Register for free seminar to learn about home buying

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024

A Canopy “Home Buying and Financing 101” seminar is set from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 17.

The free seminar will cover these valuable subjects and more:

  • The pros and cons of owning a home
  • An overview of the home-buying process
  • How to prepare to purchase a home
  • Types of zero- and low-down loan programs

Register today at this link. Contact Miriam Lacy at if you have any questions.

Meet with Providence Health Plan experts in Canyon Commons today

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024

Today (Wednesday) is the day to receive personalized guidance from Providence experts! Stop by Canyon Commons between 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. to ask any questions about your health plan. Do not miss this opportunity. Walk-ins are welcome!

Contact Miriam Lacy at if you have any questions.

Prepare for high temperatures Wednesday through Saturday

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024

Some more hot days are headed our way. Starting Wednesday, Sept. 4, temperatures will rise to 90 degrees and higher. Thursday and Friday may reach over 100.

As per the George Fox heat protocol, please follow these steps:

  • Stay hydrated by drinking water every 20 minutes.
  • Schedule more strenuous work in the cooler parts of the day, such as the morning.
  • Move to an air-conditioned building (Canyon Commons, Klages Center,and Murdock Library) if your building is too warm.
  • Between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., check on fellow employees and classmates every one to two hours.
  • Know the symptoms of heat-related illnesses, which can be found at this link.

If you have any questions about best practices during high heat, please contact Kim Knoernschild, our environmental health and safety specialist, at

Sign up to showcase your department at Bruinpalooza on Oct. 12

Monday, September 2nd, 2024

Bruinpalooza, our annual party on the quad during Homecoming, is happening on Saturday, Oct. 12, from 2 to 4 p.m.! This event is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your department, have fun, and engage with alumni, students, and others in our community.

We’d love for you to participate by hosting a booth at Bruinpalooza. To find out more details and sign up, please fill out this form by this Thursday, Sept. 5.

Reach out to Britnee Ely in Alumni Relations at or 503-554-2110 with any questions.

Have questions about Medicare? Attend an upcoming virtual seminar

Monday, September 2nd, 2024

When it’s time to transition to Medicare, there can be several important and sometimes confusing details to consider.

To help ensure you have the correct information when making decisions, George Fox has partnered with Hilary Starnes and Jasmyn Sprague from Providence Health Assurance to provide Medicare 101 seminars. These virtual seminars, scheduled Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 18-19, will help you understand the basics of Medicare in an easy-to-understand overview.

Seminar topics:

  • What is Medicare and why it is important?
  • Addressing the different parts of Medicare (the A, B, C & D’s of Medicare)
  • What are the differences between Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement?
  • When you should consider enrolling into Medicare, and what is the process
  • What are the costs to be enrolled in Medicare?
  • What to consider if you are planning to continue to work past age 65
  • Learn how to avoid late enrollment penalties
  • How to transition from an employer group plan to a Medicare plan
  • Understand how to manage a Health Savings Account (HSA)

This seminar is purely educational, and there will be no discussion about specific carrier plan information. The only purpose of this seminar is to provide George Fox employees with valuable Medicare information. We hope this helps you and your loved ones as you plan for the eventual transition to Medicare.

You do not need to be eligible for Medicare to attend this seminar. The presentation will take approximately one hour, but we will have additional time at the end of the presentation to answer any questions that you may have.

We hope you will join if you are able! Spouses and parents are welcome to join. You can register for the 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18, seminar here and the Thursday, Sept. 19, noon meeting here.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Questions? Contact Aga Kasprzyk at

Come by for a drop-in visit with the Providence Bridge Team tomorrow

Monday, September 2nd, 2024

Are you a Providence member struggling to find a healthcare provider? Do you want to start using your vision or massage therapy benefits? How about travel assistance or identity theft?

If you have questions, come to Canyon Commons tomorrow (Wednesday) any time between 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. The Providence Bridge Team will be on site and available for drop-in visits. The team can help with scheduling a visit with a provider, getting medical records transferred, prescriptions refilled, and ordering labs or imaging.

This is a unique opportunity to receive customized assistance and expert advice about your health benefits right here in Newberg. Find out more here and put it on your calendar today!

Questions? Contact Aga Kasprzyk at

Participants needed for survey on AI

Monday, September 2nd, 2024

Please join Linda Samek, Scot Headley and Debby Espinor on a research study on Artificial Intelligence (AI). This survey will be part of Dr. Espinor’s fall sabbatical work, and will be the basis for an article as we explore the connections between AI and spirituality and social and security concerns. Please use this link to participate.

The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises incredible advancements, but its integration into our lives raises numerous concerns regarding human-AI interactions. This survey is part of a research study at George Fox that considers faculty members’ thoughts and concerns in three areas: academic concerns; social, privacy, and security concerns surrounding AI; and spiritual, wisdom, and ethical concerns.

The survey IRB is 2233008. It will take less than 10 minutes to complete. It is an anonymous survey, and you are free to opt out at any time.

Please email if you have any questions.

We know it is a busy semester, so we appreciate your thoughts on this work.

Come wish Tim Goodfellow well at farewell event Thursday

Sunday, September 1st, 2024

Join us in sending off Tim Goodfellow into his next adventure. Tim is an alumnus who has served our community for 19 years.

Drop by IT this Thursday, Sept. 5, between 1:30 and 3 p.m. to give him your well wishes and “See ya Laters.”

Immune support: Get tips on how to stay healthy during cold and flu season

Thursday, August 29th, 2024

Protecting your health all year is important, and during cold and flu season it’s even more so. Boosting your immune system, stopping the spread of germs, and taking care of yourself are some of the top items you can do to stay healthy.

Click this link to read how to protect your health this cold and flu season.

Join Providence’s free virtual wellness series beginning Sept. 4

Thursday, August 29th, 2024

We all want to live our best, healthiest life. No matter your age, current health status, race or economic status, Providence Basecamp’s six-week virtual wellness series wants to make wellness available and attainable for everyone.

Join Jennifer Lundman, MSW, NBC-HWC, each week starting Wednesday, Sept. 4, through Oct. 9, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. for this virtual series. This is a complimentary course, and registration is required.

Feel free to contact Miriam Lacy at if you have any questions.

Portland Center offices close Monday for Labor Day

Thursday, August 29th, 2024

Portland Center offices will be closed this Monday, Sept. 2, in recognition of the Labor Day holiday. The Newberg campus will remain open and will observe a mid-semester fall holiday on Friday, Oct. 4.

Schedule a one-on-one consultation with a Providence rep Sept. 4

Wednesday, August 28th, 2024

Attention Providence members! There are just two spots left for in-depth one-on-one consultations with Providence (walk-ins are always welcome). Don’t miss your opportunity to maximize your benefits.

Do you wait months for your next appointment? Do you want to access your vision plan? Unlock expert guidance! Mark your calendar for Wednesday, Sept. 4. Between 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m., the Providence team will be on-site in Canyon Commons for our quarterly consultation.

This is a rare chance to receive tailored support directly from the experts who know your needs best. Whether it’s about your benefits, scheduling or claims, don’t miss this unique opportunity to connect with us. Sign up today!

Feel free to reach out to Miriam Lacy at with any questions.

Follow these steps to beat the heat this week

Wednesday, August 28th, 2024

Friday, Aug. 30, and Saturday, Aug. 31. will have temperatures in the mid to upper 90s. As per George Fox heat protocol, please follow these steps:

  • Stay hydrated by drinking water every 20 minutes.
  • Schedule more strenuous work in the cooler parts of the day, such as the morning.
  • Move to an air-conditioned building (Canyon Commons, Klages and Murdock Library) if your building is too warm.
  • Between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., check on fellow employees and classmates every hour to two hours.
  • Know the symptoms of heat-related illnesses.

If you have any questions about best practices during high heat, please contact Kim Knoernschild, our environmental health, and safety specialist, at

Encourage students to attend career fairs this academic year

Wednesday, August 28th, 2024

This year, the CAP Center is hosting 10 career fairs on our Newberg campus. It’s our hope that you will encourage your students to attend these valuable networking events.

As part of our professional development goals for our students, these events allow students to present a resume, network with professionals in their industry, develop new relationships, and practice their interviewing skills.

Whether you use it as an assignment, allow students to be excused from class to attend, or simply encourage them to take advantage of these opportunities, we appreciate your support.

Here is the fall semester schedule:

  • General Fair (for all majors): Tuesday, Sept. 24
  • Nursing Expo (nursing students): Monday, Oct. 14
  • Graduate School Fair (for any students interested in attending grad school): Tuesday, Oct. 22
  • Physical Therapy Fair (PT students): Monday, Nov. 11
  • Engineering Winter Networking Reception (engineering students): Friday, Nov. 22

Here is the spring semester schedule:

  • Camp Fair (Christian camp summer jobs): Tuesday, Jan. 14
  • Business Fair (business students): Thursday, Jan. 30
  • Education Fair (education students): Monday, Feb. 17
  • Nursing Expo (nursing students): Monday, March 10
  • STEAM Fair (science, technology, engineering, art, math students): Monday, April 7

If you have any questions, please contact Wade Witherspoon at Thanks!

Safety Committee needs a Portland Center rep

Tuesday, August 27th, 2024

The George Fox Safety Committee is looking for a representative to join our committee from the Portland Center. The commitment is for one year at about one to two hours a month.

The representative responsibilities are attending all safety committee meetings (most are on Zoom), inspect the Portland Center quarterly, assist with evacuation drills, and attend the annual safety fair.

If you are interested, please email Kim Knoernschild at

Sign up for a one-on-one Providence consultation on Sept. 4

Monday, August 26th, 2024

Are you having a hard time navigating your health care? Seize the opportunity to get things clarified at the first of our exclusive quarterly Providence consultations!

Join us between 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 4, in Canyon Commons to meet with a dedicated expert from the Providence team who is ready to provide you with personalized, one-on-one guidance. Whether you need help navigating your benefits, finding a provider or resolving a claim, this is your moment. Don’t miss out. Sign up now!

If you have questions, reach out to Miriam Lacy at

Join Convocation Chapel tomorrow morning

Sunday, August 25th, 2024

Join us at 10:50 a.m. tomorrow (Tuesday) for our Fall Academic Convocation Chapel in Bauman Auditorium. Kevin Brewer, assistant professor of mathematics and winner of the 2023-24 Undergraduate Teacher of the Year award, will present the faculty address.

Come start the year off blessed as we worship together and welcome students to campus! Contact Laurie Fair at with any questions.

Remember to utilize the online class schedule

Sunday, August 25th, 2024 is a great resource for anyone needing to look up details on a class, including meeting times and location, teaching modality, enrollment limit and waitlist numbers, course description, instructor info and add/drop deadlines. Just click on a class to see all the details.

Make note of new bookstore hours and pick-up update

Wednesday, August 21st, 2024

Hello Bruins! The bookstore has updated hours for this fall. We will be open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. We’ll also be open this Saturday, Aug. 24, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. during Welcome Weekend.

In-store order pick-up update: Please have your order number ready and available when picking up your online order.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Kristin McGuirk at

Join the university’s Convocation Chapel this Tuesday

Tuesday, August 20th, 2024

Join us at 10:50 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 27, for our Fall Academic Convocation Chapel in Bauman Auditorium. Kevin Brewer, assistant professor of mathematics and winner of the 2023-24 Undergraduate Teacher of the Year award, will present the faculty address.

Come start the year off blessed as we worship together and welcome students to campus! Contact Laurie Fair at with any questions.