Attend today’s open house to celebrate music professor Kenn Willson

Wednesday, April 28th, 2021

Join us today (Thursday) for an open house to honor professor Kenn Willson from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Alumni Plaza (or in the Bauman lobby/porch if the weather is poor).

We will honor Kenn with an emeritus presentation at 3:45 p.m. Please bring a card or letter with your well wishes for him.

Questions? Contact Kathy Harris (

Student life office announces winners of Student Care Survey incentives

Wednesday, April 28th, 2021

Congratulations to Adam Mower, winner of the Apple AirPod in the student life office’s Student Care Survey contest.

Congrats also go to $25 Amazon gift card winners Ethan Whitted, Erick Torres, Caleb Giesbrecht and Haley Yoshioka.

Thank you to everyone who responded to this important survey!

CampusClear winners announced

Wednesday, April 28th, 2021

The COVID Response Team is pleased to announce the winners of the CampusClear app check-in competition.   

Gabe Haberly is the employee recipient and will receive a $50 gift card to Red Hills Market in Dundee. Katie Bova is the student recipient of the Apple AirPod.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this program!

Commuter assistant applications are open

Tuesday, April 27th, 2021

Commuter life is hiring a handful of commuter assistants to help in being a resource for off-campus residents and develop strategies to increase the sense of belonging for those who live off campus.

A job description can be found here. This link is for the CA application form; this link is the CA reference form. If interested, please fill out these forms.

Questions? Contact David Johnstone at

Call for Richter Scholars’ program proposals will be made in early fall

Tuesday, April 27th, 2021

We will put out a call for Richter Scholars’ proposals in early fall for summer 2022 research projects. Students, you may want to talk to a faculty mentor before the semester ends so you can beginning planning. Faculty, you may also want to connect with a potential research student before the semester ends or over the summer.

The Richter Scholars program at George Fox distributes funds to support student research activities that are devised, initiated and carried out by individual student researchers, with mentorship, guidance and expertise provided by a faculty mentor.

The purpose of these funds is to support educational research opportunities that encourage the practices of independent thought, leading to independent achievement and personal responsibility.

For the purpose of this program, research is defined as a knowledge-generating activity that is designed to provide new information on a topic, tool, or process, and that proceeds according to established and accepted research methods.

For more information, contact Vetta Berokoff at

Be on the lookout for suspicious individual; learn safety tips

Tuesday, April 27th, 2021

A suspicious person was seen on campus last night and was intercepted by police. He is described as a 5-foot-6 white or Hispanic male, medium build, bald, and has a thin beard and mustache. He has tattoos on both arms. He was seen wearing blue jeans and a steel-blue jacket.

If you see this person on campus, please call Campus Public Safety immediately at 503-554-2090.

As a safety reminder, we encourage you to program Campus Public Safety’s phone number into your cell phone so that it is available in case you need it. We are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 503-554-2090.

The following are some of the reasons why you may want to give us a call:

  • If you feel unsafe: Safety escorts are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, and can escort you to your destination.
  • In case of an emergency: First, call 911, and then call Campus Public Safety; we can coordinate with emergency first responders to help direct them to your location.
  • If you need roadside assistance: We are happy to assist in unlocking your car or giving you a jump start if your battery is dead.
  • If you’re locked out of your room: Campus policy requires that you first try calling a RA from your living area. If you are unable to reach an RA, then you are welcome to call CPS and we will make our best effort to respond as soon as we are available.
  • To report a crime or accident: If you need to report a crime or accident, we can connect you to the proper George Fox department or off-campus agency to complete and file a report.

A victim of a crime is never at fault and should not be blamed for his or her actions. For those who would like to know what precautions they can take in order to reduce the risk of victimization, we offer the following tips:

  • Let someone know where you are going, your expected travel time, and how long you plan on being in that location.
  • If you are running or walking in the evening, wear bright or reflective clothing to make yourself more visible to drivers and to help someone spot you faster in case of an emergency.
  • Also, if you are running or walking in the evening, go with someone or a group of people you trust. (If you choose this option, be sure to wear the appropriate face coverings.) Stay in well-lit, highly visible areas. Stay in familiar areas and avoid shortcuts.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and walk with purpose. Distractions like using your cell phone while walking can make you particularly vulnerable.
  • In regards to electronics, be sure that your phone is charged before traveling. Wear only one earbud while you walk and keep your volume low.
  • Do not leave valuable items in your car in an open view.
  •  Park in well-lit areas where it will be safe for you to return to at night. Take note of where you park so that you can easily locate your car again.

Questions? Call Campus Public Safety at 503-554-2090 or email us at CPS officers are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Interested in grant writing? Join workshop on May 12

Tuesday, April 27th, 2021

Interested in grant writing or grant management that supports George Fox University? The university’s advancement office invites you to join us for our annual George Fox grant training session on Wednesday, May 12.

Join either our novice or master grant training tracks. Learn more about new grant registration and approval processes, hear from funded grant leaders, and get answers to timely questions.

Please submit this quick survey by Monday, May 10, to RSVP for one of the limited seats. Unable to attend on May 12? Don’t worry: Complete the survey on the above link to indicate your preference for future grant training invitations.

We value your input, and thank you for your help!

– The Advancement Office

Watch art professor candidate’s presentation over Zoom tomorrow

Tuesday, April 27th, 2021

Chris Clark, an art professor candidate and award-winning advertising copywriter, designer and faculty member, will present a research presentation on his professional creative practice via Zoom tomorrow (Thursday) at 11 a.m. The campus community is invited to attend.

A graduate of Point Loma University (BA, 1998) and The Academy of Art University in San Francisco (MFA, 2013), he has been the principal and owner of Clark Creative Services since 1997. Clark specializes in art direction and graphic design, as well as copywriting for advertising applications.

Questions? Contact Adina McConaughey at

Swing by IRC today to say goodbye to Jenny Elsey

Tuesday, April 27th, 2021

With mixed emotions, the student life department invites you to a celebration and farewell of our beloved Jenny Elsey.

Please come to an open house today (Wednesday) from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Intercultural Resource Center on East Sheridan Street.

You are welcome to bring a card, but we will have some artistic options for people to participate in to share their care for Jenny.

Please contact Jere Witherspoon ( in student life if you have any questions.

Get $10 gift card for participating in research project over Zoom

Tuesday, April 27th, 2021

Want to quickly earn a $10 gift card? You’re invited to participate in two short assessments over Zoom that will each take 20 to 30 minutes.

Click here to sign up. Questions? Contact B. Cameron Stumpf (

Disclaimer: These surveys are student generated and are not to be associated with any official research conducted by faculty and staff at George Fox University. Any views or opinions presented in these surveys are solely those of the students and do not represent those of George Fox University. The distribution of these surveys is a service provided to George Fox University students as they prepare their research required by the curriculum. Students are required to have department approval. Any questions about these surveys should be directed to the students associated with the survey in question.

Bring clothing and food donations to the Bruin Store

Tuesday, April 27th, 2021

As you’re preparing to move out for the summer, bring your non-perishable food items and clean clothing to the Bruin Store!

We are a drop-off location for the Bruin Community Pantry and the Closet Project. The Closet Project is an initiative started by the Bruin Store to bring affordable semi-professional clothing to students and community members.

The initiative is 100% donation-based, every item is sold for $1, and every dollar is donated back to the Bruin Community Pantry. As you and your classmates have gotten involved, we have been able to stock not only semi-professional clothing, but athletic, casual, and outerwear as well.

If you have items that fit within these categories, please bring them by the Bruin Store during business hours. Any donated items which are outside of these categories will be given to a representative from Newberg High School, who donates them to students and families in need.

Questions? Contact Paige Jacobs (

Be sure to return Good Neighborhood permits by Friday

Tuesday, April 27th, 2021

As a reminder, commuter students who have been issued Good Neighborhood parking permits must return them before the end of the school year in order to avoid receiving a $25 charge.

Please bring your Good Neighborhood permit to the Campus Public Safety office before the end of the day on Friday, April 30.

Questions? Call our office at 503-554-2090 or email Elrike Shaw at

Fill out swing dance survey

Monday, April 26th, 2021

With COVID-19 vaccines becoming readily available, we expect there will be enough flexibility by next semester to begin hosting Swing Dance Club meetings again.

In anticipation of this, new officers have been elected, including Mark Berglin as president, Abigail Reeves as vice president, Emma Ness as treasurer, and several others as dance instructors.

To gauge interest, we created a survey. If you would like to join us in this fun activity, fill out this form.

Note: Filling out the form is not a commitment in any way. It’s purpose is to see how many people may wish to participate, assuming we get permission to meet from the university.

Thank you for your help! Questions? Contact Mark Berglin (

Check out current exhibits on campus

Monday, April 26th, 2021

The university’s museum currently has a number of exhibits on the Newberg campus.

  • In Canyon Commons, there is “Congratulations Graduates!,” which details the events surrounding graduation in the early 1900s and early 2000s.
  • In the library, there is “Mary Sutton’s Legacy.” Mary was a faculty member from 1911 to 1963. 
  • In the Hoover Kershner Library (Hoover 104), the exhibit is “Levi Pennington: Committed Christian, College President, Humanitarian.” Levi was president of George Fox from 1911 to 1941 and remains Oregon’s longest-serving college president.
  • In Pennington House, there is “Welcome to the Pennington’s,” which highlights Levi and Rebecca Pennington’s family life.
  • In the Stevens Center, there is “Votes for Women” highlighting some of the roles that women have had at the university, along with “Alan D. Rutherford (1906-1979),” who was the college’s first Black graduate. 

If you have any questions about the exhibits or would like to access any of the museum collections, please contact Caitlin Corning at ext. 2673 or

As you prepare to move out, consider donating to Phase II

Monday, April 26th, 2021

At the end of every school year many students have good, reusable items that they do not want to take home over the summer. These items often include blankets, clothing, kitchen supplies, small appliances, radios, room decorations, small furniture, etc.

In an effort to keep the dumpsters from overflowing and to be better stewards of the resources, Phase II was initiated. We are happy to receive reusable items that students do not want to take home now through Sunday, May 2, at 4 p.m.

The items donated are sorted and made available to summer students and staff, with the remainder of the items being given to different organizations in the local area.

Collection locations will only be available in the following dorm lobbies: Newlin, Le Shana, Brandt, Gulley, Edwards, Pennington, Hobson, Macy, Sutton, and Beebe.

There will also be a drop-off location at Plant Services in or near the receiving bay located to the left of the main entrance during normal business hours.

Please consider the following as you think about donating to Phase II:

  • Place donated items in bags inside the barrels labeled “Phase II”
  • Do not place trash inside barrels labeled “Phase II”
  • Do not donate undergarments, socks, or soiled items
  • Do not donate large furniture or appliances
  • Do not place food in the barrels
  • Do not place chemicals in the barrels
  • Computers, monitors, and TVs can be placed beside the Phase II barrels. Please leave a note if it is broken.

There will also be large dumpsters for trash located on campus. One will be located near Macy, one between Brandt and Gully, and one behind Klages.

Plan to move your car before graduation

Monday, April 26th, 2021

Students who are moving out of Pennington, Edwards, and Weesner Village must vacate their parking spots by 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 1.

The drive-through commencement will be going directly through those areas all day until 7 p.m. on Saturday night. Those who have not vacated those parking areas might be trapped until commencement is over.

Questions? Call the Campus Public Safety office at 503-554-2090 or email Elrike Shaw at

Take clubs survey for chance to win gift card

Monday, April 26th, 2021

Were you involved with club activities this year? Maybe you always meant to get around to it? Or maybe you didn’t know clubs existed?

Whatever your experience was, we want to hear from you! Five lucky survey participants will win a $10 coffee gift card!
Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey.

Questions? Contact the clubs director, Genevieve Wolf, at

Internship opportunities with spiritual life for 2021-22 academic year

Monday, April 26th, 2021

The Office for Spiritual Life is excited to offer internships for the 2021-22 school year. We are hiring for Campus Ministry Interns, Vespers Band Leaders, and a Media and Marketing Intern.

These positions are now open on Handshake and will be open through May 31, 2021. If you have any questions, please contact us at or call 503-554-2320.

Learn more about human factors behind common email scams

Monday, April 26th, 2021

Have you ever received a suspicious-looking email purporting to be from someone you know, or one urging you to take immediate action, or share personal information? If so, you may be interested in learning more about email scams, including email “phishing,” the most common form of email scam.

Join us on Thursday, April 29, at 3 p.m. to hear Janelle Banister, a senior computer science major in the cyber security concentration, present on her research into the human factors behind common email scams.

While the actual mechanisms bad actors use to carry out email scams are technical in nature, this talk is intended for a non-technical audience, and all members of the campus community are invited to attend.

After the presentation, there will be time for questions and discussion; this is a great opportunity to learn more about how to recognize various email scams and protect yourself from being taken advantage of, no matter your degree of technical expertise.

Janelle will be presenting in person in EHS 119, and up to 10 people may attend in person. The presentation and following Q & A session will also be live-streamed via Zoom (passcode: 810674)

Contact Brian Snider ( with any questions, or to RSVP for in-person attendance.

Reminder to stop by campus lost and found before the semester ends

Monday, April 26th, 2021

Have you lost a pair of glasses, earbuds or a water bottle? Are you missing keys? Your lost items may be in our lost and found at the Campus Public Safety office.

Please stop by to claim your items that have been turned in. If items remain unclaimed by Friday, April 30, they may be donated.

Questions? Call Campus Public Safety (503-554-2090) or email Elrike Shaw (