds a United States patent.

Nominated for both the university’s Teacher of the Year and the United States Professor of the Year awards, Dr. Schmitt was honored as Undergraduate Researcher of the Year at George Fox in 2013. He is the recipient of numerous grants, including two from the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, to purchase vital equipment and supplies, provide student stipends, and support his cancer research goals.

For more information on the event, contact Jane Sweet at 503-554-2710 or visit this page.

Wish to receive more ‘Daily Bruin’ news? Subscribing to other forums is easy

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

Now that you’re receiving The Daily Bruin forum that best suits you based on your location (Newberg or Portland) and status (student or employee), you may be wondering how to subscribe to other forums.

Are you an employee who wishes to also receive student news? If so, it’s easy to subscribe. Simply go to this link and enter your e-mail address in the forum(s) you wish to receive.

Interested in becoming a teacher?

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

Are you thinking of becoming a teacher? If you hope to include the reading or ESOL specialist endorsement, then now is the time to apply for the Masters of Arts in Teaching program.

Contact Patrick Kelley at for more information.

Welcome to ‘The Daily Bruin’

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

Welcome to The Daily Bruin! Formerly known as “E-nnouncements,” The Daily Bruin will keep you abreast of news and events at George Fox University.

So, why are you receiving it? Because you are recognized as either a student or employee at the institution. As before, news entries will be disseminated by location, with forums for Newberg students, Newberg employees, Portland students and Portland employees. You have been enrolled in the appropriate forum based on your location and student/employee designation.

As for submitting news, you still do so by logging into MyGFU, clicking the “Ennouncement Request” link, and filling out the form.

The Daily Bruin is the official communication vehicle for the university. You may opt out from receiving it, but we wouldn’t recommend it! In doing so, you run the risk of missing out on important news and events.

Change to fall 2014 and spring 2015 semester dates

Thursday, September 26th, 2013

Due to challenges presented by this fall semester starting on Labor Day, we are changing the way we set fall semester start and end dates. Beginning fall 2014, fall semesters will start on the last Monday in August.

This means our fall 2014 start and end dates are changing.

Here are the updated 2014-2015 semester dates:

  • Aug. 25, 2014 – First day of fall semester
  • Dec. 12, 2014 – Last day of fall semester
  • Dec. 13, 2014 – Midyear Commencement (four-week Christmas break)
  • Jan. 12, 2015 – First day of spring semester
  • May 1, 2015 – Last day of spring semester
  • May 2, 2015 – Spring Commencement
  • May 4, 2015 – First day of summer semester
  • Aug. 21, 2015 – Last day of summer semester

Urban Outreach homeless ministry seeks volunteers

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

Urban Outreach would like to invite any George Fox community members who have a heart for the homeless to join us in our ministry. We have weekly trips to Portland and Salem. We provide the outlet, but this ministry really is based on your participation.

For more information, contact Steven Ching ( or David Ween (

Forum discusses what church is ‘doing right’ with younger generations

Sunday, September 22nd, 2013

What is the church “doing right” with younger generations? A one-day forum, hosted by George Fox University and Western Seminary, will address the question on Saturday, Oct. 19, in Portland.

The “ReGeneration Forum,” featuring Scot McKnight, Amena Brown, John Mark Comer, Sarah Thomas Baldwin, Dan Kimball and others, will focus on the practical ways churches are effectively reaching out to younger generations and keeping them engaged in the mission of God. The event will take place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Imago Dei Community, 1302 S.E. Ankeny St., in Portland.

“Instead of looking at the sad statistics and reasons why millenials are leaving the church, the ReGeneration Forum will look at what God is doing positively in churches,” said Kimball, an adjunct professor at George Fox and the author of They Like Jesus but Not the Church. “We’ll share the amazing things God is doing in churches that are seeing new generations put faith in Jesus and reverse the negative trends out there.”

The day will feature main presentations from theologians and practitioners, followed by sharing from college students and forum interaction with a panel and attendees. Among those in attendance will be church leaders, theologians, artists and students.

To learn more about the schedule, speakers and registration, visit