Webinar provides relaxation techniques to prevent burnout

Tuesday, December 5th, 2023

Most of us feel too busy to even think about taking time out to relax. But in reality, regular relaxation is crucial. If we don’t stop regularly to ”refuel,” we risk emotional and physical burnout. Even a small investment of 5 to 10 minutes a day can have a huge return.

Canopy is sponsoring a webinar, “Relaxation Rx,” which includes demonstrations of relaxation techniques that provide immediate as well as long–term benefits. You’ll also learn how to detect burnout ”triggers” and discover ways to regain a sense of balance and motivation. You’ll leave feeling recharged and better able to tackle daily demands.

The webinar is available on-demand in December at this link.

If you have questions, contact rwoodral23@georgefox.edu.

Learn to prevent identity theft at webinar

Monday, December 4th, 2023

Identity theft is becoming more common and sophisticated than ever, and Canopy is sponsoring a webinar, “Identity Theft Solutions,” that focuses on this important issue.

Register at this link for the webinar and choose from two dates: today (Tuesday) at 10:30 a.m. or Dec. 14 at 5:30 p.m.

Participants in the webinar will learn the methods that identity thieves use to access confidential information, tools for preventing ID theft, and steps to take should identity theft occur.

Contact rwoodral23@georgefox.edu if you have questions.

Attend today’s webinar on home buying and financing

Monday, December 4th, 2023

Canopy is sponsoring a webinar, “Home Buying and Financing 101.” Click this link to register for the webinar, which takes place today (Tuesday), Dec. 5, at 9:30 a.m.

The webinar provides the pros and cons of owning a home, an overview of the process, how to get prepared, various types of zero and low-down loan programs, and more.

Contact rwoodral23@georgefox.edu if you have any questions.

Second call for Richter Scholars Program proposals, due Jan. 22

Sunday, December 3rd, 2023

The Richter Scholars program is accepting a second round of proposals that will be due on Monday, Jan 22, 2024, by 5 p.m.

The Richter Scholars program distributes funds to support student research activities that are devised, initiated, and carried out by individual student researchers, with mentorship, guidance, and expertise provided by a faculty mentor.

The purpose of these funds is to support educational research opportunities that encourage the practices of independent thought, leading to independent achievement and personal responsibility. For the purpose of this program, research is defined as a knowledge-generating activity that is designed to provide new information on a topic, tool or process, and that proceeds according to established and accepted research methods.

Before preparing a proposal, please read through the full proposal guidelines, eligibility requirements, and review criteria at this link.

All submissions will be electronic. The Smartsheet link can be found on the website linked above.

For more information, contact Vetta Berokoff at vberokof@georgefox.edu.

Reminder: Bring any donation checks to advancement office

Sunday, December 3rd, 2023

As we near year-end, George Fox fans and supporters are sending in donations to their favorite programs on campus! If your department receives a donation directly from a donor, please bring it immediately to the advancement office for processing into your designated fund to ensure timely receipting to donors. We are located on the third floor of the Stevens Center.

This is the case for any time of year! Supporters who want to make an online donation can do so at giving.georgefox.edu, where they can enter their designation into the designation box.

If you have any questions, contact Gwyn Curtis at gcurtis@georgefox.edu.

Note accelerated payroll information for the month of December

Sunday, December 3rd, 2023

Please note the accelerated payroll deadlines for December. Due to Christmas break, we will have fewer days to process the December payroll.

Please have all check requests submitted and approved by Thursday, Dec. 7. Temporary part-time employee timesheets should also be forecasted, locked, and approved by Dec. 7.

Regular employee timesheets and student timesheets can be locked at the end of the month as usual. The student payday will be on Friday, Dec. 15, and the regular employee payday will be on Thursday, Dec. 21.

Questions? Contact the payroll team at payroll@georgefox.edu.

Answer the call for papers for The Undiscovered C.S. Lewis Conference

Thursday, November 30th, 2023

The C.S. Lewis Initiative at George Fox is accepting papers for The Undiscovered C.S. Lewis Conference happening Sept. 5-8, 2024! Submissions are welcome from scholars at every career stage, and limited scholarships are available for students and independent scholars.

For topics, guidelines and submission details, visit The Undiscovered C.S. Lewis Conference website. The deadline for short papers is March 31, 2024.

Questions or inquiries prior to submission may be directed to Dr. Jason Lepojärvi at jlepojarvi@georgefox.edu.

If you are not interested in submitting a paper but would like to attend the conference, register for the conference at on the website linked above. Registration is free for George Fox University students, staff and faculty!

Survey: Applied Statistics

Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

Please fill out this quick survey and help our team complete a very interesting project for our Applied Statistics class.

If you have any questions, please connect with Emma Brezler at ebrezler21@georgefox.edu.

Disclaimer: These surveys are student generated and are not to be associated with any official research conducted by faculty and staff at George Fox University. Any views or opinions presented in these surveys are solely those of the students and do not represent those of George Fox University. The distribution of these surveys is a service provided to George Fox University students as they prepare their research required by the curriculum. Students are required to have department approval. Any questions about these surveys should be directed to the students associated with the survey in question.

Consider volunteering as a Life Group leader this spring

Tuesday, November 28th, 2023

The Office for Spiritual Life is looking for Life Group leaders for the spring of 2024. The program will last from the week of Jan. 29 through the week of March 18. Life Groups are small groups of undergraduate students who meet together for prayer, Bible study, and fellowship. Groups meet weekly for 60 to 90 minutes.

This spring, our groups will be either in person or completely via Zoom (this provides access for our George Fox Digital students). Life Groups through the Office for Spiritual Life led by a George Fox staff or faculty member will be SPIL-credit eligible in order to encourage students to engage in spiritual formation experiences that are participatory and provide ongoing community.

To sign up, please fill out this form by Jan. 3.

Please email Cyndi at cmurillo@georgefox.edu if you have any questions.

Don’t forget tomorrow night’s Christmas Extravaganza

Tuesday, November 28th, 2023

Employees and their families are invited to this year’s Christmas Extravaganza and tree lighting tomorrow (Thursday). Join us for a Christmas tree-lighting ceremony in front of Stevens at 4:30 p.m., followed by treats and festivities, scheduled to run until 7:30 p.m.

There will be caroling, cookie decorating, goats, a photo booth, a roaming Santa, a holiday market in Klages, a Santa’s workshop in the Maker Hub, Miss Hannah’s popcorn, and more. We look forward to celebrating the Christmas season with you and your families!

Contact Faith McKee at fmckee@georgefox.edu with any questions.

Do you want to mentor a student in the spring semester?

Monday, November 27th, 2023

The Office for Spiritual Life is looking for staff and faculty members to participate in our new “SpiL Mentoring” program this spring.

This program will provide the opportunity for students to have meaningful conversations about faith and life while receiving encouragement and support from a George Fox staff or faculty member. Students in the program will be matched with a dedicated staff or faculty member, with whom they will have weekly meetings lasting approximately one hour over a span of eight weeks within the semester. The program will begin the week of Jan. 29 and end the week of March 18.

To support you in your mentoring role, we will provide a booklet with weekly suggested spiritual formation practices for you to engage in with your mentee. Additionally, there will be a training session prior to the start of the program to ensure you feel prepared and equipped.

If interested, please fill out this application by Wednesday, Jan. 3. Your involvement will make a meaningful impact on our students’ lives.

Please email Cyndi at cmurillo@georgefox.edu if you have any questions.

Take time to contemplate the season with this devotional Advent Reader

Monday, November 27th, 2023

The university pastors are excited to share the 2023 Advent Reader with you all!

Advent begins this Sunday, Dec. 3, and the Advent Reader has a devotional and contemplative practice for each week of Advent. Feel free to share this with your family, friends and faith community. May you experience the hope, peace, joy and love of Christ this Advent season!

Access the Advent Reader with this link.

Learn to navigate disagreement at ‘From Walls to Bridges’ session tomorrow night

Monday, November 27th, 2023

Did a conversation about politics, faith, or other deep topics go awry over Thanksgiving weekend? Are you dreading a similar risk during the upcoming Christmas break?

Now is the time to get better at helping people embrace disagreements as opportunities to make life better, more just and less polarized.

Come to a highly interactive workshop, “From Walls to Bridges: Building Skills to Reduce Polarization and Bridge Community Divides,” at 7 p.m. tomorrow (Wednesday) at the Northwest Christian Church (2315 Villa Road). You will learn to stay calm amid disagreement, listen actively, unleash curiosity, ask powerful questions, and share your own views more effectively.

This event is co-sponsored by the George Fox Civility Project and the local United as Neighbors group (especially its Community Conversations team). For more information, contact Ron Mock at civility@georgefox.edu.

Join the fun as a chaperone for Saturday’s Winter Formal

Monday, November 27th, 2023

Have you ever wanted to see what Student Activities is up to? If so, sign up to be a chaperone at the Winter Formal dance this Saturday, Dec. 2, at the Shawn Gardner Ballroom in Tigard. If interested, please complete the form here.

If you have any questions, please contact Kara Holcombe at kholcombe@georgefox.edu.

Support DPT’s Uganda trip by ordering Panda Express tomorrow

Monday, November 27th, 2023

Order a meal from any Panda Express in the country tomorrow (Wednesday) to support the Doctor of Physical Therapy program’s annual service trip to Uganda! Use the code 919543 to help. Online orders only!

Contact Molly at mshields22@georgefox.edu if you have any questions.

Today is the last day to order George Fox Christmas cards

Sunday, November 26th, 2023

Today is the day! If you’re interested in ordering George Fox Christmas cards, please do so by the end of the day today (Monday). The cost will depend on the size of the order we place. The order will be placed tomorrow.

Brandy Donovant in the marketing communications office will email you when the cards have arrived and are ready to be picked up.

To place your order, please fill out this form. Contact Brandy with any questions at bdonavant@georgefox.edu.

Rejoice in the Lord always!

Volunteers still needed for midyear commencement ceremonies on Dec. 16

Sunday, November 26th, 2023

We are still in need of several volunteers to serve as ushers at the midyear commencement ceremonies on Saturday, Dec. 16, at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. in Bauman Auditorium. Come help us greet our guests, hand out programs, direct family and friends to their seats, and make graduation a special event for everyone!

It’s fun to be part of our students’ graduation experience, and all employees who participate as ushers receive $50 through payroll, or take three hours off in lieu of this gift.

Please contact Laurie Fair at lfair@georgefox.edu if you would like to volunteer to serve our grads and their families on this memorable day!

Learn to cook nutritious meals with free online classes

Sunday, November 26th, 2023

Looking to enjoy better nutrition at home? Providence collaborates with Homemade to offer free monthly online cooking classes, available for live streaming or on-demand viewing.

These classes, coupled with additional resources on the Homemade platform, empower you with the expertise to prepare healthier and tastier meals at home. Gain valuable skills for cooking nutritious and delightful dishes through these complimentary sessions! Find out more here.

Get tips on how to counter your seasonal depression symptoms

Sunday, November 26th, 2023

The “big dark” is here. The winter solstice — the shortest day of the year — is on Dec. 21, and until then our days will keep getting darker and colder. With dark days and the less agreeable weather, it’s understandable to feel apprehensive or down. You may be noticing a change in your mood.

There are ways to counter stress and feelings of sadness. Find out how in this article.

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” – John 8:12

Review payroll information for the month of December

Sunday, November 26th, 2023

Please note the accelerated payroll deadlines for December. Due to Christmas break, we will have fewer days to process the December payroll.

Please have all check requests submitted and approved by Thursday, Dec. 7. Temporary part-time employee timesheets should also be forecasted, locked, and approved by Dec. 7.

Regular employee timesheets and student timesheets can be locked at the end of the month as usual. The student payday will be on Friday, Dec. 15, and the regular employee payday will be on Thursday, Dec. 21.

Questions? Contact the payroll team at payroll@georgefox.edu.