Sign up for a discounted massage from physical therapy students

Monday, April 5th, 2021

Do you have stress, aches and pains, or just want to feel relaxed? Come by to get a massage from a doctor of physical therapy student and receive free stress management advice!

Our mission is to improve our community’s health by offering discounted massages to students ($15) and employees ($20). We are offering 25-minute massages next Monday, April 12, from 3 to 6:30 p.m. in Roberts Center 204.

We will be taking all the current precautions related to the delivery of healthcare during COVID-19.

All proceeds will help fund our medical service trip to Uganda. Donations are also welcome. You can register here.

Questions? Contact Maryssa Becker (

Survey: BSW Program

Monday, April 5th, 2021

Hello! My name is Ashley, and I am a senior social work major. I am putting together a report on the effectiveness of the social work program and have some questions for BSW students about Competency 10.

Please fill out this short survey about Competency 10 and the BSW Program to help me with my research. Thank you!

Questions? Contact Ashley Martin (

Disclaimer: These surveys are student generated and are not to be associated with any official research conducted by faculty and staff at George Fox University. Any views or opinions presented in these surveys are solely those of the students and do not represent those of George Fox University. The distribution of these surveys is a service provided to George Fox University students as they prepare their research required by the curriculum. Students are required to have department approval. Any questions about these surveys should be directed to the students associated with the survey in question.

Plan to attend theatre’s ‘Parables’ this week, live or virtually

Sunday, April 4th, 2021

The university’s theatre department invites the George Fox community to its spring drama, Parables: A Theatrical Installation, to be presented live on campus April 8-11 and April 15-18, and both live and virtually April 15-18.

Live performances are free (donations accepted) and are scheduled at 7:30 and 9 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, April 8-10 and April 15-17, and on both Sundays at 7:30 p.m. only. We will meet at the amphitheater on campus to begin the live shows.

Please be aware that live shows are available only to on-campus students and employees. If you are interested in picking up a ticket for a live show, contact Kathy Harris ( in the theatre department.

The virtual performances will be presented at 7:30 p.m. each night between April 15 and 18. You may pick up your free tickets at this link.

SynopsisParables is a traveling theatrical installation that promises to be a unique experience for performers and audience members alike. Director Cristi Miles and an ensemble of theatre students will devise a theatrical experience based on well-known (and not so well-known) parables, fables, allegories and the international bestselling book, The Alchemist, by Paulo Coehlo, for site-specific performances around our beautiful campus.

To learn more, visit the theatre’s Current Season page. Questions? Contact Kathy Harris (

Looking for an exciting, new experience next year? Student Activities is hiring!

Sunday, April 4th, 2021

Working for Student Activities is perfect for anyone needing a low-commitment, high-energy job where you can gain and refine skills for the workplace while having a blast.

Anyone is welcome to apply! Learn more about the open positions and fill out the quick application, which is due tonight (Sunday) at 5 p.m., here.

Contact Student Activities ( with any questions.

Plan to participate in regional accreditation visit tomorrow and Wednesday

Sunday, April 4th, 2021

Tomorrow and Wednesday, April 6-7, are the dates for the university’s evaluation visit from the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.

Each of our campus communities is invited to an open forum to share George Fox experiences with the evaluation team. They will have questions and a time for your comments. The forums are on Zoom; following are details on your time and link.

Students: Wednesday, April 7, 11 a.m., at this Zoom link or by phone at 253-215-8782, Meeting ID: 82819368401 (this meeting has a waiting room enabled).

For more information, please contact Linda Samek, accreditation liaison officer, at

Have Achilles tendon pain? Check out DPT research study

Sunday, April 4th, 2021

Are you experiencing Achilles tendon pain? Have you ever been diagnosed with Achilles tendinopathy and still having trouble? If so, you may qualify to participate in the Achilles Tendon Research study conducted by the doctor of physical therapy department.

Research will be conducted on Wednesday April 14, from 5 to 7 p.m. in Roberts Center’s Room 202.

Please email for more information and sign-up details.

Register to learn more about healthcare careers at Providence this week

Sunday, April 4th, 2021

Go on a virtual career trek to Providence, one of the largest healthcare providers in the region, this Thursday, April 8, from 11 a.m. to noon. Come learn about clinical and non-clinical jobs in one of the fastest-growing industries!

This is perfect for most majors and for both grad and undergrad students. In addition to nursing and social work, there are a lot of behind-the-scenes positions that are needed to make a large organization like this be successful.

What to expect? A company overview, panel with employees from various departments, discussion about any internships and entry-level job opportunities, plus plenty of time for Q&A. Click here to register. 

Questions? Contact Colleen Sump (

Survey: First-Generation Students

Sunday, April 4th, 2021

Are you a first-generation college student? The IRC wants to know more about you and how to best support you in your college career!

Please fill out this survey so we can get to know you better! All responses submitted by Thursday, April 8, will come with a free “First-Gen” T-shirt.

Thank you!

Questions? Contact Victoria Prieto (

How to enroll in classes from your shopping cart

Sunday, April 4th, 2021

When your enrollment time opens, log into MyGeorgeFox.

  • Click “Manage Classes”
  • Click “Shopping Cart” on the left menu
  • Select “2021 Fall Term”
  • Check all of the boxes on the left of the classes you want to enroll in
  • An “enroll” button will appear in the top right corner
    • When your enrollment time opens, click it
  • Follow the prompts to complete your enrollment
  • Don’t forget to go back to your “Shopping Cart” on the left menu again to enroll for the “2022 Spring Term”

To find your enrollment time, log into MyGeorgeFox.

  • Click “Manage Classes”
  • On the left menu, click “Open Enrollment Dates”
  • Select “2021 Fall Term”
  • Your enrollment time will be stated under “Appointment Begins”
    • The rest of the information on the page can be ignored
    • The important part is the date and time listed under the “Appointment Begins;” this is the time that you will be able to enroll in your classes for the 2021 Fall Term and 2022 Spring Term

Questions? Contact the registrar’s office (

Sign up to volunteer for skin screening session this week

Sunday, April 4th, 2021

The School of Physical Therapy is looking for volunteers for a screening session on the skin this Wednesday, April 7, from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. in the Roberts Center.

Second-year physical therapy students, along with a medical doctor, will review your skin, checking for normal changes and any possible abnormalities. 

If you would like to volunteer, please contact Samantha Skaggs ( or 503-554-2451).  We look forward to hearing from you!

Hadlock closed today for Easter Sunday

Saturday, April 3rd, 2021

The Hadlock Student Center will be closed today (Sunday) for Easter.

Questions? Contact AJ Heil (

Interested in volunteering with Game Night Club next year?

Friday, April 2nd, 2021

Just a friendly reminder that Game Night Club will be meeting tonight (Saturday) at 7 p.m. in Hoover 102. We hope you can join us for some Jackbox, Super Smash Bros, and other games!

We’d also like to announce that Gabe Messing will be the club president for the 2021-22 school year! However, Gabe can’t do it alone, and we still need a vice president and treasurer to help run the club. These positions do not take a lot of time out of your week, so please consider volunteering for next year! 

Questions or interested in volunteering? Contact Sadie Lapiers (

Try to catch the Easter Bunny on the quad today

Friday, April 2nd, 2021

Sign up here to join today’s Easter Egg Hunt around campus to find as many Easter eggs as you can. We’ll get started at 10 a.m.!

Prizes will be hidden inside all of them, whether it’s candy, stickers, or raffle tickets. You can also get a raffle ticket if you manage to snap a selfie with the Easter Bunny!

At noon we will hold an Easter Egg basket competition and judge in the following three categories: most creative basket, most festive basket, and most outlandish/funny basket.

Afterwards we’ll hold a raffle where you can win cool prizes and gift cards! Contact Student Activities ( with any questions.

Sign to help Sources of Strength become an official club

Friday, April 2nd, 2021

Sources of Strength is currently trying to become an official club on campus, and we need your help!

We would like to ask you to take 30 seconds to fill out this form. It says that you acknowledge that Sources of Strength would be beneficial to the community here at George Fox.

Sources of Strength is an upstream suicide prevention program. We help to educate students on eight aspects of health so that they may live a healthier life. We want students to feel that they have a support system during moments of crisis.

We appreciate you all for helping us better serve the students at Fox! Questions? Contact Grace Emhoff (

Check out ARC’s latest newsletter

Friday, April 2nd, 2021

Check out the ARC’s week 12 newsletter! This week we’re highlighting a tip about overcoming writer’s block, and a handout that will help you create a stellar thesis!

If you would like to make a writing appointment this week, please email or go to to access our appointment page.

Have fun making T-shirts, laser engravings in Maker Hub Friday night

Friday, April 2nd, 2021

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) invites all George Fox undergrad students to a fun evening of creativity in the Maker Hub!

On Friday, April 9, from 7 to 9 p.m., join us to design and create T-shirts and laser engravings. We will have limited free T-shirts and laser engraving materials on a first-come, first-served basis.

Snacks and drinks will be provided, and we will be playing a movie! Please fill out this form to sign up. Questions? Contact Elizabeth Wilson (

Survey: Resilience Builders mentorship program

Friday, April 2nd, 2021

We in the Resilience Builders psychology class are working on creating a mentorship program for incoming freshmen. We would love your input! Please fill out this survey!

By filling out this survey you are not committing to anything, just giving us more information! Thank you for helping us with this project!

Questions? Contact Grace Emhof (

Disclaimer: These surveys are student generated and are not to be associated with any official research conducted by faculty and staff at George Fox University. Any views or opinions presented in these surveys are solely those of the students and do not represent those of George Fox University. The distribution of these surveys is a service provided to George Fox University students as they prepare their research required by the curriculum. Students are required to have department approval. Any questions about these surveys should be directed to the students associated with the survey in question.

Freshmen and seniors: Be sure to fill out NSSE survey

Friday, April 2nd, 2021

Freshmen and seniors recently received an email invitation to participate in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE).

This important survey helps George Fox to better understand your college experience in areas such as:

  • Academic challenge
  • Learning with peers
  • Experiences with faculty
  • Campus environment
  • Spiritual climate

George Fox administrators rely on the results in identifying where to make changes. This is a great opportunity to share what’s great about attending George Fox, and what’s not so great.

Questions? Contact Rob Bohall at 503-554-2416.

Apply for internship with spiritual life office

Thursday, April 1st, 2021

The Office for Spiritual Life is excited to offer internships for the 2021-22 school year. There are several positions available for the Campus Ministry Internship and the Vespers Band Leader Internship.

These positions are now open on Handshake and will be open through Friday, April 9. If you have any questions, please contact us at or call 503-554-2320.

Student spouses allowed to purchase membership for Hadlock Student Center

Thursday, April 1st, 2021

Married undergraduate and graduate students that meet the eligibility requirements for the Hadlock Student Center can purchase a membership for their spouse at the beginning of each academic term (fall, spring, and summer) for $75.

A marriage license or other official document must be provided at the time of purchase. This policy does not apply to engaged students. Memberships are not usually prorated if purchased later in the academic term. For the month of April, memberships are prorated to $20 for the month.

Starting Saturday, May 1, the summer membership would apply. A spouse membership allows for participation in most programs and services, including intramural sports, group fitness classes, outdoor equipment rental center, climbing wall programs and services, fitness facilities, outdoor recreation trips and activities, and other workshops.

In order to set up a time to purchase a membership, please email AJ Heil (