Interested in learning more about careers in biology and medicine?

Tuesday, February 16th, 2021

Interested in exploring career opportunities in the field of biology and medicine? Plan on attending the Biology Department Alumni Panel!

The Biology Student Council invites you to join us in asking questions and getting insight from a distinguished panel of research and medical professionals. The alumni panel is representative of four career categories: medical, physical therapy, nurse practitioner, and research.

The event will take place via this Zoom link on Friday, Feb. 26, at 6:30 p.m. All are invited to attend, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Questions? Contact Faith Burns (

Last day to apply for donor-funded scholarships!

Tuesday, February 16th, 2021

Hurry! The donor-funded scholarships application is due today (Wednesday). Don’t miss your chance to apply for over 200 scholarships for the 2021-22 academic year!

If you haven’t started yet, there’s still time! Traditional undergraduate students can find the application under “Student Resources” in their MyGeorgeFox portal.

Questions? Email the financial aid office ( and we’ll be happy to help!

Attend the virtual library workshop, ‘Using SCOPUS,’ today

Tuesday, February 16th, 2021

Join Research and Instruction Librarian Andrea Abernathy online for a workshop covering the SCOPUS database. She’ll show you how to discover scholarship, track citations, and explore relevant journals with confidence.

The workshop will be held via Zoom today (Wednesday) at 2:30 p.m. Click here to register and for more information regarding future library workshops. 

This semester, the library is offering a series of workshops to help the Fox community navigate our increasingly digital library environment. Each workshop will be taught by a different librarian, making them an excellent way to refresh your skills, learn something new, or hear an old concept in a new way.

Questions? Contact Kate Wimer (

Don’t forget to submit your work to ‘The Wineskin’

Tuesday, February 16th, 2021

The Wineskin is accepting submissions! The theme for this semester is “FORMATION,” so send us your best poems, stories, essays, and artwork in that stream of thought; we welcome thematic interpretation.

The editors are open to a wide range of styles and subject matter, but we are particularly looking for work that pushes boundaries and surprises us with its artistic approach and perspective of the world.

All are welcome to submit, including faculty and staff and those who are not members of the George Fox community!

Submission Guidelines:

  • Poetry and prose manuscripts must be submitted as a Word document, in Times New Roman, 12-point font. Please title your pieces and remove your name from the document.
  • Limit all prose to 1,000 words and send no more than five poems per submission.
  • For artwork: Files should be named as the title of your piece, followed by your name. Please remove all watermarks from your work.

All work should be submitted through our website. Submissions close on Monday, March 1, at 5 p.m.

Questions? Contact Libby Kerns (

Help fill the empty shelves at the Bruin Community Pantry food bank

Tuesday, February 16th, 2021

Despite a really good season of giving, some staple food items have flown off the shelves in the Bruin Community Pantry food bank, leaving some spots bare.

The following items are urgently needed in the food bank:

  • Peanut butter
  • Pasta sauce
  • Pasta other than elbow macaroni & spaghetti noodles
  • Black beans
  • Pinto beans
  • Soup (anything other than cream of mushroom)
  • Boxed meals (macaroni & cheese, Hamburger/Tuna Helper, rice meals)
  • Gluten-free/dairy-free items

Drop off your donations at the food bank in Roberts Center during the hours of operation.

This information and more can be found on the BCP website.

SCORR sessions meet this week online

Tuesday, February 16th, 2021

The Student Congress on Racial Reconciliation (SCORR) is this week, and it’s entirely online!

From Wednesday to Saturday, join us to learn from people like Eugene Cho and Esau McCaulley on how we as students and Christians can pursue anti-racism in our daily lives. Fill out this form to get information on sessions and post-SCORR debrief sessions led by Fox students and staff.

For students who want chapel credit, be sure to register for the events you’re attending on the iAttended app. Check out the SCORR schedule to decide what sessions to attend, and email Hannah Lee with any questions.

Desire a place to worship? Prayer Chapel is now open

Monday, February 15th, 2021

The Office of Spiritual Life is excited to open up the Prayer Chapel to students who would like to use the space for prayer, meditation, or any spiritual practice.

You can reserve the space by filling out this form. Students can reserve a time beginning tomorrow (Wednesday), and the chapel will be open throughout the remainder of the semester.

Due to COVID-19 safety policies, we can only allow up to five people at a time, and students must maintain physical distancing, wear a face covering, and sanitize as you enter the space.

Questions? Contact Spiritual Life (

Join Premedical Club meeting tomorrow

Monday, February 15th, 2021

The Premedical Club is having our February meeting! Come learn about what it’s like to be in medical school from George Fox alumni and current medical school students David Howell and Jesse Wilson.

We’ll meet at 6 p.m. tomorrow (Wednesday) in Hoover 105.

Sign up with this link. Questions? Contact Cate Snedecor at

Interested in joining newly formed Cooking Club?

Monday, February 15th, 2021

Calling all culinary enthusiasts! Are you interested in joining our new Cooking Club? If so, please take a minute to fill out this Google Form. All are welcome to sign up, regardless of how much experience you’ve had in the kitchen!

Questions? Contact Maren Caravan at

FoxTALE unavailable for two hours this morning

Monday, February 15th, 2021

FoxTALE will be unavailable this morning (Tuesday) from 6 to 8 a.m. (Pacific Time) for scheduled maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes.

Questions? Email or call 503-554-2569.

Survey: Self-Reported Political Ideology and Relational Variables

Monday, February 15th, 2021

We live in a climate of increasing political polarization and tension. This study is looking at self-reported political ideology and a variety of different relational variables to identify similarities and differences across the political spectrum.

This survey will take approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete and is part of a dissertation for the PsyD program. Click here to complete the survey.

After completion, some participants may be asked to participate in an additional part of the study in person. This part will consist of telling a narrative about specific pictures and will take an additional 30 minutes.

Participants will be entered to win one of ten $10 Amazon gift cards. Involvement in the study is strictly voluntary, and participation can be withdrawn at any point in time.

If you are interested in contributing to research on political ideology and a chance to win a $10 Amazon gift card, please complete this survey.

Questions? Contact Dalton Young (


These surveys are student generated and are not to be associated with any official research conducted by faculty and staff at George Fox University. Any views or opinions presented in these surveys are solely those of the students and do not represent those of George Fox University. The distribution of these surveys is a service provided to George Fox University students as they prepare their research required by the curriculum. Students are required to have department approval. Any questions about these surveys should be directed to the students associated with the survey in question.

Domestic abuse healing group available

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

A group has been created to help female students heal from abusive relationships and be empowered from a faith-based, holistic curriculum created by ARMS (Abuse Recovery Ministry & Services), a local nonprofit.

A George Fox student will be leading the group throughout the semester weekly on Thursdays.

To receive the Zoom link or ask any questions, please email or call ARMS (, 503-846-9284 or 866-262-9284).

Want a $5 rental voucher? Complete the Hadlock Rental Center Survey

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

We want your input! Every student who submits this survey will receive a $5 rental voucher for the Hadlock Student Center. Please complete the Hadlock Rental Center Survey to tell us about your rental experiences and recommend new items that you would like us to offer!

We want to hear from everyone! The survey can be completed even if you have never used the Hadlock Rental Center.

Interested in learning more about the Hadlock Rental Center? Click here. Questions? Contact AJ Heil (

Sign up for a new group exercise class at HSC

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

Campus Recreation has added nine group exercise and instructional classes for the spring semester!

Most of them are in-person, but space is very limited. If you sign up for a session, please be sure to follow through on your commitment. Classes are free, and you can be put on a waiting list if the class is full.

Classes include group cycle, boot camp, restorative yoga, Zumba, self-defense (hybrid), freestyle dance techniques, Total Body Blast (online only), and more yoga classes!

Click here for information and to register. Questions? Contact AJ Heil (

Safety and service reminders from Campus Public Safety

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

Campus Public Safety would like to remind the George Fox community of a few helpful safety tips. Because, while the Newberg campus is located in what is considered a generally safe location, we know that, unfortunately, crimes and emergencies can occur in any location and at any time of day.

We encourage everyone to program Campus Public Safety’s phone number into your cell phone right now so that it is available in case you need it. We are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week: 503-554-2090.

The following are some of the reasons why you may want to give us a call:

  • If you feel unsafe, please call our office so that we can escort you to your destination. Safety escorts are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
  • In case of an emergency, first, call 911, and then call CPS; we can coordinate with emergency first responders to help direct them to your location.
  • Roadside assistance: We are happy to assist in unlocking your car or giving you a jump start if your battery is dead.
  • Locked out of your room? Campus policy requires that you first try calling a RA from your living area if you are locked out of your room. If you are unable to reach an RA, then you are welcome to call CPS and we will make our best effort to respond as soon as we are available.
  • Reporting crimes and accidents: If you need to report a crime or accident, we can connect you to the proper George Fox department or off-campus agency to complete and file a report.

A victim of a crime is never at fault and should not be blamed for his or her actions. For those who would like to know what precautions they can take in order to reduce the risk of victimization, we offer the following tips:

  • Let someone know where you are going, your expected travel time, and how long you plan on being in that location.
  • If you are running or walking in the evening, wear bright or reflective clothing to make yourself more visible to drivers and to help someone spot you faster in case of an emergency.
  • Also, if you are running or walking in the evening, go with someone or a group of people you trust. (If you choose this option, be sure to wear the appropriate face coverings.) Stay in well-lit, highly visible areas. Stay in familiar areas and avoid shortcuts.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and walk with purpose. Distractions like using your cell phone while walking can make you particularly vulnerable.
  • In regards to electronics, be sure that your phone is charged before traveling. Wear only one earbud while you walk and keep your volume low.
  • Do not leave valuable items in your car in an open view. Park in well-lit areas where it will be safe for you to return to at night. Take note of where you park so that you can easily locate your car again.

Questions? Call Campus Public Safety at 503-554-2090 or email Elrike Shaw at Campus Public Safety officers are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year!

Are you a Special Forces veteran? Apply for memorial scholarship

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

Captain James Ahn, a graduate of UC Riverside and the Claremont McKenna College Army ROTC program, died in 2015 during a parachute training operation while participating with his Special Forces unit in Washington state.

In James’ honor, we are sponsoring an annual scholarship of $1,000 to a Special Forces veteran who is working toward the completion of a higher education degree.

For more information, please visit the Veterans Resources webpage.

Don’t forget to apply for donor-funded scholarships

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

Hurry! The Donor-Funded Scholarships Application closes this week!

The Donor-Funded Scholarships Application is due Wednesday, Feb. 17. Don’t miss your chance to apply for over 200 scholarships for the 2021-22 academic year!

If you haven’t started yet, there’s still time! Traditional undergraduate students can find the application under “Student Resources” in their MyGeorgeFox portal.

Questions? Email the financial aid office ( and we’ll be happy to help!

Sign up for the virtual library workshop: Using SCOPUS

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

Join Research and Instruction Librarian Andrea Abernathy online for a workshop covering the SCOPUS database. She’ll show you how to discover scholarship, track citations, and explore relevant journals with confidence.

The workshop will be held via Zoom on Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. Click here to register and for more information regarding future library workshops. 

This semester, the library is offering a series of workshops to help the Fox community navigate our increasingly digital library environment. Each workshop will be taught by a different librarian, making them an excellent way to refresh your skills, learn something new, or hear an old concept in a new way.

Questions? Contact Kate Wimer (

Hadlock is offering top-rope climbing and belay classes starting today

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

The Hadlock climbing wall will begin offering top-rope climbing and belay classes for students starting today (Monday)!

If you would like to try top-roping, please register for a slot from 8:15 to 10:15 p.m. You can also register for a belay class from 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. (you must register for both half-hour blocks).

You do not need to know how to belay in order to top-rope climb, as our staff will be there to assist you. If you know how to top-rope climb and belay, you can recertify with our staff at any time between 8:15 and 10:15 p.m.

Top-rope climbing and belay classes will be available Monday through Friday for the time being.

Click here for more information and to register. 

Gather for COVID-safe Ash Wednesday services Wednesday

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

This Wednesday, Feb. 17, marks the beginning of the season of Lent, the season in the Christian church when we remember the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness, fasting and praying, prior to the beginning of his ministry.

Many Christians choose to observe Lent by participating in an intentional spiritual practice, such as fasting, Scripture reading, prayer, generosity, or service. It is a season set aside for repentance and acknowledgment of human weakness, toward greater trust in the Savior.

The season of Lent begins on Wednesday, Feb. 17, and ends on Easter Sunday, April 4. The university pastors invite you to observe this time with us in one of the following ways:

  • Ash Wednesday
    • The university pastors will be available at two stations on campus for COVID-safe distribution of ashes. We will be at a table on the quad and outside of the SpiL House from noon to 1:30 p.m.
  • Ash Wednesday Worship Service
    • Worship will be held from 4:30 to 5 p.m. in Bauman Auditorium. Due to limited seating, please reserve your spot on the iAttended app (undergrads only).
  • Lenten Scripture Reading Guide
    • This daily Scripture reading guide will be available on the SpiL webpage from Feb. 16 to April 4.
  • Life Groups
    • These seven-week Life Groups are available for undergraduates and begin the week after Ash Wednesday and conclude the week after Easter. We are offering digital groups and hybrid groups. Click here to learn more.
  • Holy Week opportunities

Questions or want to meet with a university pastor? Contact the Office of Spiritual Life ( or 503-554-2320). May the Lord bless you!