Support student-created pregnancy resource website

Thursday, December 8th, 2022

A group of business communication students created a website that directs pregnant or parenting individuals to the resources available to them. These resources include counseling, free nurse consultations, parenting classes, and more.

Please support the website by checking it out here or referring it to a friend. Thank you!

Contact Avery Kibby at if you have any questions about the project.

Swing by Murdock this morning for a donut from the Psychology Club

Wednesday, December 7th, 2022

Come stop by the Murdock Library today (Thursday) between 10 a.m. and noon to get a free donut! The only catch is you have to show that you follow the Psychology Club on Instagram!

Contact Lila Coddington at with any questions. We hope to see you there!

Check out Holiday Hangout tomorrow night in Stevens Center

Wednesday, December 7th, 2022

Are you ready for some holiday cheer? Want to support your art and design friends? Need to go Christmas shopping?

Join us in the Stevens Center for our Holiday Hangout tomorrow (Friday) at 7 p.m.! There will be snacks, activities, and some awesome student work to purchase. We’ve also heard Santa might make an appearance.

Want to sell your work at Holiday Hangout? You don’t have to be an art student to rent a table. Click here to sign up for the market!

Check out the Activities Weekly email for more details. Also, don’t forget Late Night Breakfast this Monday, Dec. 12, beginning at 9:30 p.m. in the Bon!

Contact with any questions.

Volunteers needed in Bruin Community Pantry this spring

Wednesday, December 7th, 2022

The Bruin Community Pantry is looking for volunteers for the spring 2023 semester.

Ways you can get involved:

  1. Volunteer at the food bank: Sign up for a time that works for your schedule.
  2. Help unload the food truck on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to noon.
  3. Help process leftovers for the Grab & Go (this can fit anyone’s schedule)
  4. Help with social media campaigns

For more information, check out the Bruin Community Pantry website.

Have questions? Contact Jere Witherspoon at

Bruin Community Pantry posts holiday hours

Wednesday, December 7th, 2022

Following are Bruin Community Pantry food bank hours during the Christmas break:

  • Dec. 19 and 20: 4 to 5:30 p.m.
  • Closed Dec. 21 through Jan. 2

Jan. 3-6

  • Tuesday: 4 to 5:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Thursday: 4 to 5:30 p.m.
  • Friday: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Email for more information. If you need access to food during a time when we are closed, please email us to arrange an alternative time.

Note: Schedule subject to change due to volunteer schedule.

Shopping bags are needed at Bruin Community Pantry food bank

Wednesday, December 7th, 2022

Despite our efforts to encourage folks to bring their own shopping bags, the food bank is in need of your stash of grocery bags at the food bank.

You are welcome to drop them off at anytime the building is open. We are in the Roberts Center’s Room 109.

Thank you so much for your help!

If you have questions, please contact Jere Witherspoon at

Swing by pop-up art sale this Saturday

Tuesday, December 6th, 2022

Looking for a last-minute Christmas gift? Consider purchasing a piece of art from a member of the art and design faculty!

Some members of the art department will be selling their wares at a pop-up sale this Saturday, Dec. 10, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 800 E. Franklin St., in Newberg. Artists participating will be Tim Timmerman, Marvin Eans, Adam Long, Brenna Brutscher and Chandler Brutscher.

Cash or card are accepted. Contact Tim Timmerman at for more info.

‘Get up Offa That Thing’: Take a microbreak at the Murdock Library

Tuesday, December 6th, 2022

It’s that time of year when we are all glued to our desks, studying for finals, wrapping up projects, and powering through grading. The Library and the Academic Resource Center (ARC) invite you to join us in taking a brief break to stretch and have some fun!

Join us in the Murdock Library either Thursday or Friday of this week and follow along as we take you through 10 stretches (that you can do without leaving your desk), all set to catchy tunes. We’ll meet at noon both days.

Can’t join us in person? Check out the stretches at this link and the music track here.

Contact Kate Wimer at for more information.

Get creative at the Arts and Crafts Club’s Christmas party this Saturday

Tuesday, December 6th, 2022

Come join the Arts and Crafts Club for our Christmas party this Saturday, Dec. 10, from 3 to 6 p.m. in Hoover 203!

We will be making Santa and elf hats, painting and decorating ornaments, and making paper snowflakes. Hot cocoa and Christmas snacks will be available, and we will have Christmas music or a movie on in the background.

We hope to see you there! Contact Laura Conover at with any questions.

Code Jam returns to campus this spring

Tuesday, December 6th, 2022

Interested in learning more about tech, code and team management? Check out Code Jam 3.0, a student-run annual collegiate hackathon at George Fox scheduled for March 10-12, 2023. You can show your interest in participating by filling out this form and learn more about it through our newsletter.

Contact Harry Zhu at if you have any questions.

Apply to be a University Ambassador by Friday

Tuesday, December 6th, 2022

Interested in leading tours, interacting with prospective students, working with the admissions team and making amazing friends while doing so? The admissions office is looking for proactive students to join our Ambassadors team starting this spring semester.

To apply, fill out this form by this Friday, Dec. 9!

Have questions? Email Missy Downs at for more information.

Sign up for the ‘World Religions’ online summer course

Tuesday, December 6th, 2022

“World Religions” will be back for summer 2023! The course will provide essential knowledge much needed for multicultural living in the 21st century. Professor Sunggu Yang will be your instructor. The registration begins in February 2023, so plan ahead!

Check out the flier here.

For more information, contact Sunggu Yang at

Join us for the last Contemplative Worship of the year today

Tuesday, December 6th, 2022

Come join us for the last Contemplative Worship after the Manner of Friends meeting today (Wednesday) from 2:15 to 2:45 p.m. in Hoover 250. SpiL credit is available for students.

If you have any questions or want further information, reach out to Paul Anderson at

Sing some Christmas karaoke with biology students and faculty tomorrow night

Tuesday, December 6th, 2022

Join biology students and faculty for their karaoke event! The Biology Student Council (BSC) will host karaoke and cookie decorating in the FoxHole (Klages Center, lower level) tomorrow night (Thursday) from 5:30 to 7 p.m.!

Christmas mocktails, hot chocolate and snacks will be provided. Non-bio/biochem majors are welcome! Please bring your friends to sing some karaoke and enjoy some refreshments. Participation means a chance to win prizes, courtesy of the BSC. We hope to see you there!

If you have any questions, contact Payton Hammock at

Leaving your car on campus over break? Please follow these steps

Monday, December 5th, 2022

If you plan to leave your vehicle on campus over the Christmas break, please do the following:

  • Fill out the Vehicles Left on Campus Policy form
  • Remove any personal belongings from vehicle
  • Park in a lot designated by Campus Public Safety personnel
  • Leave a key at the CPS office located at 212 Carlton Way

The policy agreement form can be filled out at the Campus Public Safety office or online at the above link.

Questions? Contact Karen Toohey in the CPS office at 503-554-2091, or stop by our office on Carlton Way.

Free COVID vaccine clinic available tomorrow in Health and Counseling Center

Monday, December 5th, 2022

Just a friendly reminder that there is one more COVID-19 vaccine clinic available before Christmas break!

The clinic will be held in the Health and Counseling Center tomorrow (Wednesday) from 1 to 4 p.m. The vaccine is free of charge. Please arrive five minutes early to your appointment, and bring your COVID card with you.

Please call 503-554-2340 to schedule an appointment. We will see you there!

Join Nursing Club’s Christmas party this Friday in Roberts 170

Monday, December 5th, 2022

Please join the Nursing Club for our annual Christmas Party this Friday, Dec. 9, from 4 to 7 p.m. in Roberts 170! There will be food, crafts, a photo booth, an ugly sweater contest, and a Christmas movie! A group of us will also walk over for caroling at Chehalem Health and Rehab Center at 6 p.m.

We are also collecting donations for our annual Christmas Service Drive! This year, in partnership with the Students for Life Club, we are collecting the following items for the Hope Pregnancy Clinic in Salem:

  • 0- to six-month clothing (any color)
  • Size 5 and 6 diapers
  • Adult leggings of all sizes (for pregnant and postpartum women)

Please bring donations to the Christmas party in Roberts 170, or drop them in Professor Kaye Anderson’s office in Roberts 139.

Everybody is welcome, and we would love to see you all at the party! Contact Ravin Otis at for more information.

Executive Dean Dave Cimbora speaks on mental health and athletics tonight

Monday, December 5th, 2022

Mental Health: Athletic Wealth is an organization created by George Fox student-athletes to promote awareness and education of mental health and wellness of students.

If you’re interested in learning more about mental health and how it correlates with student-athletes, please join us for our event happening tonight (Tuesday)! Executive Dean Dave Cimbora will be speaking on behalf of the organization from 6 to 7 p.m. in Hoover 105.

Email Emma Williams at with any questions.

Enjoy 10! 10! 10! Play Festival tomorrow night

Monday, December 5th, 2022

Come enjoy 10-minute plays directed by student directors and showcasing student actors! It’s totally free and open to all.

The festival will be in Wood-Mar Auditorium tomorrow (Wednesday) beginning at 10:10 p.m.

If you have any questions, contact JeanneAnn Comiskey at

Attend a DMSc graduate research symposium this Thursday

Monday, December 5th, 2022

The university community is invited to a graduate research symposium hosted by the DMSc (Doctor of Medical Science) program from 5 to 7 p.m. this Thursday, Dec. 8, in Canyon Commons.

The DMSc program was created in response to an ever-growing demand for healthcare leaders, particularly in rural, traditionally underserved and international locations. Our DMSc students are excited to present their research to you in a symposium-format doctoral defense.

The focus of our students’ research is rooted in service and leadership, particularly with an emphasis on global health and humanitarian service and leadership. As a part of their coursework, our DMSc students participated in a service trip to Africa and the greater Pacific Northwest.

Join us at the symposium to hear about the exciting research our DMSc students have been doing. You will not only have the opportunity to hear about their research. You’re also encouraged to ask questions and interact with our students.

A silent auction will be held during the event and will showcase handmade items from master craftsmen and women throughout Africa.

For more information or to donate to a future DMSc service trip, contact us at