Celebrate Dan Schutter at retirement celebration Wednesday

Sunday, June 18th, 2023

You are invited to come share in a retirement celebration this Wednesday, June 21, as we honor Dan Schutter for his years of service to George Fox and plant services. We’ll meet from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. that afternoon in the Thomas Center’s break room.

Feel free to contact Mark Stone at mstone@georgefox.edu with any questions.

Providence offers culinary nutrition cooking demo online this Monday

Thursday, June 15th, 2023

Join registered dietitian Kayla and professional chef Tim for an online session on how make vegan chile relleno and jicama slaw. Register online for this class and receive an email with the access link.

The session will take place from noon to 1 p.m. on Monday, June 19.

Examples needed on how we live out our core values

Wednesday, June 14th, 2023

At an upcoming community meeting, we would like to highlight the large and small ways our community has demonstrated our three core values that help us achieve our mission.

Our values as a university are:

  • Students First
  • Christ in Everything
  • Innovation to Improve Outcomes

Can you provide an example of how you or your department has lived out one of our values? We’re primarily looking for successful examples, but we’re also interested in celebrating calculated risk taking, even if it didn’t achieve the intended goal. Your example can be something you did, someone else did, or your department did as a whole.

Please send your example to Carly Reumann at creumann@georgefox.edu so we can share at our next community meeting.

Webinar offers tools to find hope and healing in the face of trauma

Wednesday, June 14th, 2023

Hard things happen in life and sometimes, when we get knocked down, it’s harder to get back on our feet than we would like.

In an upcoming webinar, hosted by the Providence Health Plan, we’ll explain the commonly used terms “trauma” and “PTSD” and how they impact our lives. The Preparation and Growth Model will be introduced, and we’ll share important steps for healing in the face of trauma and strategies to build resilience should challenges come your way.

The session is scheduled from 9 to 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 27. Feel free to register for the webinar, titled “Finding Hope and Healing in the Face of Trauma,” here.

When registering, please use the access code PHPCOMM, PHPASO, PHPPSJH or PHPPEBB. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email from Zoom containing information about joining the webinar.

Today is university’s Day of Prayer

Tuesday, June 13th, 2023

Today is our annual Day of Prayer. The purpose of this day is for us as the employee community to begin the 2023-24 year prayerfully attentive to God’s presence this past year, while also discerning God’s direction for the upcoming year.

The university pastors have created a prayer guide and a devotional video for you to use, should you find it helpful. As you put down work and silence electronics, we pray that your soul is refreshed as you seek God’s direction for your life and our community.

Prayer guide and devotional video are available for Day of Prayer

Monday, June 12th, 2023

Tomorrow (Wednesday) is our annual Day of Prayer. The purpose of this day is for us as the employee community to begin the 2023-24 year prayerfully attentive to God’s presence this past year, while also discerning God’s direction for the upcoming year.

The university pastors have created a prayer guide and a devotional video for you to use, should you find it helpful. As you put down work and silence electronics, we pray that your soul is refreshed as you seek God’s direction for your life and our community.

Join in the fun of this summer’s physical activity team competition

Monday, June 12th, 2023

The George Fox University Wellness Committee is hosting a physical activity team competition this summer! Follow these simple steps to participate:

  1. Create a team of up to 10 members. Team members can include George Fox community members (faculty, staff, students), family members, and/or friends. (For example, you may want to ask your department to be a team.)
  2. Fill out this Google Form, providing the names of all team members.
  3. Once your team completes the Google Form, a spreadsheet will be sent to the team members to enter their physical activity between July 3 and July 16. (While we will be tracking steps, you can participate in any form of physical activity and convert your activity to steps using a conversion sheet sent out from the kinesiology department).
  4. Have fun and good luck!

Have questions? Feel free to contact Mary Imboden at mimboden@georgefox.edu.

Poll: ‘How have we lived out our values?’

Monday, June 12th, 2023

At an upcoming community meeting, we’re interested in highlighting the large and small ways our community has demonstrated our three core values that help us achieve our mission.

Our values as a university are:

  • Students First
  • Christ in Everything
  • Innovation to Improve Outcomes

Can you provide an example of how you or your department has lived out one of our values? We’re primarily looking for successful examples, but we’re also interested in celebrating calculated risk taking, even if it didn’t achieve the intended goal. Your example can be something you did, someone else did, or your department did as a whole.

Please contact Carly Reumann at creumann@georgefox.edu to share your example(s).

Register today for Thursday webinar on overcoming burnout

Monday, June 12th, 2023

Do you ever feel like you are struggling to thrive? Recent studies show that 40% of us are feeling burnt out, but there is hope.

Join us to learn the powerful impact of discovering and living by your values and receive practical insights about how to get past barriers that can leave us feeling unfulfilled and drained. Feel free to register today for a Providence Health Plan-hosted webinar, “Staying Refreshed and Preventing Burnout.” The session is scheduled from 10 to 10:30 a.m. this Thursday, June 15.

When registering, please use the access code PHPCOMM, PHPASO, PHPPSJH or PHPPEBB. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email from Zoom containing information about joining the webinar.

Check out George Fox’s YouTube channel

Sunday, June 11th, 2023

The George Fox YouTube channel has new content all summer! Check out our recent YouTube videos, including our “Meet the Major” series. Go here to watch our latest video and subscribe today.

Help us reach 5K subscribers by subscribing and sharing our channel! Questions? Contact Amanda Howard at ahoward@georgefox.edu.

Learn more about becoming a homeowner in webinar tomorrow

Sunday, June 11th, 2023

Homeownership starts well before the contracts are signed; preparation is one of the keys to a smooth home-buying process. In an upcoming Canopy webinar session, we’ll cover all major pre-purchase topics such as budgeting, the down payment, credit reports, debt-to-income ratios, and the mortgage lending process.

Join us for one of two meeting times:

  • Tuesday, June 13, 10:30-11:30 a.m.
  • Thursday, June 22, 5:30-6:30 p.m.

You can register here. Feel free to contact Aga Luptak at aluptak@georgefox.edu with any questions.

‘Thriving Together’: Healthy Recipe Challenge

Sunday, June 11th, 2023

Hello, fellow wellness enthusiasts!

Summer is just around the corner, and with it comes the promise of sunny days, outdoor adventures, and lots of delicious food. As part of our ongoing commitment to promoting wellness in the workplace, the wellness committee is excited to announce our second weekly challenge: healthy summer recipes!

Here’s how it works: For the week of June 12, we’ll be asking you to submit your favorite healthy summer recipe along with a picture of the finished meal. Whether it’s a refreshing salad, a zesty grilled veggie dish, or a fruity smoothie bowl, we want to see what you’re cooking up in your kitchens this season.

To participate, simply submit this form with the recipe, a photo, and a brief description of why you love it. We’ll be featuring your submissions in a future digital cookbook, so don’t be shy. After we have gathered all the submissions, we will be drawing for prizes.

Not only will this challenge inspire you to try new, healthy recipes, but it’s also a great way to connect with your colleagues and share your love of good food. Plus, who knows – you might just discover your new go-to summer dish!

So, dust off those aprons, fire up the grill, and get cooking. We can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Happy cooking!
– The Wellness Committee

Kitchen and cooking basics are covered in Wednesday class

Sunday, June 11th, 2023

Healthy cooking and eating does not need to be overwhelming. Let’s break down the kitchen basics to make healthy cooking as easy as possible.

Learn about recommended tools, ingredients and preparation tips to lower the stress, save time and enjoy healthier meals. Join us for a live webinar on Wednesday, June 14, from noon to 12:30 p.m. You can click here to register.

Be sure to fill out response form for this week’s ‘Thriving Together’ Kindness Challenge

Thursday, June 8th, 2023

Thank you for participating in the Kindness Challenge! Whether it was a single day or more, your effort to intentionally challenge yourself to do a little more than you normally would made a difference.

We hope that this week has been a reminder of the power of kindness and positivity. As we wrap up the challenge for this week, we would love to hear about your experiences. Please take a few minutes to fill out this Google Form and let us know how it went. Thank you!

Please be sure to complete the response form so we include your name into the drawing this week!

Next Week’s Challenge

Looking ahead, get ready for next week’s wellness challenge that will leave your taste buds tingling! Join us as we embark on a journey of healthy summer recipes, where you can submit your favorite culinary creations alongside a photo to be featured in our digital cookbook.

Don’t miss out on the chance to win exciting prizes, so start planning your go-to summer dish now!

University sets aside June 14 as a Day of Prayer

Thursday, June 8th, 2023

Don’t forget to mark Wednesday, June 14, on your calendar for the university’s annual Day of Prayer.

We are setting this day aside for university employees to spend their usual work hours in prayer and spiritual retreat. You may do so on campus, off campus, in your home, or at an alternative site.

So, why a Day of Prayer? This helps us begin the 2023-24 year prayerfully attentive to how God was present this past year while also discerning his direction for the year ahead. As a Christ-centered university, we have the opportunity to intentionally seek God, remembering that we are stewards – caretakers of this place that belongs to God, seeking the Holy Spirit’s wisdom, and trusting God as we enter into a new year.

The second Wednesday of June has been designated by George Fox to be a day dedicated to prayer. The Office for Spiritual Life will send out materials before June 14 to guide your time as needed.

It’s not too late to participate in the Kindness Challenge

Tuesday, June 6th, 2023

Hello again, George Fox colleagues! We hope your week is going well and that you’re enjoying the Kindness Challenge.

If you haven’t already, it’s not too late to spread some joy and positivity around campus, your home and community. Remember, small acts of kindness can make a big impact. Let’s continue to lift each other up and make this a great week.

You will be given a response form at the end of the challenge to fill in to be included in a gift drawing! If you have any activities you really enjoyed and want to share, there will be a place to do so in the response form.

“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees!” -Amelia Earhart

Check out LifeBalance’s June savings deals as Father’s Day approaches

Tuesday, June 6th, 2023

Providence members: Father’s Day is Sunday, June 18, just a few weeks away. Check out savings on popular gift options here, and be sure to visit LifeBalance’s website for more savings on gifts dad will love!

Plus, read on for articles on budget-friendly ways to celebrate Dad and the origins of Father’s Day, tasty recipes to try this month, and a chance to win a $100 Spafinder gift card!

Register now for free Zoom webinar on untethered lecture capture

Monday, June 5th, 2023

The Orbis Cascade Alliance and Northwest Academic Computing Consortium are collaborating to provide webinars focusing on digital accessibility in higher education.

We invite you to join us for a session, “Untethered Teaching and Lecture Capture: Promoting Inclusion and Universal Design for Learning,” via Zoom on Wednesday, June 14, at 11 a.m. You can register now at this link. The webinar will be recorded.

Registration is free and open to anyone from Alliance and NWACC institutions. You are welcome to forward this email to anyone at other institutions who may be interested in accessibility.

Description: Untethered lecture capture (ULC) is defined as the integration of multimedia resources which permit faculty to be freely mobile within the classroom while simultaneously teaching and producing audiovisual digital recordings of lecture.

The integration of cognitive load theory with multimedia instructional design principles promotes accessibility, universal design and facilitates student learning.

Presenting will be Lorretta Krautscheid, an associate professor of nursing at George Fox, and Samuel Williams, chief Information officer at Linfield University.

Please visit the NWHeat website for additional information.

University releases new Aesthetics Branding Package

Monday, June 5th, 2023

Recently approved by the Aesthetic Committee and Executive Leadership Team, Purchasing & Administrative Services, in partnership with Plant Services, has rolled out the university’s new Aesthetics Branding Package, effective immediately.

The options and procedures within this package apply to all George Fox employees, departments, offices and organizations who are entrusted with university-controlled equipment and spaces. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the content in this guide, as it offers a straightforward, step-by-step process for all finish, color, and furniture choices for all university spaces.

As a reminder, please use the Furniture Request Form for office space needs and the Office Set-Up Form for office movements.

Feel free to contact Gabe Morales at gmorales@georgefox.edu if you have any questions.

Portland Writing Center is open to help students this summer

Monday, June 5th, 2023

The Portland Writing Center (PWC) is open during the summer term to help students with academic coaching or writing.

Students can go to traccloud.georgefox.edu to make an appointment to meet with one of our consultants online. Zoom and asynchronous assistance is available for writing consultations; academic coaching meetings for support, encouragement, and accountability take place only via Zoom.

If you have any questions, please let us know via email at wc@georgefox.edu.