Help yourself to some free books in Minthorn

Monday, December 12th, 2022

Looking for a good book to read over break, but trying to save money? We’ve got just the thing for you!

Make your way over to Minthorn, follow the fabulous carpet up to the third-floor hallway, and take your pick from our shelves of free books and journals. Your next favorite might be waiting for you!

Books have been lovingly donated by the esteemed faculty of the Department of Language & Literature and other thought leaders in our Minthorn midst. Happy break, and happy reading!

Contact Sarah Taylor at with any questions.

Happy Birthday from the Office of the Provost

Monday, December 12th, 2022

The Office of the Provost would like to wish you a very Happy Birthday!

If your birthday falls in December, we would like to celebrate you! Please stop by the academic affairs office on Thursday, Dec. 15, or Friday, Dec. 16, between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. for a sweet treat and a surprise! (Allergen-free options are available). We’re located on the second floor of Hoover, suite 230.

Portland Center employees may pick up their birthday treats at the front desk. Contact Laurie Fair at with any questions.

Take note of some Accounts Payable holiday deadlines

Monday, December 12th, 2022

In preparation for Christmas and the university’s holiday break closure, Accounts Payable will be processing the check run on Wednesday, Dec. 21. Please take note of the following deadlines:

  • All payment requests received by Friday, Dec. 16, by 5 p.m. will be included in the Dec. 21 check run.
  • All other requests received after Dec. 16 will be included in our regularly scheduled check run on Jan. 5.

Questions? Please contact Accounts Payable at Merry Christmas!

Plant Services closed this Thursday

Monday, December 12th, 2022

Plant Services will be closed from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. this Thursday, Dec. 15, for our monthly work day.

Volunteer to be a Life Group leader this spring

Monday, December 12th, 2022

The Office for Spiritual Life is looking for Life Group leaders for its spring 2023 Life Groups series (the weeks of Jan. 30 through March 13). Life Groups are small groups of undergraduate students who meet together for prayer, Bible study and fellowship. Groups meet weekly for 60 to 90 minutes.

This spring, our groups will be either in person or completely via Zoom (this provides access for our George Fox Digital students). Life Groups led by a George Fox staff or faculty member will be SpiL-credit eligible in order to encourage students to engage in high-quality spiritual formation experiences that are participatory and offer ongoing community.

We welcome our employees, current seniors, alumni, family members of George Fox employees and students, and members of our wonderful local churches to consider leading a group.

To sign up, please fill out this form by Monday, Jan. 2.

For more information and to sign up, visit this webpage or contact the Office for Spiritual Life at

Leaving your car on campus over break? Here’s what you need to do

Monday, December 12th, 2022

If you plan to leave your vehicle on campus over the Christmas break, please do the following:

  • Fill out this “Vehicles Left on Campus Policy” form
  • Remove any personal belongings from vehicle.
  • Park in a lot designated by Campus Public Safety personnel.
  • Leave a key at the CPS office located at 212 Carlton Way.

The policy agreement form can be filled out at the Campus Public Safety office or online at the above link.

Questions? Contact Karen Toohey at, in the CPS office at 503-554-2091, or stop by 212 Carlton Way.

Encourage your students to make ARC appointments ASAP

Sunday, December 11th, 2022

Are you requiring students to go to the Academic Resource Center (ARC) before the end of the semester? Do you have students who would benefit from an ARC appointment for writing, study tips, or general academic support?

Please encourage these students to schedule now. Appointments fill up fast this time of year, so students need to schedule today.

Questions? Contact Hannah Jackson at or visit our website.

Please approve student timesheets by Jan. 1

Sunday, December 11th, 2022

If you supervise any student employees this semester, please be mindful to approve their timesheets by Jan. 1.

Students have been reminded that they need to lock their timesheet on their last day of work, rather than the last day of the month, in hopes to mitigate any errors that may come up from them forgetting to lock their timesheet in the midst of the holidays.

Please email Kelly Peterson at with any questions.

‘Joy and Mindful Eating’ webinar available on Dec. 14

Sunday, December 11th, 2022

Sometimes we eat because we are hungry, and our bodies need a boost in energy. Other times we may find ourselves eating because we need comfort or even eating out of boredom.

Our relationships with food can change over time and from meal to meal. It can be helpful to pause for a moment so that we can really appreciate what is on our plate and think about our relationship with the next meal.

A registered dietitian with Providence, Jamie, will talk about the multitude of food relationships we may have and how we can use mindful eating to encourage healthy habits. The webinar takes place on Wednesday, Dec. 14, from noon to 12:30 p.m. Click here to register for the webinar.

George Fox recommends Hillsboro Airporter shuttle service

Sunday, December 11th, 2022

George Fox University recommends the Hillboro Airporter for transportation to Portland and PDX. The company works to group people together to reduce the cost.

Work directly with the company to arrange your trip here. 

Make note of some Accounts Payable holiday deadlines

Thursday, December 8th, 2022

In preparation for Christmas and the university’s holiday break closure, Accounts Payable will be processing the check run on Wednesday, Dec. 21. Please take note of the following deadlines:

  • All payment requests received by Friday, Dec. 16, by 5 p.m. will be included in the Dec. 21 check run.
  • All other requests received after Dec. 16 will be included in our regularly scheduled check run on Jan. 5.

Questions? Please contact Accounts Payable at Merry Christmas!

Spiritual life office is collecting clothing, gift cards for children, families and unsheltered neighbors

Thursday, December 8th, 2022

Every December, the Office for Spiritual Life looks to enlist the generosity of our campus to serve our neighbors through offering donated gift cards and warm clothing, both for the families of Newberg school children as well as folks living unsheltered during the upcoming holiday break.

A good percentage of students in the Newberg School District participate in the free lunch program, and many experience other insecurities around food, shelter and other important necessities. Over the holiday break, many of these families will have difficulty getting what they need.

In response, we collect gift cards (to local grocery stores, restaurants, gas stations) to aid these families during the break. Please direct gift cards and/or donations to the Office for Spiritual Life by Friday, Dec. 16.

There will also be donation bins around campus for collecting warming items (jackets, gloves, hats, pants, socks, blankets, and umbrellas) that would be helpful to the work of Saturday Samaritans, an organization in Portland regularly offering compassion, kindness, human connection, nutritious food, clothing, blankets and other items to strengthen the bodies, minds and souls of our neighbors living outside without shelter.

Contact with any questions.

Please make our Friday @ Fox visitors feel welcome today

Thursday, December 8th, 2022

Today marks our final Friday @ Fox visit day of the semester. Prospective students will participate in a campus tour, visit classes, eat lunch on campus, and tour academic departments of interest.

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions is asking students and employees to help make visitors feel the Be Known promise during their time on campus tomorrow.

A couple of things to note:

  • Please plan to park in areas outside of the Stevens lot if possible to ensure enough spaces for visitors.
  • There will be tours rotating through campus and residence areas at 9 a.m., 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.

Contact Miranda Davidson at with any questions.

Come swing dance tomorrow night in the FoxHole

Thursday, December 8th, 2022

Join the Swing Dance Club tomorrow (Saturday) from 6:30 to. 9 p.m. in the FoxHole! No prior experience is necessary. All students are welcome; faculty are welcome if you bring a partner.

The teaching is going to be a bit different this week, as all the officers will have a chance to teach their favorite move. Join us at 6:30 p.m. for a basic lesson. We will go over other moves periodically throughout the rest of the evening.

If you have any questions, reach out to the club’s president, Jula Fisher, at

Come ‘Protect the President’ with the Fencing Club this afternoon

Thursday, December 8th, 2022

Join the Fencing Club today (Friday) from 4 to 5 p.m. in Hadlock’s large fitness studio. No prior experience is necessary, and all students and faculty are welcome!

We will be teaching dagger combat and foil sparring. Our game of the day is “Protect the President.”

If you have any questions, reach out to the club’s vice president, Shianna, at

Take a microbreak at the Murdock Library today at noon

Thursday, December 8th, 2022

It’s that time of year when we are all glued to our desks, studying for finals, wrapping up projects, and powering through grading. The Library and the Academic Resource Center (ARC) invite you to join us in taking a brief break to stretch and have some fun!

Join us in the Murdock Library today (Friday) and follow along as we take you through 10 stretches (that you can do without leaving your desk), all set to catchy tunes. We’ll meet at noon.

Can’t join us in person? Check out the stretches at this link and the music track here.

Contact Kate Wimer at for more information.

Support student-created pregnancy resource website

Thursday, December 8th, 2022

A group of business communication students created a website that directs pregnant or parenting individuals to the resources available to them. These resources include counseling, free nurse consultations, parenting classes, and more.

Please support the website by checking it out here or referring it to a friend. Thank you!

Contact Avery Kibby at if you have any questions about the project.

Volunteer to be a Life Group leader this spring

Thursday, December 8th, 2022

The Office for Spiritual Life is looking for Life Group leaders for its spring 2023 Life Groups series (the weeks of Jan. 30 through March 13). Life Groups are small groups of undergraduate students who meet together for prayer, Bible study and fellowship. Groups meet weekly for 60 to 90 minutes.

This spring, our groups will be either in person or completely via Zoom (this provides access for our George Fox Digital students). Life Groups led by a George Fox staff or faculty member will be SpiL-credit eligible in order to encourage students to engage in high-quality spiritual formation experiences that are participatory and offer ongoing community.

We welcome our employees, current seniors, alumni, family members of George Fox employees and students, and members of our wonderful local churches to consider leading a group.

To sign up, please fill out this form by Monday, Jan. 2.

For more information and to sign up, visit this webpage or contact the Office for Spiritual Life at

Plan to attend all-employee meeting on Dec. 15

Wednesday, December 7th, 2022

Mark your calendars and plan to join us for our final all-employee meeting of the semester next Thursday, Dec. 15, at 3 p.m. You are welcome to participate in Canyon Commons or on Zoom.

Refreshments will include hot apple cider and spinach artichoke dip served with pita chips and assorted veggies.

All faculty: Complete a brief survey about two student support systems

Wednesday, December 7th, 2022

All undergraduate, graduate, and GFC faculty (permanent, visiting and adjunct) are asked to respond to this brief survey by Monday, Dec. 12. The survey has three items about the AIM Faculty Portal (used by Disability & Accessibility Services) and three items about Fox360 alerts.

This survey was sent via the faculty email lists, resulting in 49 responses. If you already responded, please do not complete the survey again. Your feedback is valuable as the DAS team pursues continuous improvement to better serve our students and their educational experiences.

Contact Rick Muthiah ( if you have questions or feedback about either of these systems.