Complete the Hadlock Rental Center Survey for a $5 voucher

Thursday, February 11th, 2021

We want your input! Every student that submits this survey will receive a $5 rental voucher for the Hadlock Student Center. Please complete the Hadlock Rental Center Survey to tell us about your rental experiences and recommend new items that you would like us to offer!

We want to hear from everyone! The survey can be completed even if you have never used the Hadlock Rental Center.

Interested in learning more about the Hadlock Rental Center? Click here. Questions? Contact AJ Heil (

HSC climbing wall now offering top-rope climbing and belay classes

Thursday, February 11th, 2021

The Hadlock climbing wall will begin offering top-rope climbing and belay classes for students starting Monday, Feb. 15!

If you would like to try top-roping, please register for a slot from 8:15 to 10:15 p.m. You can also register for a belay class from 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. (you must register for both half-hour blocks).

You do not need to know how to belay in order to top-rope climb, as our staff will be there to assist you. If you know how to top-rope climb and belay, you can recertify with our staff at any time between 8:15 and 10:15 p.m.

Top-rope climbing and belay classes will be available Monday through Friday for the time being.

Click here for more information and to register. 

Watch ‘To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You’ with Delight Ministries

Thursday, February 11th, 2021

Join Delight Ministries for a “Galentine’s” movie night this Sunday, Feb. 14, at 7 p.m.! We will be watching To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You via Zoom, and would love to see you there!

Questions? Contact Nicole Parsons (

Compete in the ‘14 Hearts of Gold Challenge’ tomorrow

Thursday, February 11th, 2021

It can be hard to treat your loved ones to a fancy meal on a college budget, but we’ve got you covered. Tomorrow morning (Saturday), set out with a list of clues to find 14 small, golden hearts that will be hidden outdoors around campus.

The 14th heart is special, more difficult to find, and worth three hearts! You must take a photo with each heart where you found it as proof in order for it to be counted.

The goal is to find as many hearts as you can before 5 p.m. for the chance to win a Valentine’s Day meal on us. We will be posting clues to the hearts on Instagram at 10 a.m., and send them through email to people who sign up here for email clues.

The first-place prize is a meal reimbursement of up to $100, and the second-place prize up to $50.

Questions? Contact Student Activities (

Information about today’s website update

Wednesday, February 10th, 2021

If you visited the university homepage today, you probably noticed some changes!

Marketing Communications has updated the style and content of the homepage as well as some other top-level pages and pages in the About, Undergraduate Admissions, and Giving sections of the website.

This is part of an ongoing project to give similar treatment to all pages on the public university website.

Due to the large number of web pages on the university website (around 5,000) and the extent of these changes, web pages will be re-worked and published in sections rather than all at once. This means that for now there will be some inconsistencies between pages in the new design and pages that haven’t been updated yet.

As part of this update, links in the website footer (the section at the bottom of each web page) have been updated. Some resource links that were located in the footer have been moved onto resource pages for distinct George Fox groups. The links to these resource pages can be found under the heading “Information For” in the footer.

If you have any questions or feedback about any of this, please contact Rob Leslie at

An important message from Campus Public Safety

Wednesday, February 10th, 2021

Yesterday morning we were notified that a group of thieves stole a catalytic converter from one of our George Fox vans parked in the Morse parking lot. We wanted to alert our community to be aware and to make sure that your vehicles were not also affected.

Catalytic converters are emission control devices that reduce toxic gases and pollutants in exhaust gas. Thieves like to steal them because they contain valuable metals. If your catalytic converter has been removed, your vehicle will make a loud roaring sound that will get louder as you push the gas pedal.

If you find that your catalytic converter has been stolen, please contact Campus Public Safety at 503-554-2090.

Domestic abuse healing group starts today

Wednesday, February 10th, 2021

A group has been created to help female students heal from abusive relationships and be empowered from a faith-based, holistic curriculum created by ARMS (Abuse Recovery Ministry & Services), a local nonprofit.

A George Fox student will be leading the group throughout the semester weekly on Thursdays, starting tonight (Thursday).

To receive the Zoom link or ask any questions, please email or call ARMS at, 503-846-9284 or 866-262-9284.

Watch George Fox Digital lecture featuring Bill Jolliff on YouTube

Wednesday, February 10th, 2021

George Fox Digital is releasing a series of public lectures on YouTube addressing the pandemic and Christian faith. How are we to understand suffering in light of God’s goodness? What do our academic disciplines have to say about theology and the pandemic?

The first of these lectures is out now:

We’ll be releasing a new lecture in this series on our YouTube playlist every Tuesday throughout February and early March.

Questions? Contact Brian Doak (

Sign up for Spring 2021 APA Workshop

Wednesday, February 10th, 2021

Join the Academic Resource Center for an APA workshop with Sue O’Donnell. Learn the details of APA style, including formatting, citations, references, writing style, and more.

The workshop will take place Thursday, Feb. 18, from 10:50 to 11:50 a.m. in Hoover 105.

Because of COVID classroom capacity, registration for the workshop is required. Sign up here. 

You may also sign up to receive the video and slides of the presentation in lieu of attending in person.

Questions? Contact Julia James (

Survey: Music interest on campus

Wednesday, February 10th, 2021

What ensembles would you like to see on campus? We want to hear from you! Please take this short survey and be entered for a chance to win a $25 Chapters gift card.

Questions? Contact the music department (

Survey: Self-Reported Political Ideology and Relational Variables

Wednesday, February 10th, 2021

We live in a climate of increasing political polarization and tension. This study is looking at self-reported political ideology and a variety of different relational variables to identify similarities and differences across the political spectrum.

The survey will take approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete and is part of a dissertation for the PsyD program. Click here to complete the survey.

After completion of the survey, some participants may be asked to participate in an additional part of the study in person. This part of the study will consist of telling a narrative about specific pictures and will take an additional 30 minutes.

Participants will be entered to win one of 10 $10 Amazon gift cards. Involvement in the study is strictly voluntary, and participation can be withdrawn at any point in time.

If you are interested in contributing to research on political ideology and a chance to win a $10 Amazon gift card, please complete this survey.

Questions? Contact Dalton Young (


These surveys are student generated and are not to be associated with any official research conducted by faculty and staff at George Fox University. Any views or opinions presented in these surveys are solely those of the students and do not represent those of George Fox University. The distribution of these surveys is a service provided to George Fox University students as they prepare their research required by the curriculum. Students are required to have department approval. Any questions about these surveys should be directed to the students associated with the survey in question.

Severe winter weather, class instruction and campus work info

Tuesday, February 9th, 2021

If severe winter weather makes travel to or from campus unsafe, George Fox will shift affected classes to online instruction. Classes will not be canceled for snow or ice in spring 2021. Because of COVID-19, faculty already have a reduced amount of class time to provide instruction, and losing additional days is not a feasible option. All classes this semester were created with the option to shift to remote learning for at least short periods of time.

If road conditions are unsafe, employees will be expected to work remotely if they have work that can be accomplished from home. If remote work is not possible, employees should contact their supervisor.

Following is our process for announcing when classes will shift to an online format. The provost will make the decision to shift classes online for the Newberg campus, Portland Center and Salem site for daytime classes by 6:30 a.m., or 2:15 p.m. for evening classes. This applies to all days of the week, including Saturday. Decisions at the Redmond site will be made by the professor.

Major considerations are road conditions, ice, utility service disruption, and how long the severe weather or emergency is likely to last. To find out if a decision has been made when severe weather occurs:

  1. Check for an email to your George Fox email from Office of the Provost or Office of the CFO
  2. Visit the George Fox page. This is the first site updated.
  3. Sign up for FlashAlert Messenger. You can download their smartphone app for a mobile alert.
  4. Listen to local radio and television stations. Each campus will be identified separately. (This info comes via Flashalert).
  5. Call the George Fox University switchboard at 503-538-8383.

More information on campus closure policies can be found at

Join us for COVID-safe Ash Wednesday services

Tuesday, February 9th, 2021

Next Wednesday, Feb. 17, marks the beginning of the season of Lent, the season in the Christian church when we remember the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness, fasting and praying, prior to the beginning of his ministry.

Many Christians choose to observe Lent by participating in an intentional spiritual practice, such as fasting, Scripture reading, prayer, generosity, or service. It is a season set aside for repentance and acknowledgment of human weakness, toward greater trust in the Savior. 

The season of Lent begins on Wednesday, Feb. 17, and ends on Easter Sunday, April 4. The university pastors invite you to observe this time with us in one of the following ways:

  • Ash Wednesday
    • The university pastors will be available at two stations on campus for COVID-safe distribution of ashes. We will be at a table on the quad and outside of the SpiL House from noon to 1:30 p.m.
  • Ash Wednesday Worship Service
    • Worship will be held from 4:30 to 5 p.m. in Bauman Auditorium. Due to limited seating, please reserve your spot on the iAttended app (undergrads only).
  • Lenten Scripture Reading Guide
    • This daily Scripture reading guide will be available on the SpiL webpage from Feb. 16 to April 4.
  • Life Groups
    • These seven-week Life Groups are available for undergraduates and begin the week after Ash Wednesday and conclude the week after Easter. We are offering digital groups and hybrid groups. Click here to learn more.
  • Holy Week opportunities

Questions or want to meet with a university pastor? Contact the Office of Spiritual Life ( or 503-554-2320). May the Lord bless you!

Join a Life Group and earn SpiL credit

Tuesday, February 9th, 2021

Students are encouraged to join a Life Group this semester! Sign up here.

Life Groups are led by staff, professors, local pastors and church leaders, and seniors and provide a space for students to gather for weekly prayer, Bible study, and fellowship.

Groups typically meet for an hour to 90 minutes. Most groups will begin the week of Feb. 22 and end the week of April 9. Your Life Group leader will contact you with additional details by the Friday prior to the start of your group. 

This spring, all of our groups will be meeting either by Zoom or hybrid. Hybrid groups will meet primarily via Zoom, but may occasionally meet outdoors as the weather, state and university regulations, and participants’ comfort permit.

Throughout the pandemic, Life Groups run through the Office of Spiritual and Intercultural Life will also be eligible for SpiL credit.

Questions? Contact the Spiritual Life Office (

Stop by Canyon Commons for free hot chocolate from Young Life this morning

Tuesday, February 9th, 2021

With the weather getting colder and the possibilities of snowfall this week, the Young Life Club is offering something for all students to keep you warm and cozy.

Stop by our tent outside of Canyon Commons today (Wednesday) from 7 to 8 p.m. and grab the perfect cup of hot chocolate for free from our team.

Young Life will also be hosting its first club of the year on Wednesday, Feb. 24, along with other fun events throughout the semester. Follow us here for more details.

Questions? Contact Lauren Hall (

All invited to panel event to discuss careers in biology and medicine

Tuesday, February 9th, 2021

Interested in exploring career opportunities in the field of biology and medicine? Plan on attending the Biology Department Alumni Panel!

The Biology Student Council invites you to join us in asking questions and getting insight from a distinguished panel of research and medical professionals. The alumni panel is representative of four career categories: medical, physical therapy, nurse practitioner, and research.

The event will take place via this Zoom link on Friday, Feb. 26, at 6:30 p.m. All are invited to attend, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Questions? Contact Faith Burns (

FoxTALE unavailable this Tuesday morning

Tuesday, February 9th, 2021

FoxTALE will be unavailable Tuesday, Feb. 16, from 6 to 8 a.m. (Pacific Time) for scheduled maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes.

Questions? Email or call 503-554-2569.

Compete in the ’14 Hearts of Gold Challenge’ for a chance to win a Valentine’s Day meal

Tuesday, February 9th, 2021

Join in on the fun of our “14 Hearts of Gold Challenge.” What is it, you ask? On the morning of Saturday, Feb. 13, you will set out with a list of clues to find 14 small, golden hearts that will be hidden outdoors around campus.

The 14th heart is special, more difficult to find, and worth three hearts! You must take a photo with each heart where you found it as proof in order for it to be counted.

The goal is to find as many hearts as you can before 5 p.m. for the chance to win a Valentine’s Day meal on us. We will be posting clues to the hearts on Instagram at 10 a.m. and send them through email to people who sign up here for email clues.

The first-place prize is a meal reimbursement of up to $100, and the second-place prize up to $50.

Questions? Contact Student Activities (

Interested in traditional Christianity? Attend panel discussion tonight

Tuesday, February 9th, 2021

Curious about traditional Christianity? Bring your questions to a panel of Catholic and Orthodox professors and staff tonight (Wednesday) at 7 p.m. in Hoover 105!

Join us for snacks and to learn about what it’s like to live in the Catholic and Orthodox faiths.

Questions? Contact Genevieve Wolf ( or Meg Cecil (

Check out ARC’s resources of the week

Monday, February 8th, 2021

Check out week four’s newsletter for new study session planning tips, DAS information, and our meme of the week!

Now is a great time to set up ARC appointments. Click here to schedule a writing or academic coaching appointment.

Questions? Contact Julia James (