UCLA professor speaks on history of God’s Word April 7

Thursday, March 10th, 2016

The university community is invited to attend a free lecture featuring William Schneidewind, author and professor of biblical studies at UCLA, on Thursday, April 7, at 7:30 p.m. in Hoover 105. The lecture title is “A Short History of the Word of God: Old Testament, Dead Sea Scrolls, New Testament, Early and Modern Church.”

Schneidewind serves as the chair of the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures and holds the Kershaw Endowed Chair of Ancient Eastern Mediterranean Studies. He received a BA in religion from George Fox University (1984), an MA in historical geography from Jerusalem University College, and a PhD in Bible and Ancient Near East from Brandeis University (1992).

He has been a visiting scholar at the Hebrew University and a research fellow at the Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in Jerusalem. Schniedewind received George Fox’s 2013 Outstanding Alumnus Award. He is the author of five books, including How the Bible Became a Book, which has been translated into seven languages.

The William Penn Honors Program, College of Christian Studies and the George Fox Evangelical Seminary are sponsoring this lecture. Chapel credit is available.

Questions? Contact Roger Nam at rnam@georgefox.edu.

Spring grads: Come to Grad Night Open House on March 30

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

Spring 2016 grads: Stop by our Grad Night Open House on Wednesday, March 30, to pick up your cap and gown between 4 and 6:30 p.m. at the Portland Center (PDS 155).

Meet with student accounts, alumni, Jostens and Bruin Store representatives while also enjoying snacks with your cohort and other George Fox graduates!

Questions? Contact Darla Norgren at dnorgren@georgefox.edu.

Free ‘We’ve got Your Back’ PT class offered

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

Have you been experiencing back pain or want to know what exercises or stretches evidence shows to decrease symptoms of back pain? “We’ve Got Your Back” is a free five-part class on the prevention and management of back pain.

Li-Zandre van Eeden, PT, DPT, and the university’s School of Physical Therapy will sponsor the class, which will meet on five Thursdays between March 24 and April 21. Sessions are scheduled from 5 to 6 p.m. in Room 202 in the Roberts Center (501 N. Villa Road). Attending all five sessions is encouraged but not required.

There will be a lab component, so please dress comfortably. For more information or to sign up, please call 503-554-2479.

Lori DeKruyf presents Spring Faculty Lecture on March 15

Monday, March 7th, 2016

The university community is invited to the 2016 Spring Faculty Lecture, “Superheroes, School Counselors, Professional Identity & Getting the Job Done,” featuring Lori DeKruyf, PhD, professor of counseling and recipient of the 2014-15 Graduate Faculty Achievement Award for Research and Scholarship.

Join us on Tuesday, March 15, for the presentation. The lecture runs from 6 to 7 p.m. in Hoover 105. Lori will explore what happens when training and professional identity are at odds with job assignments – for “superheroes” and for school counselors – and offer suggestions as to what might be done. The event is sponsored by the Richter Committee and the Faculty Development Committee.

Prior to the lecture that evening, the 2016 Spring Richter Student Scholars Symposium is scheduled from 5 to 6 p.m. in the Hoover lobby. Student scholars from George Fox graduate and undergraduate programs will present their research in a conversational poster format. Refreshments will be served in both the symposium and lecture.

Questions? Contact Kris Kays at kkays@georgefox.edu.

Relay for Life kick-off event: Are you willing to share your story?

Monday, March 7th, 2016

George Fox’s Relay for Life Team is looking for people who are willing to share their stories of hope, inspiration and support to a family member or loved one who has or is battling cancer. Are you willing to share your story at our Relay for Life kick-off event on Friday, April 1?

Please contact Janeeta Beck at jbeck14@georgefox.edu if you are interested in participating, or you may contact Margie Abbott at relaynewberg@gmail.com (please put Margie’s name in the subject line).

Thank you for considering being involved in this important event.

Author Lauren Winner speaks in Bauman Auditorium tonight

Sunday, March 6th, 2016

The university community is invited to attend a free lecture featuring Lauren Winner, author and assistant professor of spirituality at Duke Divinity School, at 7:30 p.m. tonight (Monday) in Bauman Auditorium.

Winner is the author of numerous books, including Girl Meets God, Wearing God and Mudhouse Sabbath. The lecture she will present is titled “Wearing God: Encountering Overlooked Biblical Metaphors for God.”

Her recent memoir, Still: Notes on a Mid-faith Crisis, was named a “Best Book of 2012” in the religion category by Publishers Weekly and was a Christianity Today 2013 Book Award winner in the spirituality category. Her book on overlooked biblical images of God, Wearing God, was published by HarperOne in the spring of 2015. Her books will be on sale in the Bauman lobby after her presentation.

Winner has appeared on PBS’s Religion & Ethics Newsweekly and has written for The New York Times Book Review, The Washington Post Book World, Publishers Weekly, Books and Culture and Christianity Today. She has degrees from Duke, Columbia and Cambridge universities, and she holds a PhD in history.

The lecture is co-sponsored by the William Penn Honors Program, the College of Christian Studies and the Office of Spiritual and Intercultural Life. Chapel credit is available.

Questions? Contact Jane Sweet at jsweet@georgefox.edu or 503-554-2152.

Panel discusses ‘Border Talks: Issues in Immigration and Refugee Crisis’

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016

Interested in learning more about the issues in immigration and the refugee crisis? Join us for a panel discussion as we explore the current refugee crisis, trends and causes of migration, the nature of international borders, and a diversity of responses including aid, advocacy, movement building and policy reform.

Sponsored by the School of Social Work and the Center for Peace and Justice, the event is set from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 17, in Hoover 105 on the Newberg campus.

The year 2015 saw a surge of displaced persons from Syria and the Middle East on a global scale, and the nature of international borders within the United States continues to be a topic of contention, particularly in relationship to the global south. What wisdom and tools may help us face this crisis? What intersecting issues are at play? What does it mean to welcome the stranger?

Panelists include:

  • Toc Soneoulay, director of refugee resettlement at Catholic Charities in Portland
  • Marco Mejia, a long-time social justice activist, popular educator, community organizer and coalition builder. Marco is on the board of the Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice, was a previous staff organizer with Portland Jobs with Justice and resides in Portland
  • Ana Vella (Robles) Magana, George Fox University School of Social Work alumna and immigration counselor at Lutheran Community Services Northwest
  • Roger Sandberg, director of Emergency Relief & Global Security at Medical Teams International

Questions? Contact Kim Rapp at rappk@georgefox.edu.

Author Lauren Winner speaks on Newberg campus March 7

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

The university community is invited to attend a free lecture featuring Lauren Winner, author and assistant professor of spirituality at Duke Divinity School, at 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 7, in Bauman Auditorium.

Winner is the author of numerous books, including Girl Meets God, Wearing God and Mudhouse Sabbath. The lecture she will present is titled “Wearing God: Encountering Overlooked Biblical Metaphors for God.”

Her recent memoir, Still: Notes on a Mid-faith Crisis, was named a “Best Book of 2012” in the religion category by Publishers Weekly and was a Christianity Today 2013 Book Award winner in the spirituality category. Her book on overlooked biblical images of God, Wearing God, was published by HarperOne in the spring of 2015.

Winner has appeared on PBS’s Religion & Ethics Newsweekly and has written for The New York Times Book Review, The Washington Post Book World, Publishers Weekly, Books and Culture and Christianity Today. She has degrees from Duke, Columbia and Cambridge universities, and she holds a PhD in history.

The lecture is co-sponsored by the William Penn Honors Program, the College of Christian Studies and the Office of Spiritual and Intercultural Life. Chapel credit is available.

Questions? Contact Jane Sweet at jsweet@georgefox.edu or 503-554-2152.

International photo contest submission deadline is Friday

Monday, February 29th, 2016

Want to win a cash prize up to $50? Submit photos taken abroad, whether photos of people, landscapes and architecture, or culture. The photo contest is open to all George Fox students and employees. The deadline for photo submissions is this Friday, March 4.

For contest guidelines and submission details, please go to this document. The contest is sponsored by International Student & Scholar Services.

If you have any questions, contact Alex Pia (apia@georgefox.edu).

Circle of Peace Seminar set for tonight in Cap and Gown Room

Sunday, February 28th, 2016

Join us for the fifth annual Circle of Peace Seminar, “Building Bridges of Peace: Bringing Compassionate Solutions to Global Changes,” today (Monday) at 7 p.m. in the Cap and Gown Room on the Newberg campus.

Our panel discussion will highlight practical ways in which faith-based organizations have endeavored to build global bridges of peace across religious, cultural and political divides. The “Building Bridges of Peace” seminar will include a panel of three speakers from Muslim, Christian and Jewish relief and development agencies, as well as a short question and answer time.

Chapel credit is available for this event. This seminar is open to the public in addition to the George Fox community. You can learn more here.

Questions? Contact Sarita Gallagher at sgallagher@georgefox.edu.

George Fox to host NWC tournament finals today

Friday, February 26th, 2016

The Bruins defeated Whitworth in the Northwest Conference tournament semi-finals on Thursday and host Puget Sound at the finals today (Saturday) at 7 p.m. in Miller Gymnasium.

Students receive free admission with their I.D. cards, but all George Fox employees are required to pay for entry ($6 adults and $3 kids/seniors).

With a win, the Bruins earn an automatic bid into the NCAA Tournament to compete for a national championship.

Questions? Contact Sarah Reid (sreid@georgefox.edu).

Circle of Peace Seminar hosted on Newberg campus Monday

Thursday, February 25th, 2016

Join us for the fifth annual Circle of Peace Seminar, “Building Bridges of Peace: Bringing Compassionate Solutions to Global Changes,” on Monday, Feb. 29, at 7 p.m. in the Cap and Gown Room on the Newberg campus.

Our panel discussion will highlight practical ways in which faith-based organizations have endeavored to build global bridges of peace across religious, cultural and political divides. The “Building Bridges of Peace” seminar will include a panel of three speakers from Muslim, Christian and Jewish relief and development agencies, as well as a short question and answer time.

Chapel credit is available for this event. This seminar is open to the public in addition to the George Fox community. You can learn more here.

Questions? Contact Sarita Gallagher at sgallagher@georgefox.edu.

Sign up to be a private tutor

Thursday, February 25th, 2016

Would you like to help others learn through one-on-one tutoring? George Fox has partnered with Tutor Matching Service to provide a platform for students to sign up as a potential tutor for other George Fox students or local community members.

Tutors set their own rates and make arrangements for meeting times and locations. If you’re interested in serving as a private tutor, go to the Tutor Matching Service page and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page.

Contact Rick Muthiah (rmuthiah@georgefox.edu) if you have questions.

Dr. Keith Dempsey speaks tonight

Wednesday, February 24th, 2016

Dr. Keith Dempsey, chair of the George Fox counseling program at the Portland campus, is coming to speak about how society views African American men. “Brothers, Can We Talk?” is an honest conversation which highlights how many institutions of higher education proclaim to embrace diversity but many black men continue to have challenging experiences on university and college campuses. Come to hear the trials and triumphs of black men who have navigated the waters of higher education.

Students are eligible to receive an elective chapel credit.

Dr. Dempsey will be speaking on the Newberg campus in the Cap and Gown Room from 7 to 8:30 p.m. tonight (Thursday).

Contact Danayit Tsegay (dtsegaye15@georgefox.edu) with questions.

International photo contest continues this week

Wednesday, February 24th, 2016

Want to win a cash prize up to $50? Submit photos taken abroad, whether photos of people, landscapes and architecture, or culture. The photo contest is open to all George Fox students and employees. The deadline for photo submissions is Friday, March 4.

For contest guidelines and submission details, please go to this document. The contest is sponsored by International Student & Scholar Services.

If you have any questions, contact Alex Pia (apia@georgefox.edu).

Summer online course registration now open

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

If you’re interested in completing a George Fox course in half the time and paying only 50 percent tuition while doing it, then the summer online program is the way to go!

Registration for summer 2016 is now open. The summer online dates are June 6 – July 31. You can check out our newly updated class information site, class.georgefox.edu, for a list of the classes being offered, or visit the George Fox summer courses site. If you have questions about the applicability of a class to your degree requirements, contact your CAP coach for more information. In many cases, your financial aid package may be used to cover the cost (check with Financial Aid for details).

Questions? Email Brian Doak (bdoak@georgefox.edu), director of the summer online program.

Note: Reduced tuition rates apply to traditional undergraduate programs only.

George Fox to host NWC Tournament semifinals

Monday, February 22nd, 2016

The George Fox women’s basketball team completed its second consecutive perfect season on Saturday and will host Whitworth University in the Northwest Conference Tournament semifinals this Thursday at 7 p.m. in Miller Gymnasium.

Students will receive free admission with their I.D. cards, but all George Fox employees are required to pay for their entry.

If the Bruins win on Thursday, on Saturday they will host the winner of the Puget Sound versus Whitman game. The Northwest Conference Tournament champion earns an automatic bid to the NCAA tournament.

Questions? Contact Sarah Reid (sreid@georgefox.edu).

See improv group Comedy Sportz and support Kenya serve trip

Monday, February 22nd, 2016

Starting today (Tuesday), tickets will be available for purchase outside of the Bruin Den to see Comedy Sportz in Bauman Auditorium on March 6 at 7 p.m. Tickets will be available for sale everyday during lunch hours (11 a.m. – 2 p.m.) until March 4. If you are unable to get your ticket during this time, tickets will be available at the door on the day of the show.

Tickets are $5 for an evening of fun and laughter! The event is sponsored by the Kenya Summer Serve team to help raise money for its trip. Come and enjoy the entertaining, improvisational act Comedy Sportz puts on — you might even get to be a part of the show!

Questions? Contact Rachel Wilson (rwilson14@georgefox.edu).

Dr. Keith Dempsey to speak on ‘subverting stereotypes’ (chapel credit offered)

Monday, February 22nd, 2016

Dr. Keith Dempsey, chair of the George Fox counseling program at the Portland campus, is coming to speak about how society views African American men. “Brothers, Can We Talk?” is an honest conversation which highlights how many institutions of higher education proclaim to embrace diversity but many black men continue to have challenging experiences on university and college campuses. Come to hear the trials and triumphs of black men who have navigated the waters of higher education. Students are eligible to receive an elective chapel credit.

Dr. Dempsey will be speaking on the Newberg campus in the Cap and Gown Room from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 25.

Contact Danayit Tsegay (dtsegaye15@georgefox.edu) with questions.

International photo contest begins today

Sunday, February 21st, 2016

Want to win a cash prize up to $50? Submit photos taken abroad, whether photos of people, landscapes and architecture, or culture. The photo contest starts today (Monday), and it’s open to all George Fox students and employees. The deadline for photo submissions is Friday, March 4.

For contest guidelines and submission details, please go to this document. The contest is sponsored by International Student & Scholar Services.

If you have any questions, contact Alex Pia (apia@georgefox.edu).