Attend Juniors Abroad 2025 info meeting

Monday, February 12th, 2024

Are you interested in traveling abroad, but can’t fit studying abroad into your major? Luckily for you, the Center for Study Abroad offers a three-week immersive traveling experience every year during May term. Juniors Abroad offers a variety of trips to numerous countries and continents.

If you are an eligible sophomore or junior or just want to learn more, be sure to come to the informational meeting on Monday, Feb. 26, at 6 p.m. in Bauman Auditorium. This meeting will go over the application process and requirements for Juniors Abroad 2025.

Questions? Can’t make the meeting? Email Lynn Scott at, David Martínez at, or stop by the Center for Study Abroad.

Learn more about financial planning at ‘Personal Finance: Fight Night’

Monday, February 12th, 2024

Wish you knew more about money? Anxious about doing finances on your own? Looking to build upon what you are already doing well?

If so, join the Financial Planning Club at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 28, in Hoover 105 for our “Personal Finance: Fight Night.” Free pizza will be served while supplies last!

Come dive into four money science topics that are valuable regardless of your major. At the end of the event we will discuss some common personal finance myths. Do you believe in some of them? Come and find out!

Please email the GFU Financial Planning team at with any questions.

Plan to attend Friday reception for art exhibit dedicated to Martin Luther King Jr.

Monday, February 12th, 2024

Experience an art exhibition, “A Call to Consciences: Reflecting and Embracing the Work of Martin Luther King Jr.,” at the Chehalem Cultural Center (415 E. Sheridan St.)

The body of work features a collaboration of George Fox graphic design majors and artwork by professor Marvin Eans. This three-part reflective exhibition will feature a timeline of Dr. King’s life and work, artwork inspired by his speeches, and a community interactive mural.

A reception for the exhibition is set from 5 to 7 p.m. this Friday, Feb. 16, at the center. Contact Marvin at for more information.

Order donuts to support nursing’s service trip to Costa Rica

Monday, February 12th, 2024

Love donuts? Want to support a medical service trip to Costa Rica?

Take a dozen to your next meeting or make a special someone’s day. Fifty-percent of proceeds will support nursing students on their service trip to Costa Rica this May.

Simply click on this link, order your donuts, and pick them up at your local Krispy Kreme store. The link is valid Feb. 8 through March 9.

Got questions? Contact Kira Sandau at

Enjoy lunch, hear from Wake Forest professor tomorrow

Sunday, February 11th, 2024

The campus community is invited to a complimentary lunch with guest Dr. Michael Lamb tomorrow (Tuesday).

The lunch event, titled “What’s Hope Got to Do with It: Politics in a Time of Presumption and Despair,” runs from noon to 1:20 p.m. in Canyon Commons 101 (please note room change). During the session, our very own Dr. Joseph Clair will interview Lamb about his most recent book, A Commonwealth of Hope: Augustine’s Political Thought, which offers a novel interpretation of Augustine’s political thought and recovers his virtue of hope to inform contemporary politics. Lamb’s research focuses on the ethics of citizenship and the role of virtues in public life.

Guests are invited to go through the cafeteria line and join us for the talk, which will begin shortly after noon.

In addition, faculty are also invited and encouraged to join Lamb at 3 p.m. in Canyon Commons 101 (note room change) that afternoon for a discussion, “Character Formation in the University: Ten Lessons from the Front Lines.”

Lamb is the F. M. Kirby Foundation Chair of Leadership and Character, executive director of the Program for Leadership and Character, and associate professor of interdisciplinary humanities at Wake Forest University. He is also an associate fellow of the Oxford Character Project.

Contact Sarah Taylor at with any questions.

Swing by today’s Career Fair in Canyon Commons

Sunday, February 11th, 2024

The George Fox Spring Career Fair is being held today (Monday) in Canyon Commons Room 101 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

You do not need to register in advance; just stop by for a few minutes and talk to business leaders who might have an internship or an employment opportunity for you.

Feel free to reach out to Wade Witherspoon at if you have any questions.

Bon Appetit will have adjusted hours for mid-semester break

Sunday, February 11th, 2024

Bon Appetit will have adjusted hours for mid-semester break this weekend; all locations will be affected. Updated hours can be found at cashier stands or through this link.

Please contact Katie Anderson at with any questions.

Register now for RESONATE 2024

Sunday, February 11th, 2024

Participate in RESONATE 2024, a two-day gathering. Swing by Friday, Feb. 23, at 6:30 p.m. for a concert with Jon and Valerie Guerra. Then on Saturday, Feb. 24, at 9 a.m. hear from our brilliant speakers: Joseph Clair, Mary Jo Sharp and Tim Pickavance.

This two-day gathering showcases the truth, goodness and beauty of Christianity through theology, philosophy, science and the arts. Featuring musical performances, guest speakers, discussion groups, Q&A sessions, and ministry sponsors, RESONATE inspires a confident Christian faith for people from all backgrounds.

Click this link to register for RESONATE 2024: Knowledge, Desire, and the Heart.

Reach out to Emma Ray at for more information.

Take note of Open Study Table closure this week

Sunday, February 11th, 2024

Open Study Table will be closed on Wednesday, Feb. 14 and Thursday, Feb. 15. We will reopen on Monday, Feb. 19, at 7 p.m.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Heather Harney at

Check out the Comic Book Club’s DC/Marvel Night tonight

Thursday, February 8th, 2024

Join us tonight (Friday) for an epic night of comic book fun! Dive into lively discussions, explore classic and new comics, catch up on TV shows and films (MCU, DC Extended Universe, others), and compete in a thrilling trivia contest to find the true experts in the room.

Snacks, juice and captivating prizes for the winners! We’re meeting at 5:30 p.m. in Hoover 207. See you there!

Feel free to contact Aireen Celestino at with any questions.

Craft a Valentine’s Day gift this Tuesday in the Maker Hub

Thursday, February 8th, 2024

Haven’t thought of a good Valentine’s Day gift yet? The university’s Maker Hub is bringing back our hit Valentine’s Day event called “Rings & Roses,” where a small handful of students and employees will get to make a ring or a metal rose.

This event will be held this Tuesday, Feb. 13, from 3 to 6 p.m. and is designed to bring in creative students from all backgrounds/majors (as well as employees!) to the Maker Hub. Everyone is welcome, but there is very limited space (first-come, first-served!), so please fill out this Google Form to register.

Feel free to contact Nick Sullivan at with any questions.

Don’t miss Tuesday’s Woolman Forum events

Thursday, February 8th, 2024

Don’t miss the Woolman Forum events this Tuesday, Feb. 13, in Hoover 105.

Chapel credit is available for students!

  • Afternoon Panel (3:30 to 5 p.m.): Features three peacemakers, each working in different ways to bring about the mutual flourishing of Palestinians and Israelis while partnering with American Christians to advocate for nonviolence and shalom both in their own communities and abroad.
  • Evening Lecture (6 p.m.): Guest Jonathan Kuttab will speak on the topic “Is there a Balm in Gilead? Prospects for a Palestinian / Israeli Peace.” Kuttab is a well-known human rights attorney who was the head of the legal committee negotiating the Cairo Agreement of 1994 between Israel and the PLO, and who has founded peacemaking and human rights organizations in Palestine / Israel, Canada and the U.S. He is the author of Beyond the Two-State Solution.

Please join us! Feel free to contact Tamara Wytsma at with any questions.

Watch the big game in Canyon Commons this Sunday

Thursday, February 8th, 2024

Bon Appetit will play the Super Bowl this Sunday on the big screens in Canyon Commons. The game will start playing at 3:30 p.m., then feel free to join us for dinner at 4:30 p.m.

Contact Katie Anderson at with any questions.

Make Valentine’s Day cards with the Arts & Crafts Club

Thursday, February 8th, 2024

Use this Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to tell your friends, family, or significant other how much you appreciate them. Join the Arts & Crafts Club for a Valentine’s Day card-making event to spread the love by handcrafting or decorating personalized valentines.

The event will be held today (Friday) in Hoover 203 from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Craft materials (and chocolate!) will be provided.

Questions? Feel free to contact Lilly McAfee at

Please note Hadlock’s modified hours for mid-semester break

Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

The Hadlock Student Center has modified hours for mid-semester break. Recreational facilities will be available for normal use whenever Hadlock is open.

Please note that group exercise classes, intramural sports, and top rope climbing will not be available during mid-semester break.

Here are our modified hours:

  • Thursday, Feb. 15: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Friday, Feb. 16: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Saturday, Feb. 17: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Sunday, Feb. 18: 2-10 p.m.

If you have any questions, please contact AJ Heil at

Order donuts to support nursing’s service trip to Costa Rica

Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

Love donuts? Want to support a medical service trip to Costa Rica?

Take a dozen to your next meeting or make a special someone’s day. Fifty-percent of proceeds will support nursing students on their service trip to Costa Rica this May.

Simply click on this link, order your donuts, and pick them up at your local Krispy Kreme store. The link is valid Feb. 8 through March 9.

Got questions? Contact Kira Sandau at

Esports seeking actors for hype video

Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

The esports program is doing a cinematic arts video for our partner Spectrum Industries about our gaming chairs, and we need one to three actors to pull it off.

This will be a great experience and a fun opportunity for Federal Work Study students. Contact Jerry Sanchez at to discuss details.

‘Spread the love’ this Black History Month by making Valentine’s Day cards Tuesday

Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

Join us this Tuesday, Feb. 13, to “spread the love” this Black History Month!

From 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., we will be making Valentine’s Day cards in Roberts 170. Make sure to bring some cash with you to enter our gift raffle! All proceeds will go toward the Imani Center. Food and craft supplies will be provided.

The Imani Center supports adults who identify as Black or African American and assists them in finding affordable housing, employment and overall self-sufficiency. The Black Student Union and Social Work Club greatly encourage everyone to give back to African American communities this Black History Month!

Feel free to contact Sophia Castillo at with any questions.

Enjoy Latin American pastries and a time of worship this Monday night

Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

The Latinx Heritage Club, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Global Village invite you to worship Jesus alongside one another this Monday, Feb. 12, at 7:30 p.m. in Canyon Commons Rooms 101-102.

A local church will host worship and bring their love for Jesus. We are excited to provide Latin American pastries and chapel credit! Join us!

Contact Gaddiel Vergara at with any questions.

ARC accepting applications for 2024-25 consultants

Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

Do you like showing others ways to be a more effective and efficient student? Do your friends always come to you to look over their papers before they turn them in? Do you have a GPA above 3.0?

If you answered yes to these questions, you might have a future as an ARC consultant in the Academic Resource Center. We are interested in students from any major, not just English!

Applications for the 2024-25 academic year are due by Friday, March 8. Application instructions and additional information are available at this Handshake job posting. Contact Heather Harney at if you have questions.