Swing by today’s Ministry Expo in EHS Atrium

Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

Come join us for our annual “Kingdom Come Week” as we host the university’s Ministry Expo today (Thursday) from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the EHS Atrium. You can enter for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card!

We’ll be hosting individuals who are doing incredible work for God’s kingdom, both around the world and right here at home. They are involved in countless professions, ranging from aviation to education, and are eager to meet with our students! This will be a fantastic opportunity to network with people in the field and to land an internship or service opportunity for the summer (or even just to ask questions and hear some cool stories).

Feel free to stop by any time between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. and bring your friends. A raffle will be held for those who attend. You won’t want to miss it!

Organizations that will be in attendance include (but are not limited to):

  • Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)
  • Frontiers USA
  • Mission Year
  • Show Mercy International
  • Open Arms International
  • ISI Campus Ministries
  • InterAct Ministries
  • One Challenge International
  • Wycliffe Bible Translators
  • Josiah Venture
  • Lahash International
  • Every Child
  • Love Inc, Newberg
  • Home PDX

Questions? Contact Shea Krevi (skrevi15@georgefox.edu).

Be sure to support nursing team’s trip to Kenya; buy raffle tickets

Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

The nursing serve trip team going to Kenya in June of 2018 is hosting fundraisers during six home basketball games! During the women’s and men’s games we will be selling Krispy Kreme donuts and raffle tickets, announcing at least one winner for the raffle during each game! The winners do not have to be present to win; we just need their contact info.

The prizes are as follows:

  • Three pairs of premium movie tickets to Cinetopia
  • One $25 gift card to Regal Cinemas
  • Two $25 gift cards to American Eagle
  • One $50 gift card to Dutch Bros
  • Two Dutch Bros gift baskets (valued at $25 each)

That’s nine chances to win! Tickets will be sold at $5 for 10 tickets. That’s only 50 cents per ticket! The tickets will be kept in the prize pool until the very last prize is given away.

Contact Hannah Thom (hthom16@georgefox.edu) with any questions.

Know of students who need help with a specific subject?

Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

Know of students who need help with a specific subject or class? Labs and help sessions are available around campus for the following subjects this semester:

  • Math and physics
  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Chemistry (organic & general)
  • GOB (nursing chemistry)
  • Biology (general & foundations)
  • Developmental biology
  • Bible
  • Economics
  • Business statistics

Generalist tutors are also available at Open Study Table, and writing/academic support is available through the ARC. For locations and times, visit this link.

Questions? Contact Maddie Lowen at mlowen@georgefox.edu.

Tickets available for theatre’s winter drama, ‘Tongue of a Bird’

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

The George Fox theatre department opens Ellen McLaughlin’s drama Tongue of a Bird next week. Come join us for this thought-provoking show (note: the production does have mature themes).

Student tickets are free both Thursdays, Jan. 25 and Feb. 1. Bring your student ID to the door. Employees are provided with one complimentary ticket for any of the shows.

The show runs in Wood-Mar Auditorium Jan. 25-27 and Feb. 1-3 at 7:30 p.m., and will also include a 2 p.m. matinee on Sunday, Feb. 4. Reserve your seat online and bring your George Fox ID with you to show at the door. You may also purchase additional tickets online. Tickets are also available for pick-up at the box office in the Bruin Store (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.).

For more information, visit this page. See you at the show!

Come to Thursday’s Ministry Expo and win a $25 Amazon gift card

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

Come join us for our annual “Kingdom Come Week” as we host the university’s Ministry Expo tomorrow (Thursday) from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the EHS Atrium. You can enter for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card!

We’ll be hosting individuals who are doing incredible work for God’s kingdom, both around the world and right here at home. They are involved in countless professions, ranging from aviation to education, and are eager to meet with our students! This will be a fantastic opportunity to network with people in the field and to land an internship or service opportunity for the summer (or even just to ask questions and hear some cool stories).

Feel free to stop by any time between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. and bring your friends. A raffle will be held for those who attend. You won’t want to miss it!

Organizations that will be in attendance include (but are not limited to):

  • Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)
  • Frontiers USA
  • Mission Year
  • Show Mercy International
  • Open Arms International
  • ISI Campus Ministries
  • InterAct Ministries
  • One Challenge International
  • Wycliffe Bible Translators
  • Josiah Venture
  • Lahash International
  • Every Child
  • Love Inc, Newberg
  • Home PDX

Questions? Contact Shea Krevi (skrevi15@georgefox.edu).

All invited to join in Wellness Challenge

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

Join the Staff Development Committee for a month-long Wellness Challenge (Jan. 15 to Feb. 16)! Submit this form with your activities for points by Saturday each week! Check the Wellness Challenge each Monday for new activities to enhance your wellness. Monthly winners will receive a free staff lunch!

Questions? Contact Adina McConaughey (amcconaughey@georgefox.edu).

Complimentary tickets available for the Build, Remodel & Landscape Show

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

We have complimentary tickets available to the 2018 Build, Remodel & Landscape Show coming up Feb. 2-4 at the Oregon Convention Center.

Employees can pick up two tickets each ($12 total value) at the Information Services desk in the Stevens Center. Portland and Salem employees can request tickets by calling the information desk at ext. 0.

We have a limited supply, so please request/pick them up only if you are reasonably certain you will attend.

Volunteer ‘buddies’ needed for Night to Shine

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

Night to Shine is less than a month away (Friday, Feb. 9)! Night to Shine is a prom for those with special needs. The night is complete with a red carpet entrance, limo rides, karaoke, dinner, hair and makeup, shoe shinning, and lots of dancing!

We are still in need of buddies to help our special guests have the ultimate prom experience. If you would like to sign up or have questions, visit this link or email Katlyn Kronschnabl at katlyn@newbergcc.org.

Sign up now for spring break Service & Immersion Trip

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

Do you want to make a positive difference in the world? Many times it is difficult to know how. Learn from and serve alongside organizations and communities who are working toward positive change.

It’s not too late to sign up for a Service & Immersion Trip over spring break (March 24-31). Opportunities include:

  • Urban Impact – Seattle
  • Flying H Ranch – Yakima, Washington
  • Camp Attitude – Foster, Oregon
  • Mending Wings – Yakama Indian Reservation, Washington
  • World Relief & Global Immersion Project,- California and Mexico
  • Home PDX – Portland, Oregon

For more information, go to georgefox.edu/spiltrips. Note: All deadlines have been extended through the month of January.

Study in Daniel continues tonight in Vespers

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

We excited to be diving back into Daniel tonight (Wednesday) in Vespers. We will be talking about the first chapter of Daniel; get ready to be enlightened.

We hope to see you at 7 p.m. in Bauman Auditorium for a wonderful time of worship and teaching. Come rest in God’s presence.

Want to share your story?

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

We are looking for individuals who are willing to share their experience with battling depression, anxiety, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, or have lost a loved one to suicide. We, as George Fox film students, are producing a music video for an upcoming project to help communicate a cause that we care deeply about.

The goal of the film is to show others that we are not alone in our struggles, so we are looking for as many stories as possible that we can share. Filming will take place the weekends of Feb. 16-18 and Feb. 23-25, with exact times TBD.

For more information, please contact Gina Dodds at gdodds15@georgefox.edu.

Birthday celebration will be part of Thursday’s all-employee meeting

Monday, January 15th, 2018

This Thursday, Jan. 18, is President Robin Baker’s 60th birthday. It also happens to be the date of our next all-employee meeting, so join us as we get campus updates and celebrate Robin’s big day! We will have birthday cake for all to enjoy.

The meeting is from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in Canyon Commons. It will be live-streamed at the Portland Center in Room 160.

Instant library study room booking now available

Monday, January 15th, 2018

Library study rooms are now available for instant booking! Forget to book a room before the day you need it? Not a problem! Look for an open time slot on the online booking calendar, book the room instantly from your mobile device, and walk right in!

If you are in the library and find an open room, be sure to book it before going in to make sure you can keep it!

Book a study room in three simple steps:

  1. Visit the booking calendar to see today’s confirmed bookings and open time slots. Book Murdock Learning Resource Center rooms here and Portland Center library rooms at this link.
  2. Click the boxes for the room and time slots you want (up to four hours).
  3. Scroll, fill out the form and click “Submit my Booking.”

Room Use Policy and FAQs can be viewed on this page. Questions? Email library@georgefox.edu.

Make plans to attend veterans’ prayer meeting tomorrow

Monday, January 15th, 2018

The Veterans United Association will be meeting for our first bimonthly prayer gathering at 10 a.m. tomorrow (Wednesday). We will be meeting in the side room of the ASC office in the Bruin Den. Please join us as we gather to pray for one another and for our community.

Contact Spencer Caraballo (scaraballo15@georgefox.edu) for more information.

Support nursing team’s trip to Kenya by participating in fundraisers

Monday, January 15th, 2018

The nursing serve trip team going to Kenya in June of 2018 is hosting fundraisers during six home basketball games! During the women’s and men’s games we will be selling Krispy Kreme donuts and raffle tickets, announcing at least one winner for the raffle during each game! The winners do not have to be present to win; we just need their contact info.

The prizes are as follows:

  • Three pairs of premium movie tickets to Cinetopia
  • One $25 gift card to Regal Cinemas
  • Two $25 gift cards to American Eagle
  • One $50 gift card to Dutch Bros
  • Two Dutch Bros gift baskets (valued at $25 each)

That’s nine chances to win! Tickets will be sold at $5 for 10 tickets. That’s only 50 cents per ticket! The tickets will be kept in the prize pool until the very last prize is given away.

Contact Hannah Thom (hthom16@georgefox.edu) with any questions.

All welcome to special Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration tonight

Sunday, January 14th, 2018

All are invited to a special Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., celebration at the Chehalem Cultural Center (415 E. Sheridan St., in Newberg) tonight (Monday) to commemorate Dr. King’s life and legacy. The doors open at 5:30 p.m., with the main program beginning at 6 p.m.

Refreshments and resources will be available following the program. Ines Peña, a Newberg High School graduate and local human rights activist, will give a keynote address on the program theme, “Be the Dream.”

Contact Rick Muthiah (rmuthiah@georgefox.edu) with any questions.

Veterans host prayer gathering on campus Wednesday

Sunday, January 14th, 2018

The Veterans United Association will be meeting for our first bimonthly prayer gathering at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 17. We will be meeting in the side room of the ASC office in the Bruin Den. Please join us as we gather to pray for one another and for our community.

Contact Spencer Caraballo (scaraballo15@georgefox.edu) for more information.

Fitness Center closed today for MLK holiday

Sunday, January 14th, 2018

In honor of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, the Fitness Center will be closed today (Monday, Jan. 15). The center will be open for normal hours tomorrow.

We hope you all had a fabulous winter break!

Homeschool Survey

Sunday, January 14th, 2018

Were you homeschooled in high school? Do you know a student who was? If this post sounds familiar, it is! We are your friendly neighborhood homeschoolers who have completed our focus groups and now need your help with our survey.

My partner and I are submitting a research paper to present at the Northwest Communication Association Conference in April. If you or anyone you know was homeschooled (at least a year) during high school, please help us out.

If you pass this along to other former homeschoolers attending college, you will broaden the scope of our survey results, making them more accurate and applicable to our purpose. Please let us utilize your network. We know there are a lot of fantastic homeschoolers out there who will help us succeed!

Homeschool Survey

This survey should take around 20 minutes, and all responses will be anonymous. The survey will be available for roughly one week, so please participate and share as soon as possible.

Thank you for making our project a success, and may your semester be productive and enjoyable!

– Julianne Robinson (jrobinson16@georgefox.edu)

Homeschool Survey

Saturday, January 13th, 2018

Were you homeschooled in high school? Do you know a student who was? If this post sounds familiar, it is! We are your friendly neighborhood homeschoolers who have completed our focus groups and now need your help with our survey.

My partner and I are submitting a research paper to present at the Northwest Communication Association Conference in April. If you or anyone you know was homeschooled (at least a year) during high school, please help us out.

If you pass this along to other former homeschoolers attending college, you will broaden the scope of our survey results, making them more accurate and applicable to our purpose. Please let us utilize your network. We know there are a lot of fantastic homeschoolers out there who will help us succeed!

Homeschool Survey

This survey should take around 20 minutes, and all responses will be anonymous. The survey will be available for roughly one week, so please participate and share as soon as possible.

Thank you for making our project a success, and may your semester be productive and enjoyable!

– Julianne Robinson (jrobinson16@georgefox.edu)