Audition tonight for student-written play

Sunday, January 24th, 2021

We are proud to announce the first play in our spring play reading series: Skylar Rae’s compelling new play Hakugame. Lydia Crist will serve as Skylar’s director.

All auditions, rehearsals and performance will be on Zoom. It is our plan to use the music practice rooms for the final rehearsals and for the performance so that we can unify both the lights and scenic world for the play.

Audition and Production Details:

  • We need at least six actors (three women, three men) for the reading. Auditions are tonight (Monday) from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Sign up for a four-minute audition time slot at this Google link.
  • Theatre majors and minors: Prepare a 90-second contemporary/dramatic monologue (fully prepared and memorized).
  • Non-theatre majors/minors: Contact Lydia Crist ( for a monologue to read for auditions. The more you prepare, the better off you will be, but the monologue will not have to be memorized.
  • The Zoom link for the audition is on the sign-up sheet.
  • Call-backs will take place via the same Zoom link on Tuesday night, from 7 to 10 p.m.
  • Rehearsals will start Wednesday, Jan. 27, and run through Friday, Feb. 5. Rehearsals will take place between 7 and 10 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  • The performance will be Saturday, Feb. 6, at 7:30 p.m.

Play Description: In this unexpected tale of revenge, grit, mortality, and morality, where the real enemy lies hidden in plain sight, a young prisoner, slated for death, is spared by her executioner under the condition she must become his apprentice.

Hope to see you there! Contact Lydia at the above email address with any questions.

Thomas Center equipment yard is closed to foot traffic

Sunday, January 24th, 2021

To create the safest environment possible for our employees and local pedestrians, we are closing the equipment yard at the Thomas Center to pedestrian foot traffic.

This also applies to the Thomas Lane service road that connects to Fulton Street. Thomas Lane will be closed to foot traffic past the batting cages.

If you wish to walk to the Thomas Center, please use the walking path that extends between Fulton Street and the Thomas Center (by the Morse practice field), or use the Villa Road sidewalk.

Questions? Contact Dixie Downey ( Thank you.

Majoring in psychology or cognitive science? Apply to be a Psychology Club officer

Sunday, January 24th, 2021

Are you a psychology or a cognitive science major looking for ways to become more involved and connected with your department?

Joining the ranks of the Psychology Club as an officer is a great way to start! Serving as an officer is an opportunity to build relationships with peers and faculty, grow as a leader and use your unique gifts to contribute to something bigger than yourself.

We are currently seeking a secretary and a public relations manager for spring semester 2021. Apply here.

Applications are due Friday, Jan. 29. Elections begin the following day and end on Friday, Feb. 5. We hope to see your application!

Questions? Contact Megan Stewart (

Audition for ‘Hakugame,’ a student-written play

Friday, January 22nd, 2021

We are proud to announce the first play in our spring play reading series: Skylar Rae’s compelling new play Hakugame. Lydia Crist will serve as Skylar’s director.

All auditions, rehearsals and performance will be on Zoom. It is our plan to use the music practice rooms for the final rehearsals and for the performance so that we can unify both the lights and scenic world for the play.

Audition and Production Details:

  • We need at least six actors (three women, three men) for the reading. Auditions are this Monday, Jan. 25, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Sign up for a four-minute audition time slot at this Google link.
  • Theatre majors and minors: Prepare a 90-second contemporary/dramatic monologue (fully prepared and memorized).
  • Non-theatre majors/minors: Contact Lydia Crist ( for a monologue to read for auditions. The more you prepare, the better off you will be, but the monologue will not have to be memorized.
  • The Zoom link for the audition is on the sign-up sheet.
  • Call-backs will take place via the same Zoom link on Tuesday night, from 7 to 10 p.m.
  • Rehearsals will start Wednesday, Jan. 27, and run through Friday, Feb. 5. Rehearsals will take place between 7 and 10 p.m., Monday through Friday. 
  • The performance will be Saturday, Feb. 6, at 7:30 p.m.

Play Description: In this unexpected tale of revenge, grit, mortality, and morality, where the real enemy lies hidden in plain sight, a young prisoner, slated for death, is spared by her executioner under the condition she must become his apprentice.

Hope to see you there! Contact Lydia at the above email address with any questions.

All are welcome to join Ping Pong Club

Friday, January 22nd, 2021

The Ping Pong Club is starting again! Everyone, employees included, regardless of skill level, is welcome to come and play or learn to play.

Please fill out this poll and sign up for the email list if you are interested in coming so that we can determine our weekly meeting time. Our first meeting will be a welcome event where we will explain prizes and other fun secret items.

Please email Nathan Redman-Brown at with any and all questions.

Join Zoom event, ‘White Supremacy in the White American Church,’ Monday

Friday, January 22nd, 2021

What is white supremacy? What are its roots in the church? How do we, as Christ followers, fight against it?

Join us on Zoom at 7 p.m. this Monday, Jan. 25, for a Mathetes session titled “White Supremacy in the White American Church.” We will hear from Dr. Randy Woodley, Andrea Emerson, Michael Simmons, Rory Brown, and Jeanette Barton on how to honor God by fighting white supremacy! Spiritual life credit is available for undergraduate students.

RSVP here  and email Hannah Lee at if you have any questions.

RA application deadline extended

Thursday, January 21st, 2021

The application deadline to apply to become an RA (resident assistant) has been extended to Tuesday, Jan. 26, at 5 p.m.

Apply or learn more about becoming an RA

Questions? Email

Attend The Friends Association of Higher Education’s virtual seminar

Thursday, January 21st, 2021

The Friends Association for Higher Education’s Quaker Leadings in Higher Education series will present a Zoom conversation Tuesday, Jan. 26, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on the topic “Care in Times of Conflict: Cultivating Vulnerability and Resilience.”

Sign up here to register.

Questions? Contact Paul Anderson (

Updated policy on face coverings (including face shields)

Thursday, January 21st, 2021

George Fox has updated its face-covering policy to meet new state guidelines.

Students, faculty, staff, vendors and visitors must use face coverings when in the following locations:

  • Enclosed public and common areas
  • Outdoor areas where physical distancing is not easily maintained

“Face covering” means a cloth, polypropylene, paper or other face covering that covers the nose and the mouth and that rests snugly above the nose, below the mouth, and on the sides of the face. Appropriate face coverings include two-layered face masks or gaiters.

The following are not approved face coverings because they allow droplets to be released:

  • Masks with valves or vents for exhalation
  • Lace masks or other coverings with openings, holes, visible gaps in the design or material
  • Masks with valves or vents for exhalation

“Face shield” means a clear plastic shield that covers the forehead, extends below the chin, and wraps around the sides of the face. Mini face shields that only cover the mouth are not permitted.

Face shields may be used:

  • When presenting in front of a class or audience so long as you maintain six feet of distance at all times.  If you are closer or likely to be closer than six feet, you must wear a face mask.
  • For employees who have work spaces that are cubicles or in common areas without a door, provided they maintain at least six feet of distance from others (they must put on a face mask when working with another individual in their workspace or if they leave their workspace).
  • If you have a medical condition preventing masks
  • If you are working with the hearing impaired so they can lip read

Employees and students should switch back to face masks when not in the above four circumstances.

Thomas Center equipment yard is closed to foot traffic

Thursday, January 21st, 2021

To create the safest environment possible for our employees and local pedestrians, we are closing the equipment yard at the Thomas Center to pedestrian foot traffic.

This also applies to the Thomas Lane service road that connects to Fulton Street. Thomas Lane will be closed to foot traffic past the batting cages.

If you wish to walk to the Thomas Center, please use the walking path that extends between Fulton Street and the Thomas Center (by the Morse practice field), or use the Villa Road sidewalk.

Questions? Contact Dixie Downey ( Thank you.

Study abroad applications are due today

Thursday, January 21st, 2021

If you are interested in studying abroad in the summer/fall of 2021 or the spring of 2022, the application will be closing today (Friday). The application can be found here.

If you have any additional questions about programs or the application process, stop by the Center for Study Abroad house or email Lynn Scott ( We look forward to talking with you!

Attend TCK Club’s Zoom meeting tonight

Thursday, January 21st, 2021

Join the Third Culture Kid (TCK) Club for our first virtual meeting of the semester tonight (Friday) at 7 p.m.

Email Victoria Prieto ( for the Zoom link.

Information sessions on becoming a tutor

Wednesday, January 20th, 2021

Would you like to help other students learn through one-on-one tutoring? Consider becoming a tutor in the spring 2021 semester! As an independent tutor, you can help other George Fox students while earning a little extra money.

Learning Support Services is hosting four information sessions about Tutor Matching Service, a marketplace that facilitates connections between tutors and those seeking tutoring!

Join us for one of these Zoom information sessions:

  • Friday, Jan. 22 at noon
  • Tuesday, Jan. 26 at 6 p.m.
  • Friday, Jan. 29 at 2 p.m.
  • Sunday, Jan. 31 at 3 p.m.

We’ll discuss how to sign up, participate in training to earn approval badges and much more.

Questions? Contact Julia James at

CAP Coaches available for Zoom or phone meetings this week

Wednesday, January 20th, 2021

Do you need help finalizing your schedule? Make an appointment for a phone or Zoom meeting with your CAP Coach in the IDEA Center!

For this week, meetings will be no longer than 15 minutes, and questions should be specific to spring semester schedules. Appointments can be made through Handshake.

Questions? Contact Colleen Sump at

Apply ASAP for grants and contract management assistant position

Wednesday, January 20th, 2021

The position of grants and contract management assistant (GCM) at George Fox plays a significant role in advancing key documents that fund and implement George Fox projects and programs. This position develops effective grant and contract practices and systems at George Fox to benefit current and future students and staff.

GCM assistants will be equipped for the role through a combination of intensive training and practical experiences in the areas of document management, project management, personal development, report generation, interpersonal skills, and administrative responsibilities. The position requires integrity, teachability, responsiveness, proficiency, and an active faith engagement. 

We particularly encourage applications from members of historically underrepresented communities and others who demonstrate the ability to help us achieve our vision of a diverse and inclusive community. 

Apply here on Handshake.

Questions? Contact Sarah Tenney (

Are you a third culture kid? Attend TCK Club’s Zoom meeting

Wednesday, January 20th, 2021

Join the Third Culture Kid (TCK) Club for our first virtual meeting of the semester this Friday, Jan. 22 at 7 p.m.

Email Victoria Prieto ( for the Zoom link.

Come use the Maker Hub this semester

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

The Maker Hub is a makerspace located in the Klages Center at the Newberg campus. What exactly is a makerspace? Put simply, it’s a design and creative space that supports numerous disciplines such as woodworking, metalworking, 3D printing, electronics, textiles and art.

The Maker Hub is a resource that is available to all Fox students. One of the main reasons it exists is to add value to your educational experience here at Fox in both academic contexts and in the context of recreational or personal projects. So don’t miss out on the opportunity to build something and learn new skills. It’s a fantastic remedy for stress and stir-crazy feelings if you are looking for something to do here on campus.

The main “Hub” area is already open, and the technical shops (machine shop, wood shop, etc.) are scheduled to open next week. If you would like to get connected, email Nick Sullivan at for more info.

RA application deadline extended

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

The application deadline to apply to become an RA (resident assistant) has been extended to Tuesday, Jan. 26 at 5 p.m.

Apply or learn more about becoming an RA

Questions? Email

Join in-person prayer service on Wednesday afternoons this semester

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

The Office for Spiritual Life invites all students to register for our new in-person prayer service every Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. in Bauman Auditorium. It will last 30 minutes and include prayer, scripture, and music. You must register on iAttended in order to participate, and space is limited to 20 students. We look forward to worshiping with you!

Questions? Email

Join the Civility Project Reading Group

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

With our nation in turmoil, would you like to explore how Christians can help heal our political culture?  If so, apply for the Civility Project Reading Group.  

We will select ten students for this project. Group members are expected to read and/or write for one to two hours in preparation for each hour-long weekly meeting. We will meet in person — COVID permitting — at a time the group selects.

The group will work with Jonathan Kuttab, a Palestinian Christian lawyer. He will speak on campus (via Zoom) on Feb. 4 on Civility, Justice, and a Bill of Rights: A Vision of Israel/Palestine as One State. Kuttab will meet with the group twice between his Feb. 4 talk and his second on-campus appearance in late March.

Group members may also write for the Civility Project website to earn modest compensation for publishable pieces.

To apply, email the following to Civility Project director Ron Mock at by Friday, Jan. 22:

  • Name, major and year at George Fox
  • Reason for wanting to participate (1-3 sentences)
  • Schedule of classes and other fixed weekly events

Questions? Email